Competency Assessment in Public Administration Accreditation: Value and Sustainability
Successful Student Assessment
A Closer Look
Thank you!
What has COPRA learned?
Lessons from 3 Cohorts
- Defined Competencies
- Assessment Plan
- Curriculum Mapping
- Direct Measures
- Rubrics
- Impacting the program
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Sustainability
- Engage in Strategic Planning
- Communicate Conformance
- Processes
- Tools
- Involve Stakeholders
- Consider Sustainability
Closing the Feedback Loop
- Defining outcomes
- Gathering evidence
- Analyzing evidence
- Impacting the program
Where are examples on the NASPAA Website?
Direct Measures & Rubrics
Stakeholder Engagement
What works for your program?
How can you engage them?
The NASPAA website houses several sections of peer examples:
- Entire Self-Study Reports
- Logic Models
- Assessment Plans
- Rubrics
- Diversity Plans
As well as COPRA Policy Statements.
Curriculum Mapping
Direct Measure: based on an explicit representation of student work, typically against a rubric
- 1 tool to measure several competencies
- Manageable assessment each semester
- Use the assessment plan timeline
Assessment Plan
- Faculty
- Employers
- Students
- Alumni
- University
- Align with mission
- Define competencies
- Map the curriculum
- Identify measures
- Involve rubrics
- Engage faculty and other stakeholders
- Develop timeline
- Detail analysis procedures
- Impact program
Rubric: objective tool to measure student performance, typically against a continuum
Sample Rubric
Direct and Indirect Measures
Reliability and Validity
Reliability: How consistent are your results?
Validity: Is your tool working? How well does it perform?
- Exit interviews with graduating students
- Focus groups with students, alumni, etc.
- National ratings or rankings
- Student self-assessment
- Student or alumni surveys
- Employer surveys
- Annotated bibliographies
- Assessment center/mock interviews
- Case study analysis
- Completed course assignments
- Comprehensive exams, midterms, finals
- Culminating projects, papers, theses
- Internship reports
- Journals, discussion board posts, blogs
- Policy analysis reports
- Role-playing, simulations
Thank you to University of South Dakota!
Program Evaluation and NASPAA Accreditation
Articulate effectiveness and accomplishments
Refer to the handout
- Mission-based: Is your program achieving its mission?
- Allows flexibility to programs across the globe
- Outcomes-based: What is your program's impact on its students and public service?
- Consider the strengths and weaknesses
- How could it be strengthened?
- What further information would COPRA request? Why?
Program Evaluation
The Basics
Things to Consider
- Types of measures: are they working for the program? Are they direct?
- Reliance on surveys: what does that capture?
- Is there any external involvement?
- How well does it reflect the mission?
- How could the pre/post approach be strengthened?
- A holistic evaluation of mission-based success: how well is your program working?
- A key component of strategic planning
- How does a logic model help?
Standards 1 and 5
Sample Logic Model
How do they connect?
- Program evaluation versus student learning assessment
- SLOs are only one indicator of program success
- Logic model versus assessment plan
Abraham Benavides, Rex Facer, Crystal Calarusse, & Heather Gregory