The CSIS Hills Program on Governance is unique in that we are a network of 7 global centers. We focus on the root causes of governance failures and build efforts to improve them.
Forward vision
Rule of law
The objectives of the Hills Program are to IDENTIFY serious governance problems in both the public and private spheres, DEVELOP a better understanding of the influences that create such problems, and STIMULATE efforts to reduce those influences.
Tsinghua University, Beijing
Nathaniel Ahrens, Deputy Director and Fellow,
Master's Johns Hopkins SAIS, B.A. Vassar College,
also Executive Director of the American Mandarin Society
Gerald F. Hyman, President of the Hills Program on Governance, former director of USAID's Office of Democracy and Governance, B.A., Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, J.D. from the University of Virginia
The Hills Program has also established a strong Advisory Board and Academic Council and has built close ties with prominent institutions that are dedicated to good governance.
Advisory Board
Academic Council
- Roderick M. Hills, Chairman, Advisory Board; Former Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Fred Bergsten, Director, Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics; Former Assistant Secretary for
International Affairs, U.S. Treasury; Former Assistant for International Economic Affairs, National Security Council
- Nancy Zucker Boswell, Member, Board of Directors, and President, Transparency International (USA); Former Executive Director, RITAC
- Arnaud de Borchgrave, Director and Senior Adviser, Transnational Threats Project, CSIS
- Stuart Eizenstat, Partner, Covington & Burling LLP; Former Undersecretary of State and Treasury; Former Ambassador to the European Union
- Benjamin W. Heineman, Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University and Distinguished Senior Fellow, Program on the Legal Profession, Harvard Law School; Senior Counsel, Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering Hale & Dorr
- Carla A. Hills, Chairman and CEO of Hills & Company, International Consultants; Former U.S. Trade Representative from 1989 to 1993;
Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Former Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, U.S. Department of Justice
- Laura H. Hills, Partner, Hills Stern & Morley LLP; Former Associate General Counsel for Finance at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
- Barry Metzger, Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP; Former General Counsel of Asian Development Bank
- Thomas R. Pickering, Vice Chairman, Hills & Company; Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (1997-2000);
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and Jordan
- Samuel Stern, Partner, Hills Stern & Morley LLP
- Richard Thornburgh, Of Counsel, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP; Former U.S. Attorney General;
Former Governor of Pennsylvania; Former Director, Institute of Politics, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
- William Webster, Chair, Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC); Former Director, FBI and CIA; Former Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
- Ernesto Zedillo, Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, and Professor of International Economics and Politics, Yale University;
Former President of Mexico
- John Brademas , President Emeritus, New York University; Former Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
- Kenneth W. Dam, Max Pam Professor Emeritus of American and Foreign Law, and Senior Lecturer,
University of Chicago School of Law
Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, Brookings Institution; Former Deputy Secretary of State and Treasury
- Rafael Di Tella, Joseph C. Wilson Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
- Fredrik Galtung, Chief Executive Officer, Tiri
- Ronald Goldstock, Adjunct Professor of Law, New York University School of Law
- Louis Goodman, Dean and Professor, School of International Service, American University
- Thomas Heller, Lewis Talbot and Nadine Hearn Shelton Professor of International Legal Studies, Stanford Law School
- Philip B. Heymann, James Barr Ames Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
- James B. Jacobs, Chief Justice Warren E. Burger Professor of Constitutional Law and the Courts,
and Director, Center for Research in Crime and Justice, New York University School of Law
- W. Michael Johnston, Director, Division of Social Science, and Charles A. Dana Professor of Political Science, Colgate University
- Joongi Kim, Associate Dean for International Affairs and Professor of Law, Yonsei University
- William S. Laufer, Julian Aresty Endowed Professor, Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics and Sociology, The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania
- Lynn S. Paine, John G. McLean Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
- Henry H. Perritt, Dean and Professor of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law; Vice President for the Downtown Campus, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Susan Rose-Ackerman, Henry R. Luce Professor of Jurisprudence, Law School and Department of Political Science, Yale University
- Kenneth E. Scott, Ralph M. Parsons Professor of Law and Business, Emeritus, Stanford Law School
- Louise I. Shelley, Professor, Department of Justice, Law, and Society, School of International Service,
and Founder and Director, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC), American University
- Steve Wallenstein, Executive Director, Global Capital Markets Center, and Professor of the Practice of Law, Business, and Finance, Duke University
Program Founders
Highlighted Projects and Initiatives
Roderick M. Hills is founder and Chairman of the Hills Program on Governance at CSIS, and is a leading advocate for effective corporate governance. His long and distinguished career has included both service in the public sector, as Counsel to the President of the United States (1975) and Chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission (1975-1977), and in the private sector, as a founder and partner of Hills Stern & Morley LLP, chairman of Hills Enterprises, Ltd., co-founder and a former partner in a California law firm, and chairman or CEO of several other major firms. Mr. Hills currently serves as a member of the boards of Certus and Aklara. He is a founder, former Chairman, and currently the Vice-Chairman of the US-ASEAN Business Council. He is a trustee of the Committee on Economic Development. Mr. Hills has worked as a professor at Harvard University School of Law, as a distinguished faculty fellow at Yale University School of Management, and as a visiting lecturer at Stanford University School of Law. He graduated with from Stanford University with a B.A. in 1952 and a LL.B. in 1955 and subsequently served as a United States Supreme Court law clerk.
