rihanna's only girl in the world uses good editing that matches the beat i think this could help us come up with ideas to do the same
Beyonce's countdown has a range of editing techniques the editing to the beat is superb she won the award for the best edited video of 2012 at the Vma's
though we won't make our video as vibrant the use of the colour grading is effective and we will try and use the effects while editing
inspirational videos
like she's talking to herself it's a cool effect to use reversing the visual
amerie's one thing uses simple techniques but they are very effective and dynamic such as the editing to the beat
this is a cool effect used the layering of the split screen creates a mirroring effect which would be really cool to use in the music video to replicate a dream effect but maybe not as ellaborate
the video transitions into colour this is something we would definitely incorporate this into our own music video