Abrahamic Faiths Venn Diagram
- main day of worship is on Saturday
- In Judaism clergy are rabbis, which means that person is appointed as a Jewish religious leader
- Judaism is one of the oldest religion in the world
- Judaism was founded by patriarch Abraham
- they have sacred text called Torah
- Jesus was Bastard in judaism not like Christianity or Islamic
- Yahweh, Elohim, they are name of some of the god in Judaism
- they have sacred text call the Bible
- both are strict monotheism, which means that you only believe one god
- they are founded in Palestine
- major location is in Europe, and north America
- they denied the resurrection of Jesus,which means that they denied the rise up from the death of Jesus
- they have same major branches which is called orthodox
- they forbidden use of statues and images
- they believe that god determine the right or wrong
- status of jewish bible is canonical
- they believe in angels and demons
- unlike christian they care about fulfilling god's word
- they also believe that God spoke to people through prophets
- they all believe life after death
- they have writing called Qur'an
- in christians Jesus was more than a prophet he was son of the god
- main day of worship is on Sunday
- in Islam Muhammad is seen as a prophet and a very good person but not as divine
- clergy are priests, ministers, pastors, and bishops
- main day of worship is on Friday
- their original language is Aramaic, Latin, and Greek
- they are two largest religion in the world
- the place found was in Saudi Arabia
- they have most same prophets such as, Noah, Moses, David, Abraham, and Joesph
- Christianity is Trinitarian monotheism, which mean that one god is consist of three person: the Father, the Sun, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit
- they believe that Satan is evil
- in islam, islam mean "Peace through the submission to God".
- that there is hell and paradise
- they have sacred text called old testament and new testament
- their holiday is called Sunni
- they believe that purpose of life was to knowing, loving, and serving the god