In the wake of the financial crisis, the Program organized a colloquium in New York, with the Institute of International Finance and the American Assembly of Columbia University, which brought together 51 prominent business leaders, bankers, regulators, academics, and journalists to discuss the Governance of Financial Institutions.
Commissioned by USAID to make democracy and governance assessments of countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ukraine and South Sudan and to offer programmatic recommendations
The Hills Program and Japan’s 21st Century Public Policy Institute have looked at the cases of five Chinese firms that have emerged to challenge traditionally dominant international firms, examining the factors that led to their rise, their current state of competitiveness, and the policy implications.
This project, currently underway, brings twenty current and former CEOs together with former government officials, leading scholars from key think tanks and Harvard University, and influential journalists to address concerns about the future of market capitalism. The purpose of this project is to identify concrete actions that business leaders can take to address some of these threats.
A Joint Initiative between the Hills Program on Governance and the Committee for Economic Development to understand why bipartisanship has all but disappeared from our national political life and why the political process in Washington, D.C. is failing.
This report, published in November 2012, looks at the governance of information security as national security concerns are raised within the context of the World Trade Organization. The study looks deeply at the nexus of cyber security and trade, analyzes the legal issues, and makes policy recommendations.
Center Information
China Corruption Measurement Index
Carla A. Hills is co-founder of the Hills Program on Governance at CSIS. She is chairman and CEO of Hills & Company, International Consultants. The firm provides advice to U.S. businesses on investment, trade, and risk assessment issues abroad, particularly in emerging market economies. Mrs. Hills served as U.S. trade representative from 1989 to 1993, where as a member of President George H.W. Bush's cabinet, she was that president's principal adviser on international trade policy. Earlier, Mrs. Hills served as secretary of housing and urban development in the administration of President Gerald Ford (the third woman to hold a cabinet position). She also served as assistant attorney general, Civil Division, U.S. Department of Justice. Mrs. Hills currently serves as a member of the board for American International Group, ChevronTexaco Corporation, Lucent Technologies Inc., and Time Warner. She is chair of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations; co-chair of the CSIS International Advisory Board; vice chair of the Council on Foreign Relations, the U.S.-China Business Council, and the Inter-American Dialogue; trustee of the Council of the Americas; and a member of the Executive Committee of the Institute for International Economics. Before entering government, Mrs. Hills co-founded and was partner in a Los Angeles law firm. She also served as an adjunct professor at the University of California at Los Angeles Law School, teaching antitrust law, where she edited Antitrust Adviser (McGraw-Hill, 1971). Born in Los Angeles, Mrs. Hills received her bachelor's degree from Stanford University, her law degree from Yale University, and has studied at Oxford University.
The Tsinghua Center designed this index, specifically tailored for China, to measure corruption in certain Chinese municipalities and to help increase awareness of corrupting influences in China.
School of Public Policy
& Management
Tsinghua University
Since: December 6, 2005
Executive Director: CHENG, Wenhao
Professor, School of Public Policy
and Management, Tsinghua University,
PhD from Yale University, B.A. from Peking University
This Center focuses on research, analysis, intellectual exchange, and training to promote and deepen understanding of effective corporate governance.
