2nd scene
For the scene involving the band to link in with the lyric "Me and some guys from school" the entire band will be in sixth form dress code.
4th scene
This is the scene where the audience first sees the singer and his then girlfriend during the summer. To reflect this I'd be wearing smart casual, jeans/shorts with a smart casual T-shirt/polo shirt
5th scene
The final scene shows the singer visiting his girlfriend from back then in modern times. This means his costume would be jeans, boots and a leather jacket. All conventions of the rock genre but also it shows the seasons have changed and helps give a better sense of the passage of time
Dani's costume
Dani plays the singer's love interest and so in the first scene when they are a couple she's seen in smart casual clothing that a girl would be want to wear around her boyfriend but still be comfortable. This is a stark contrast to her costume in the final scene because she doesn't realize the singer is there her costume would be very casual everyday clothing
1st scene Jeans boots basic white T-shirt, convention often seen in rock videos particularly Bryan Adams. I'll also be wearing this in the 3rd scene whilst going over a photo album to show 2 different times within the video
the lighting we use in our video is mostly natural light with the exception of the photo album segment where its slightly more low key
This is because to me the word "summer" has connotations of being bright, and this is the feeling I wanted to capture. Equally I wanted to capture the more sombre mood of the photo album segment, which I feel using low key lighting will allow us to do.
The location for the final scene is Dani's house. We felt this was appropriate as it links in with the lyric "Standing on your mama's porch". Also the area outside the house gives us enough space to do what we have planned.
The location used in the "band" scene is the school field. We chose this because having performance based scenes outside is a popular convention of the rock genre and to me it has connotations of summer time and adds to the upbeat feel of the song.
The first location you see in the video is the Pub flat. We chose this because it had the right look and atmosphere as well as it being the biggest and most available location of it's type
The love interest needs to have positive body language and happy, loving facial expressions in the stills and "couple" scene. In the final scene her body language can again be open but her facial expressions I feel should be neutral to start with but either smiling or looking longing when she sees the singer
In terms of specific actors the protagonist of the video (Henry) should also be like the band in that segment and other performance based scenes but their are subtly painful elements to the song, "Think about you wonder what went wrong". To me the lyric has connotations of pain and regret and the singer's expressions and body language need to show this
In the performance scenes the body language and facial expressions of the actors should reflect the happier aspects of the song they need to look like they want to be there
Props we use are conventional to the rock genre such as, Bass guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar and a micro phone. to me they have connotations of performance and rock concerts, which is important as this video is largely performance based
Dani on the other hand will have more than basic make up in her first scene and in the stills to add to the realism as the character is out with her boyfriend and would want to look good. In the final scene she would have basic or no make up as the setting is a regular day for her and the singer just appears briefly
The female performers will vary in the amount of make up. Jenni will be in basic or no make up as she's one of the "guys from school" meaning that we will perform in school uniform to add a sense of realism and therefore she's only allowed the amount of make up school allows
The male performers(Henry, Will and Jordan) will not be wearing any make up as it wouldn't fit the feel of the song and it wouldn't look right
Make up
photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli