"You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates of in source files and keep modifications under GPL. You can distribute your application using a GPL library commercially, but you must open-source it under GPLv3."
Remember Your Overall Goals...
Provide Your Govt./Business:
- efficient & cost-effective solutions
- quality customer service (service with a smile!)
Bringing FOS GIS to Indian Country
How To Introduce FOS GIS
Show GIS By Example
- Choose one small project to showcase your project.
- It's difficult to show the usefulness of FOS GIS through words; let your project speak for itself
Good Luck!
Kim (Ness) Sundeen
(past) GIS Specialist, Bad River Tribe
Odanah, WI
GIS Specialist, City of Duluth, MN
Division of Engineering
Dept. Of Public Works
Duplicate Services
Find Supporters
- Make the same services between Esri & Open Source to test the speed, functionality, & overall customer approval.
- Test out a different database, GIS server, or desktop GIS
- Find a few cheerleaders who can vouch for your FOS GIS idea or project
- Let them share your idea, project, or app through word of mouth
Workflow/Application Duplication
WLIA Annual Conference
Green Bay, WI
Feb. 20th, 2015
Bad River Webmaps
- App is not completely configurable
- Can't group layer list
- URL is not specific to the Tribe
- Need to use AGO GUI to add, rename, remove, and edit URL
- Not subject to Esri version updates
- Runs faster & smoother than AGO
- Simpler to install & configure than ArcGIS for Portal
- Serves as a "file management" system
You can't have growth without a little pain!
Consider climbing the mountain of Data Management & Display with FOS GIS tools
Market Power
- By expanding our software options that show the same functionality, our business can offer options in addition to existing proprietary vendors
License Liability
Options are available for desktop GIS, GPS, remote sensing, databases, GIS web servers, and entire webmapping packages.
Desktop GIS
- “Free” licenses don’t necessarily mean free to tax payers. All licenses should be accounted for.
- Open Source GIS tools provide staff freedom to do training on their own time without the need for additional licenses.
GRASS GIS 1st introduced in 1978...still a large community of developers
Others: Mapbender, ILWIS, QGIS, SAGA GIS, Udig...
My SQL - not particular to GIS
Spatial Database management
GIS Servers
Metadata Processing tools:
GeoNetwork, Metavist2005, MERMAid
3D Visualization tools:
PARAVIEW, Nasa World Wind
Cloud Based GIS Services:
MapGuide Map Server
Deegree GeoServer
Mapnik TinyOWS
Remote Sensing
ImageJ, OSSIM, Open EV, Opticks
- 410 free software, data, documents, & projects (FreeGIS.org as of 2/2015).
Why Incorporate Free & Open Source GIS Software?
Staff Development
Cloud Readiness
- Collaboration inspires creativity
- Money that went into software, can be funneled into staff training
- Cooperation can replace competition
- GIS Servers, browser-based mapping are in the cloud
- Available to publish securely and offers scalable solutions (potential for future growth)
FOS GIS comes with risks too
- More training may be needed
- Less standardized documentation
- Too many options to consider
- Need to keep source code open
Kim Sundeen, GIS Specialist
Bad River Tribe / City of Duluth
Why Do Tribes Manage GIS that Way?
3 Words: Enterprise License Agreement
Office of Trust Services Geospatial Support (OTSGS) provides "software, training, and system support for management of natural resources on Indian lands such as irrigation flood plain analysis, forest harvesting, wildland fire analysis, oil and gas management, and other economic analyses."
Tribal GIS
GIS Management Solutions
How is GIS Used & Managed?
- Collect, & map natural, economic, civil, & cultural resources.
- Most-->ESRI ArcGIS (desktop)
- Some-->Arc Server & manage enterprise systems.
- Bad River Tribe: 10 GIS users; 1 GIS administrator; 1 IT director managing the enterprise gdb used to publish GIS data; 2 webmapping application using ArcGIS Online (public).
What GIS Data Are Managed?
- Natural Resources
- Utilities & Roads
- Land Ownership
- Cultural & Historic
Open Source = software where source code is available to everyone anyone to study, use, modify, & redistribute while complying with GPL
Free ≠ Open Source
Open source developers can charge for their products.
Google Earth is freely available for download and use, however, its source code is not. It's open source.
Asset Management = "any system that monitors and maintains things of value to an entity or group... a systematic process of deploying, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets cost-effectively." (Wikipedia)
- Utilities & Land Management
- Community/Business Development
- Urban/Regional Planning
Government Business Model
- Data-Centric Asset Management...
Govt. Model
Federal/Tribal or
Business Model
to offer cheap, efficient solution with a smile!