What are the main engagement options?
Help the customer understand the value of the technology and how the solution is a fit in their environment.
After the customer understands the clear business value and impact of upgrade and deployment on their organization, they may still want to thoroughly try out and test the product through demos, labs and pilots prior to spending the final dollars on implementation and deployment.
Once the implementation is part of the IT team’s project docket, the customer is typically ready to reach out to Systems Integrators to plan the deployment of their UC solution.
Deployment of the UC solution is where the customer takes ownership of implementing the solutions you’ve helped them plan. This represents an excellent opportunity for the customer to leverage follow-on services offered by the partner.
Now let's see the single oportunities!
Build and Implement
Adopt and Train
Lync engagement cycle
Deploy and Adopt
Understand the value
Business Value Assessment
Microsoft Lync 2010 Adoption and Training Kit
The Microsoft Lync 2010 Adoption and Training Kit provides a one-stop shop for resources for IT pros, project managers, help desk agents, and trainers. The kit provides:
Get Started with Online Training
- A workbook that provides step-by-step guidance for each phase of the rollout and adoption process
- Adoption and training resources, such as primers, email templates, and templates for a custom Lync 2010 intranet site to help organizations successfully roll out Lync
- Modular, reusable, rebrandable, and in most cases, customizable user education and training materials, including frequently asked questions, Quick Start guides, how-to videos, Work Smart guides, and training videos
- Buzzworthy applications such as IM an Expert and learning tools such as the Lync How-to that you can use to generate user excitement and drive the adoption of Lync
Architectural Design Session
You can learn about the business value of Microsoft UC solutions and the UC BVA by taking the online training course. Each module is less than 30 minutes, and you can complete the training at your own pace.
Drive customer engagement with UC BVA Tools
- Microsoft UC BVA User Guide
- Engagement Data Sheet
- E-mail Invitation Template
- Sales Presentation
- Statement of Work Template
- Pre-engagement questionnaire
- Kickoff Presentation Template
- Findings Presentation Template
The purpose to deliver the Architecture Design Session is to get approval from your customer’s executive sponsor and Technical Decision Makers to create an evaluation plan or to close the sale for a proposed solution.
Estimated Days: according to plans
Target Audiences
Technical Decision Makers (TDM) and IT Professionals.
- Implement the Lync infrastructure according to the plans in the previous phase.
The ADS framework activities
- Solution Briefing Summary
- Solution Overview
- Technology Overview
- Architecture Discussion
- POC Planning
- Appendix Slides
Plan the Solution
Test Drive It
Proof of Concept
Architectural Design Analysis
Estimated Days: 3-10 Days
- Provides easy access to key features of the product in a risk-free environment that requires limited effort.
- Allows hands-on access to product features and capabilities
A POC enables key roles to move forward with next steps by:
Estimated Days: 3-15 Days
- Helping the IT team build a better business case and influence business decision makers.
- Helping the IT team confirm, address, and remove perceived risks or challenges associated with any part of the UC product stack.
- Helping technical decision makers answer architecture and functionality questions by providing technical insight into production deployment.
- Giving the IT team hands-on familiarity to guide implementation planning.
- Review the customer’s current design with guidance on how to improve upon it based on best practices. In this session Design gap analysis is performed.
Deployment planning
Limited Production Pilot
Estimated Days: 3-15 Days
- To deep dive into defining organizational needs to assist customers in developing a solid design and implementation plan.
- To enables technology decision makers to evaluate Microsoft Exchange 2010 and Microsoft Lync Server 2010 in their organization’s environment.
Customer Deliverable
- Customer receives a working Lync system in the production environment
- Limited set of users can use Lync during their everyday work
- Lync 180 days trial edition can be deployed