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Magazine adverts
I used the colour red as it engages a primal instinct in the brain. Red is linked with blood and anger. This would create the mood for the game and racing. You must win to move to the next area.
After talking to a peer about the adverts, We decided that they would fit in any where do to the size of them. So adding two at once or changing the size of the advert will help correct this.
Here is the new advert shape. This is likely to go at the bottom of a page as its one of the last places people look before turning a page.
Animatic of the first advert
Here is the first advert, this will get the interest then as advert 2 follows the need for the game will rise.
Her is an image of the disk cover/loading image, I have decided to use the bottom image as it easier to model and looks better. To the left is a list of names that chose this over the other two colours
I found the camera easy to use and the quality was expected.
I did use after effects to improve the colour in the video as it was monotone.
The reason I chose this camera to use, as it was of a better quality that the current school camera. During filming I was able to change some of the settings about manually which couldn't be done with an ordanary camcorder.
I used my brand new Nikon camera to film and photograph the car. The editing was then done on final cut on a mac.
I found the mac hard to get used to as I use and prefer a PC. I also used photoshop to edit the images for the adverts.
I will also look to post my work on facebook and flickr and other social media websites. We-media is becoming a big part of making success in the media world. Its a great way to advertise and encourage your product to succeed. Looking at "the dark night" small posts and leeks were made to dedicated fans to gain talk. Then release other forms of posters and special events.
Fasebook and other social forums have become a great way to spead about new fads and products.
Here is an advert of the type of advertising done by films and games on facebook.
" * More than 500 million active users
* 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
* Average user has 130 friends
* People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook"
Outing from the website: http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics
Vlogging is an easier way to communicate you feelings and ideas. Its also a lot faster and can be enjoyable as it feels like you are talking to your audience. Vlogging is video blogging, done on such websites as Youtube, Blogger and many more.
This video section was much easier to do then to write it out on paper, this way show exactly how I want to get the media ideas passed. This was taken 2-3 weeks ago so some of the information is not upto date.
I did find that two aspects of the media that I used to create the adverts were possible copyrighted.
After emailing the two matters I have yet to get a responce.
The PS3 animation video
One of my soundtrack pieces was recored over a hunderd years ago, this then wasn't under copyright laws.
As I worked on my own in this part of the a level course, this meant I was my own boss. This meant that I had to have good time keeping and able to learn fast on the skills that weren't my strongest.
When I filmed the car I needed extra people to work the camera.
I used my parents for this as I was able to direct them well and they also helped in some of the camera locations.
When looking for sutible ares to film the main points were
I then looked at what plants are in the area would help create a good back drop.
I then looked for lighting that would stop the filming in a certain area.
After looking for these I found the correct locations to shoot.
Most of the location had other problems that I hadn't thought about. Like people walking about and car problems.
The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:
using IT appropriately for the task set;
I used the following; DSLR camera to film, Mac to edit, Pc with photoshop to edit the photos.
See tecnology used for more.
showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design;
Looking at magazine advert featured in the target magazine.
showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size;
Looking at the game cover.
accurate use of language and register;
Game cover targeted to the market.
appropriately integrating illustration and text;
framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
Magazine adverts
using a variety of shot distances as appropriate;
The magazine advert and the game cover taken at different angles.
shooting material appropriate to the task set;
selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
Take a look at the magazine adverts and game cover.
manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including within text, within particular IT programmes, cropping and resizing.
Using photoshop to remove and edit photos, with added text.
Where a candidate has worked in a group, an excellent contribution to construction is evident.
I have taken the conventions of a soundtrack to a game advert or a game.
I have used I build up to then a climax at the end where the car appears.
When filming I made the decision the the camera's sound recorder was up to the challenge. When I went back to the video later the sound was at a good quality and I didnt need to go back and record more.
At the editing stage I just adjusted the sounds levels to hide the music levels under other tracks.
I went for Samual Barber - Adagio for strings as the build up.
I chose this song as when it got to the up beat parts It made me feel uplifted.
The for the climax I used Chemical brothers - Saturate
Blog post on music
Bad points
Some of the shots that I wanted to get I couldn't.
The angles used help to create paths for the car to go through.
All of the filming was done in a woods.
This is due to the high ratio of hills and
fast paths. This made framing much easier.
Lighting was going to be a problem due to the tree cover. I chose days that were light and not raining.
