Studies show that young children that have recess have a better self esteem then students that don’t have it.
This means that students have been sitting too long and need to release energy.
Signs of disruptive behaviors:
- fidgeting
- restlessness
- a wandering mind
- general off-task behavior
Studies show that even just 15 minutes of recess helps children behave better than those who have none.
A simple walk outdoors could be a form of recess for those with ADHD.
Physical Benefits
Decrease of Boredom
Allowing students the opportunity to move around helps them stray away from becoming bored
When students are forced to sit in their sits all day long they lose focus and have a hard time learning.
Teaches appropriate etiquette:
-Inside vs. Outside voices
-When running is appropriate
Physical Benefits
Teachers say it is taking up critical academic time
Helps students behavior in the classroom
Schools are worried about liability issues. If a child were to get hurt or bullied the school could be in serious trouble
Behavioral aspects
Physical Benefits
Decrease in Obesity
Recess helps students stay active
A good way to keep their body staying healthy
Behavioral Benefits
Physical Benefits
"socialized recess” is important because it suggests dedicated areas for different games and you can have trained student leaders
- ^ gives them an active role
- helps them feel important
Gives students a chance to meet and interact with other students in their classroom and possibly other classrooms if the school lets them have a mixed class recess
The Success of Our Students Is In Our Hands
Andrea, Emily, Hope, and Mara
The Importance of Recess in 21st Century Classrooms
Recess allows students the ability to try new sports and hobbies which can then help them make friends that enjoy the same things as they do
ADHD Prevalence
*6-16% of American children are diagnosed with ADHD
*studies show keeping children from playing could be a cause
gain better communication skills
broaden their vocabularies
More Social Benefits
- Found to increase attention and concentration test scores
- also improved focus