Madeline Hunter's Lesson Plan Cycle
Lesson Cycle Activity
With your current lesson plan--
Determine and write out the following:
1--How will you review?
2--Define and describe the "hook" for the lesson.
3--Exactly how will you assess your students? Do? Say?
4--How will you model the lesson for the students? What will you use? How creative will you be? Or will you just use the model provided by the CF?
5-- How will you check for understanding?
6-- Describe and define your closure?
Summary of
Madeline Hunter's Philosophy
Not each of the "seven steps" need
to be in every lesson nor should
every lesson be based on the seven
steps; however, the seven steps
make a good checklist of elements
in planning a lesson.
The instructional purpose and the best
way to involve the learner are the guides for what to choose in planning a lesson.
All teaching decisions can be placed
into three categories.
What content will I teach next?
What will the student do to learn
and to demonstrate that learning
has occurred?
What will I do to make it happen?
How will I facilitate the acquisition
of that learning?
Step 1: Review
Review previous material that is relevant to the current lesson.
Step 2: Anticipatory Set
A short wake up or motivational activity
- a simple activity
- an example problem
- prompt
- visual stimulation (video clip, audio clip, etc.)
Step 3: Objective--Tell students what they will learn and how they will be assessed
Step 4: Instruction--
Input: Summarizing definitions and demonstrating basic skills
Modeling: Demonstrate the application of concepts and skills with a "worked-through" example; teacher demonstration.
Madeline Hunter's 7-Step Lesson Plan
Step 5: Checking Understanding
Guided Practice--Have learners do the exercises
Monitoring--Informal or observational assessment and/or additional assessment to determine need for reteaching
Step 6: Closure
Reinforce the major points to be learned helps organize the student's learning; cue the students that they have arrived at an important part of the lesson
Step 7: Independent Practice
Students practice on their own; apply the learning to new situations; could be used as homework, individual or group work in class
Getting Students Set to Learn
- Step 1: Review
- Step 2: Anticipatory Set
- Step 3: Objective
- Step 4: Input and Modeling
Checking for Understanding
- Step 5: Checking for Understanding
- Step 6: Guided Practice
Independent Practice
- Step 7: Independent Practice
In fact teaching can be described as. . .
"a constant stream of professional decisions
made before, during, and after interaction
with the student."
~Madeline Hunter
Hubbard Heights Elementary School
January Campus Waiver Day 2013