"When I read about the way in which library funds are being cut and cut, I can only think that American society has found one more way to destroy itself" -Isaac Asimov
We are dangerously close to
being thought of as irrelevant
and out of a job.
"The future of the school library as a relevant and viable institution is largely dependent on us and how quickly we respond to change."
Embrace the new
“remix” culture
Integration of new book formats:
—Playaways, ebooks, audiobooks,
interactive web books
Critical Evaluation
of Research Results
Creative Commons
Intellectual Property
The NEW Authority
"The definition of “authoritative” seems to be undergoing a societal change. Are we helping make this an intelligent transition or just living
in denial?"
The Shifted Product:
"Students need to read, interpret, and create all types of writing and scripting: YouTube video, Tweets, blog posts, digital stories."
Don't cop out - FIGHT the Filter!
"Enough with the “yeah, buts,” opting out of the intellectual freedom battle by saying things like: but my IT people block that, the principal will never approve that, the board has a policy, or the parents will get upset."
We must advocate for ourselves. Having a strong "web presence" is not showing off - it's sharing with the community.
Connect with your students & community:
Wiki's, blogs, webpages, access to online research databases for homework,
online PAC, Twitter, & Facebook.
Basically, any way a kid or a parent might look to find & contact you - YOU should be there.
Start small:
- Wiki (public)
- Library media blog
- Twitter for conferences
Start building a PLN: The best & most effective professional development is in our own hands & on our own time.
"We must be available as a 24/7 learning experience,
a hybrid of virtual practice
that supports our
face-to-face instruction
and services."
Creative Commons Photo by alexkess
Creative Commons Photo By Feggy Art
It's NEVER too Late
& it's EASY to Start!
& thedaringlibrarian.com blog
MHMS Tech Wiki: The Daring Librarian's Steam Powered WIKI of Ed Tech Goodness!
The Solution
From the SLJ article: Things That Keep Us Up at Night by Joyce Valenza & Doug Johnson
Creative Commons Photo By Peter Darch
From the SLJ article: Things That Keep Us Up at Night by Joyce Valenza & Doug Johnson
Creative Commons Photo by alexkess
- Economic shifts
- Intellectual property shifts
- The challenge of keeping ahead
- Failing to embrace networked & social media
So What is Keeping Us Up All Night?
From the SLJ article: Things That Keep Us Up at Night
by Joyce Valenza & Doug Johnson
"The library, as we once knew it, may no longer be relevant.
School librarians, as we once knew them, may no longer be relevant.
And, yet, this is undoubtedly the most exciting time in history to be a librarian."
Illustration by Brian Ajhar via SLJ
Google Map
by Shonda Brisco
From the SLJ article: Things That Keep Us Up at Night by Joyce Valenza & Doug Johnson