Selected Reports and Publications
The Tsinghua Center also holds the Public Integrity Education Network (PIEN) China Chapter, the objective of which is to support the expansion of anti-corruption and pro-integrity courses within academic institutions and training organizations internationally.
Governance of Climate Change
Track II Workshop
Interactive educational curriculum
The Hills Program brought together experts from the United States, China, South Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines for a workshop in Beijing entitled "The Governance of Climate Change: Prospects for a Regional Initiative." Dr. Han Seung-soo, former prime minister of South Korea and Chairman of the Global Green Growth Initiative, gave the keynote address.
The curriculum was designed to examine the investigations of prominent cases of corruption in both the public and private sectors in China to promote a better understanding of corruption and corruption influences among university students.
A Cabinet-level Development Agency: Right Problem, Wrong Solution
China’s Competitiveness: Analysis and Policy Implications
National Security and China’s Information Security Standards of Shoes, Buttons, and Routers
Political and Social Foundations for Reform: Anti-Corruption Strategies for the Philippines
Governance of Climate Change: Prospect for a Regional Initiative
The First Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review
Foreign Policy and Development: Structure, Process, Policy,
and the Drip-by-Drip Erosion of USAID
China’s Industrial Policymaking Process
"Asian Corporate Governance: Practice and Perspective"
"G20 and Global Governance Reform"
Power IMF Reform from a Corporate Governance Perspective: A Test Bed for a New Paradigm for Global Governance
The Power of Presidency in UN Climate Change Negotiations: Comparison between Denmark and Mexico
Placing the G20 in an Emerging System of Global Governance
Power & Responsibility: Can East Asian leadership rise to the challenge?
National Integrity Systems: Transparency International Country Study Report—Republic of Korea 2006
Case studies on four leading Korean conglomerates for a World Bank book
Yonsei University, Seoul
"South Korea and Liberal Internationalism: The Middle Power Theory Reexamined"
"The World Economy after the London G-20: Recovery, Trade and Governance"
Center Information
Affiliation: Yonsei University, Korea
Since: November 7, 2003
Executive Director: MO, Jongryn, Professor of International Political Economy, Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University, B.A. from Cornell University, M.S. from California Institute of Technology, and PhD in business from Stanford University
The Center focuses on analysis, research, and dissemination of findings on governance-related issues; bridge-building (across the public, private, and civic sectors); and education of the general public and officials in the private and public sectors.
Center for the Study of Institutional Governance (CEGI), Mexico City
Public Sector Effort
Private Sector Effort
Center Information
CEGI participated in developing the ISO 26000 guidance on social responsibility as a member of the Mexican Mirror Committee in Vienna. CEGI is also member of the Mexican Institute of Standardization and Certification for review and adequacy of the Mexican standard of social responsibility.
CEGI created the Transparency in Sustainability Index Corporate (ITSC 2011) in cooperation with with Gesoc AC. The index uses 30 indicators in five key dimensions of business: strategic vision, relationships with shareholders and stakeholders, corporate governance, performance and communication. 900 companies were analyzed and indexed.
Social Entrepreneurs Forum. This is an annual meeting involving non-governmental and civil society organizations, in which professors and researchers from CEGI and IPADE Business School trained them in the decision-making processes and management of their organizations.
Municipal Scorecard Report 2009. Selected by the IFC to develop this index in Mexico and compare it to other Latin American countries. The study benchmarked over thirty municipalities in the country on such procedures as starting a business, applying for building permits, and property tax.
Case study for training key public functionaries. Wrote a series of case studies for the Ministry of Public Service for the training of public servants in the areas of administration, economics, social and political affairs. The cases were made on the towns of Cancun, Ciudad Juarez, Naucalpan, Oaxaca and San José de Gracia, San Pedro Garza García.
Survey: "Citizenship, Democracy and Drug Violence" (CIDENA 2011). Public opinion survey conducted by CEGI and the Collective Analysis of the Security With Democracy (Casede) and the Systems Opinion and Market Intelligence (SIMO). It is one of the largest surveys conducted until now and that best reflected the point of view of citizens in fighting corruption and drug trafficking, citizen participation and human rights.
