Things To Note...
Independent Choices
Good Peer Pressure
- Peer Pressure Happens Everyday
- Avoiding bad peer pressure can help your self-esteem and lead you to the path of success.
- Both types of peer pressure have long term consequences that can be both negative and positive.
- It is all up to YOU to be aware of your consequences and make the right choice.
-Pressuring Somebody To:
- Study for a test
- Try something new with good consequences
- Do community service
- Commit kind acts towards others
-Telling one of your peers to do something positive
-You and your friends want to see a movie premiere at midnight, but one of your friend's can't go because their parents won't allow them to go. Do you leave them and go or do you beg them to come with you?
Bad Peer Pressure
Pressuring somebody to do something they would not do on their own
- For Example:
- Skip Responsibilities
- Not study
- Cheat
- Bully Others
How To Deal with Bad Peer Pressure
- Say NO!!!
- Change subject
- Walk away
- My mom/dad said no
- Explain why it is not your path
- Make a joke out of it
- Know your own limits
Effects of Bad
Peer Pressure
- Negative Consequences
- Depression
- Loss of Self-Respect
Loosing the trust of friends and family
- Bad habits that stick around
-One of your friends has failed an exam and wants to give up in the class because he is discouraged and never liked the subject in the first place. Do you convince him to stay and study more or do you let him give up and fail?
-Your friends have decided to pick on younger kids after school. They want you to join them. Do you go with them after school or do you go home?
People your age who have experiences/interests similar to yours.
Peer Pressure Is...
Peer Pressure~
1) To be influenced by one's peer group
2) Pressure of one's group to take a certain action
Your Choices
Consequences of Good
Peer Pressure
- Now that you are older...
- Getting Older Means More Independence
Thinking about the Consequences
Little Choices Have Big Consequences
Choosing Healthy Consequences
- It's normal for people to identify with and compare themselves to their peers.
- We still want a Quality Consequence.
- Self-Respect and Nobility
- Successful Influence
- Higher self-esteem
- Closer relationships with family and friends
Where Does Peer Pressure Come From??
- When we forget to think about our consequences
Choosing Quality Consequences