Jean Phinney: Ethnic Identity Development
- Worked with Marcia & Erickson
- Model based on research using middle/ high school adolescents
- Phinney established 3 stages to identifying their ethnicity
Stage Two: Ethnicity Identity Search
finding yourself
- Encounter & Exploration
- Develops ethnicity identity
- Initiated by a harsh or an indirect event
Stage Three: Ethnicity Identity Achievement
Stage One: Unexamined Ethnic I.D.
- Develops a clear sense of Ethnicity Identity
- Can successfully navigate their bicultural identity
- lack of exploration
- individuals experience diffusion or foreclosure
- lack of interest in ethnicity
- lack of general acceptance of others opinions
I don't care attitude
Key Concepts with students
- Self Concept- individuals knowledge and beliefs about themselves
Male vs. Female
- Both gender's self- esteem decreases when transition to middle school
In high school boys self- esteem increases, while girls stay the same