New Criminal Justice System in Mexico. The CEGI actively involved in promoting the reform of the criminal justice system in Mexico in various forums and various organizations. One such effort has led him to document and analyze the case of penal reform in the Mexican state of Baja California that has brought remarkable results in the administration of justice and the fight against insecurity. The reform of the penal system is cornerstone for the country's governance.
Appointed coordinator in Mexico of the UN Global Compact initiative
The Hills Program on Governance and the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa (IPADE) established the Center for the Study of Institutional Governance (CEGI) center at the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City in 2006. This Center is focused on the analysis and promotion of effective governance in both the private and public sectors.
Executive Director: Felipe Gonzalez y Gonzalez, Professor, Political and Social Environment, IPADE Business School, PhD in Law from UNiverstiy of Navarra, B.A. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
AIM-Hills Governance Center (AIM-HGC), Asian Institute of Management, Manila
Conference on “Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as a Major Force in Promoting Integrity and Accountability in Business.”
The 5th Regional Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility in Manila
Affiliation: Asian Institute of Management, Philippines
Since: September 4, 2003
Executive Director: Prof. Francisco Roman Jr., Exec. Director, RVR-Center for CSR, Associate Dean, Office of Research and Publications, Chair Coordinator, Basant and Sarala Birla Professional Chair on Asian Family Corps. Doctorate in Business Administration, Harvard University, MA in Economics from University of Hawaii's East West Center, and MBA and BA, Ateneo University.
The Hills Program on Governance at AIM was created in cooperation with the Ramon V. Del Rosario, Sr. - C.V. Starr Center for Corporate Corporate Governance and the Hills Program on Governance at CSIS.
Corporate Governance
Center Information
Corporate Social Responsibility
Anti-Corruption Strategy
Corporate Governance Reports
Annual Top 100 Corporate Governance Survey
Publication: "Corporate Governance Trends in Philippines: 2002 to 2007"
Anti-Corruption strategy session for President Aquino’s Cabinet
Anti-Corruption Manual for small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Anti-corruption strategy with Professor Michael Johnston, Hills Program Academic Council member
Government agency benchmarking
Strathmore Governance Center, Nairobi
Eight Interest Areas
Integrity Leadership for Africa Course
The Strathmore University Governance Centre has created an Integrity Leadership for Africa Course (ILAC).
The course begins with two principles: Limiting corruption is central to good governance, and integrity is central to preventing corruption.
Affiliation: Strathmore Governance Center, Strathmore University
Since: September 17, 2008
Executive Director: Dr Antoinette K. Kankindi, PhD and MCGO (Governance) from the University of Navarra, Spain and LLM from the University of Kinshasa, DRC, Strathmore Governance Center, Strathmore University
The Center intends to serve the larger sub-continent and expects to be an East Africa regional institution
- Governance in the Health Sector
- African Ideals and Institutions
Policy Engagement
UI-CSG was appointed by the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Commission in a research project on the management of conflict of interest.
Outputs: “Mapping and Review of Indonesian Legal Framework and Practices”, guidelines for Indonesian public officers, and a dissemination strategy.
Policy Engagement
Center Information
UI-CSG was invited to offer input on the policy priorities for President Soesilo Yudhoyono’s second term.
The meetings focused on the importance of and steps needed for effective bureaucratic and civil service reform.
Affiliation: Center for the Study of Governance, University of Indonesia (UI), Indonesia
Since: October 5, 2009
Executive Director: Natalia Soebagjo, Executive Director, Center for the Study of Governance, University of Indonesia, board member of Transparency International Indonesia and the Perkumpulan Bung Hatta Anti-Corruption Award, M.A. University of California, Berkeley
University of Indonesia Center for the Study of Governance
(UI-CSG), Jakarta
Research and Publications
Public Integrity Education Network (PIEN)
- Is Corporate Governance Relevant? How Good Corporate Governance Practices Affect Indonesian Organizations
- Research on the delivery of Public Services in Jakarta
- Joint Research with Transparency International and Indonesia Corruption Watch
UI-CSG holds the PIEN Indonesia Chapter that aims to raise the skills and knowledge of public institutions to support their development with high integrity and to provide a basis for universities to play an active role in this development.
“The best way to end corruption is to first examine its underlying causes.”
- from the 2009 Grawemeyer award citation for Michael Johnston, Hills Program Academic Council member