people are very good at filtering unwanted noise
NOTCH Content Strategy
- “Rapport” content with beer drinkers and brewers.
- Content specific to Notch and the local beer market.
- Content that elevates Session beer as a category.
- Content related to innovative beer styles, techniques and exceptional craft.
- Content related to responsible consumption of alcohol and appreciation of and elevation of beer as a beverage.
- launched in january, 2010
- 2,000 Twitter followers by September
- taps in 15 of the hottest Boston brew pubs
- requests from NY, ME, NC, CT, FL…
- test run sold out in 4 months
- secured NE regional bottling contract
business was good.
Holland-Mark is a strategic marketing firm focused on helping brands win by becoming imperative to their customers and prospects.
business was really good.
the promise of social marketing
the enabler is worthwhile content
- users are in control
- they talk to and trust each other
- they want something authentic
- they expect to be treated like people
- they want to be listened to
Scalable Intimacy
1. decide who you’re talking to.
2. listen to learn how you can help them.
3. deliver content that does so.
4. build a relationship over time.
5. ask for what you want.
More intimate relationships than are possible through broadcast media, at sufficient scale to impact the enterprise.
people are very good at finding the information they want
they want intimacy.
you need to deliver it as scale.
content strategy
is your web site...
essential function of a content hub
- valuable, objective content
- consistent perspective / point-of-view
- available across open social networks
- dialogue-oriented
- shaped by community participation
- sustained over time
an island
a hub?
[ your web site ]