I had some problems to start with that hindered the filming. We couldn't get the car to run well. Its very old for what it is with a lot of worn parts. We were able to get it to a stage where it could be started and run for just quick shots. As it would tend to be very unstable.
Spectical - The magic and skill of racing with the wow factor of the landscape.
Combat - Fighting against other players within the game to win.
Added feature of online mode to improve the game at a later date.
Jeopardy and suspence - This will link the speed and skill of the game.
Racing with other players at the right speed so not to crash but eventually win the race. When ever speed is involed so is a risk.
Speed and motion - As the speed increases so does the motion blur in the landscape. This gives the emphasis of more speed.
A hero's journery - Call to an adventure - the race.
Tests - learning the track.
Reward - the hero wins.
Representation and stereotype - The other racers dont want you to win.
Will do anything to win for themselves. A good racer that you become friends with then betrays you.
Genre - racing game
Character - improves the car over time till it is the best.
Sound track - Loud music linking with the game.
Sound effects to the cars, engines and crashes.
Sound transition between menus.
Edit transitions - Jump with fast cuts, no fades.
Camera angles - eyeline and shot above the car.
You are able to design your character and car.
Magazine adverts;
These would feature the car or some part of a car and little info in the game, possibly the name. This would grab the reader as to recreate the speed and the acton of real life or unrealistic play.
Game cover;
Again would feature a car or part of it.
Large action pact text about the game in short sentences.
They may also have a rating on the front top left area.
With final cut
Cutting the video
Colour correction
I looked at many tutorials and asked around with friends on how to do specific function that I needed.
Sound levels
I have had some previous experience with other editing programs other than final cut. But this learning curve was different than Imovie and Magix edit pro.
I found that the file convertions were difficuilt to get around. I would like to see it cope with more file types.
I didnt want to add fades to the main speeded area as this would slow down the action and hype of the game.
I also added a freeze frame and a flash at the end.
I thought this would impove as it looks its has crashed into the screen.
The colour correction edit brightened up and added more colour to the shoots, this made the film look a lot better.
Questionnair work
I posted this questionnaire on Facebook and on my blog.
The responce that I got was very divided, almost split averagly.
For future reference I would look to post it in more places with more description.
I also took around 3 images with the logo in 3 different colours around the class and other places to see which one they liked the best. The orange and red came out top as they are complimenting colours.
I also did one on fonts and found that the best was the one that had differences between the levels and style.
Theorys and Concepts
Maslows hierarchy can be used to link to gaming and lifestyles.
The need to win would be personal fulfilment.
Personal branding would be choosing the car, editing the car and then competing on line.
Would would also include playing online and finding new friends on servers.
Choose the tracks and events that you suscced most in for self fulfilment.
Creating your character and avatar.
He has taken the concept of "the gamer face" and exploded it into a portrait shot. He has taken the game away so the face is the only clue to what they could be playing or watching. Some of them are really in depth expressions that are immersed in the game.
Xbox adverts feature good ideas with good editing.
A video on light trails that I hoped to use in my video. But found that it would be difficult and not being ably to see the car at night time both on camera and not would have proved hard. I did use this concept in the game cover on the back page.
This video looks at the way people get engauged into games.
A post on PEGI ratings for my game then a link to a post I make on the ratings. I went for 12 as this might feature music with language in and violent scenes.
loop back to the conventions area.
I beleave that they are very effective as they link with the styles and you can tell they are the same game.
Also with the effect of the suprise of running over the
flower and the loud music jumping in
Go back to the technologys used.
Main problems when filming
Filming took alot longer as the locations used were also used
by door walkers. this ment stopping and wait for them to leave to a safe area.
The car, as it is old ment that there were problems starting and when started the rubber would come off the rims.
Many takes where filmed when the car would hit a tree or go the wrong way. This took up most of the time.
I have learnt a lot more this year than the last year in media as I am working on my own.
A post made in the middle of the project against the evaluation sections.
I have chosen to post the adverts with the cover and magazine adverts on current gaming and RC forums.
Here is one of the forums which I posted the work on.
A talk about some ideas at the start of the project
Game cover
And of course the car, Flying point probe 2000. RC car.
I found that working in a team, some aspects can work well but so can working on your own. Its how you manage your section well.
A look at colour and eye theorys.
A photo showing someone picking the blue image.
Advert 2