Thank you for your attention!
The Conference
Glasgow 11-13 April 2012
Theme: IL future, employability, research support, active and creative learning
Libaries supporting research communities - a joint project of Oslo and Bergen in Norway
They created a Knowledge based process to support the change and challenge :
- using information services to increase efficiency
- included in library plan to enable the libraries be in a strong position to support the communities
Challenge for libraries
- Own competence
- Identify needs for the futrue
- Reorganisation
Essential Info skills for researchers: online open access resource project
- my first residential conference for 13 years
- through networking event - wonderful to see Angela from Oxford again after we met 13 years ago, and also a few friendly Nordic librarians
- 335 delegates from over 30 countries
- 3 heavy weight Key Notes and 69 parallel sessions that sent my IL cholesterol to 7+
- spacious open plan mixed study and leisure space
- Accessibility - digital sources
- durability
- impoliteness
Contextual factors are changing
- international competition
- funding
- boundary of disciplines
- scholarly output - use social media to push their search results (very similar to the activities here in UK)
Find out more in
- use authoring tool - Xerte
- open source
- reusable content
- ready for 2012 dissemination
Research support
- Full of useful contents
- networking
E-resources in mobile technology - the McGill Library
-- Brand name -- McGill library from the palm of your hand
My view
- taking opportunities from rapid increase of ownership of e-readers
- IL recommendations: integrated the technology in courses; professional development for instructors; leverage technology that students value
- e-readers and iPad on loan
- E-contents options for users: viewing preference - download or online; compatibiblty; assessibility
- short comings of current catalogues: not clear to users if it can be downloaded or view online
- DRM controversial
- Managing e-Contents for different devices or for full website
- try public site
New ways of teaching:
- Voice control .. sound hound and shazam App
- Visual .. Google goggles
- Barcode .. QR code
- Location awareness .. computer finder
- Augmented reality .. use GPS guided app for induction!! Try LAYAR App
- Branding is important - core, unique and professional. eg UEL infoSkills, Leeds Skills@library
- academic needs DL and how to use technology to explore and use e-contents
- adjust our pace one step ahead of the DL technology - competence
- Use technology to overcome technology.
Reading list
Be effective IL tools?
Online instant feedback
a good reading list ... Help to develop IL skills
1. good structure
2. Resources selection
3. Aligned to the students experience
4. annotation
- leading to find more information
- choice of resournces
- good citation format
- interactive elements - by adding a few questions relating to the subject and the sources in the list
- encourage evaluation
UEL infoskills
Active learning practical session result online
a way to get instant feedback from class
Student engagement tool: the Prezi
a practical session run by wikiman Ned Pottor (UoYork)
he had led an initiative using the tool to create interactive library maps
Key notes
How can we support academics to engage and incorporate IL features in their RL?
- Inform what we can offer , better marketing attending meetings and to get academics on board
- contribution to Module handbooks
- using Champions
- train academic how to improve quality of RL
but some concerns .. felt powerless and barrier
a not very mature practical example see ida@LILAC2012
ACE in IL - Megan Oakleaf
want to learn it, here is the online booklet more from
InfoSkills at UEL
Another Prezi use in induction: John Wright UofGlamorgan, a librarian singing in induction video!!
(TeachMeet table 7 Round2)
group discussion instant online feedback
- Be a power player at instituttion
- ACRL value of academic librarians
- IL competency standards vs ANCIL
- what institutional IMPACT that IL can make: enrollment, retention and graduation, career success, test achievement, learning outcome, experience and engagement and faculty teaching
- focus on students learning outcomes and experience
- support from senior management in the institution
Active learning
Skills @library at Leeds
Key Notes
a branded place for uow clips and IL products with professional design in a high visibility place
Wayne state University (Rebecca Befus and Shawn McCann)
- Activities in class
- Acquire -- Engage -- Reflect in the learning process
- 'Freaky Friday' - Americans understand what's about! swapping your usual role to something different.
- Students were put in groups and they picked a role or activity (they called going for an adventure), it may be a quiz or do an online searching and present their findings
- In our practical session, we were in groups to create teaching plans using this active approach. Here is the result of our work
- Presenters were great and we all enjoyed
Building intellectual fitness
Tara Brabazon
Key Notes
Lord Puttnam of Queensgate
-- cope with unpredictable change
Branded products
Tara presented a very lively key note speech in the conference and she has recorded many podcast lectures (Sound lab).
The key message from her talk: how to be more Information and digital fitness in an information obesity environment
- knowing what we don't know
- use basic skills - read, note taking, individual thinking rather than sharing (too much in social media)
- be able to use keywords, "Google is de-skilled ..", less media and use them in controlled manner
design top tips: interactive, instance feedback, easy to navigate,
- need robust policy and high capacity of internet access
- we need sort out our traditional brand/identity as 'librarians'. successful example of - British Library has transformed it's image
- change of culture in library space