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__() _n() _e()
_x() _nx() _ex()
sprintf() printf()
_n_noop, _nx_noop and translate_nooped_plural()
esc_attr__(), esc_attr_e(), esc_attr_x(), esc_html__(), esc_html_e(), esc_html_x()
echo 'Click <a href="">this link</a> for
<b class="superbold">serious procastination</b>.';
/** Keep the < and > to communicate to your translator that these
* variables are HTML tags
printf( __('Click <%1$s>this link<%2$s> for <%3$s>serious
procastination<%4$s>.', 'ytd'),
'a href=""',
'b class="superbold"',
// $int_doc and $int_cat can vary in number.
echo 'We found '. $int_doc .' documents in '. $int_cat .' categories.';
// Solution: split nominal groups.
$NG_doc = sprintf( _n('one document', '%d documents' , $int_doc, 'ytd'),
$NG_cat = sprintf( _n('one category', '%d categories' , $int_cat, 'ytd'),
printf( __('We found %1$s in %2$s.', 'ytd'), $NG_doc, $NG_cat );
// Talk to your translators with special comments
/* translators: First variable is the "number of documents" nominal group, the second is the "number of categories" nominal group. */
printf( __('We found %1$s in %2$s.', 'ytd'), $NG_doc, $NG_cat );
/** We need to print out a sentence depending on the gender of the user
* and number of posts by this user
$user = get_userdata(); // Gender and post count attribute has been added
/** _n_noop stores every possible plurals in an array */
switch ( $user->gender) {
case 'female':
$_n_noop_array = _n_noop('%s is a woman and she has 1 post',
'%s is a woman and she has %d posts','ytd');
case 'male':
$_n_noop_array = _n_noop('%s is a man and he has 1 post',
'%s is a man and he has %d posts', 'ytd');
default: // ’cause some time, you don’t know
$_n_noop_array = _n_noop('%s is a user and has 1 post',
'%s is a user and has %d posts', 'ytd');
/** translate_nooped_plural now get the right plural string
* from the $_n_noop_array depending on a given numeric variable
$format_str = translate_nooped_plural( $_n_noop_array,
$user->post_count, 'ytd');
/** $format_str now contains the right format string for printf
* and can be populated with the variables
printf( $format_str, $user->nicename, $user->post_count );
$start_time = 1408172400;
$end_time = 1408287600;
echo date_i18n( 'F j Y \a\t g:ia', $start_time )
.' to '
.date_i18n( 'F j Y \a\t g:ia', $end );
/** Solution: compare $start and $end. Check for 2 things:
* Same what? Same day, month, year or same nothing
* Full period: full day, full month, full year
if ( date( 'Ymd', $start_time) === date( 'Ymd', $end) ){
$same = 'day';
/** Full day (00:00 to 23:59), full month (1 to last day of month),
* full year (Jan 1 to Dec 31) */
if ( date( 'd', $start_time) == '1'
&& date('t',$end) == date('d',$end) { // 't' number of day in month
$full = 'month';
/** Based on $same and $full, set $start_pattern and $end_pattern
* Always use context functions.
echo date_i18n( $start_pattern, $start_time)
.date_i18n( $end_pattern, $end_time);
echo 'Hello ' . $your_name . '. How are you today?';
// bad, bad developer
echo __('Hello ','ytd').$your_name.__('. How are you today?','ytd');
/** Translators get these phrases to translate:
* 'Hello '
* and
* '. How are you today?'
* And localized strings should NEVER contain trailing spaces
/** Use printf (and sprintf) strength to manage variables
* in their format string.
printf( __('Hello %1$s. How are you today?', 'ytd'), $your_name );
$variable = 'the string';
$variable = __( 'the string', 'ytd');
<p>the string</p>
<p><?php _e( 'the string', 'ytd') ?></p>
$mounting = 'Screwed';
$predicament = 'Screwed';
_x( 'Screwed', 'attached to another object by an inclined plane,
wrapped helically around an axis', 'ytd' );
_x( 'Screwed', 'being in a predicament', 'ytd' );
if ( $nb_of_fallen_teeth == 1 ){
$string = 'tooth';
$string = 'teeth';
$string = _n( 'tooth', 'teeth', $nb_of_teeth, 'ytd' );
$post_tax_nominal_groups = array();
foreach ( get_taxonomies() as $tax ) {
$taxonomy = $tax->name;
// taxonomy object contains translated labels
$taxonomy_single_label = $tax->labels->singular_name;
$taxonomy_plural_label = $tax->labels->name;
$terms = wp_get_post_terms($post_id, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'ids'));
/** Here, we can’t really use the plural GETTEXT function because WordPress
* taxonomy labels declaration only uses one value for plural form.
if (count($terms)){
$post_tax_nominal_groups[] = sprintf( _n( 'one %1$s', // first variable
'%2$d %3$s', // second and third
$taxonomy_single_label, // first
count($terms), // second
$taxonomy_plural_label );// third
// how many [N taxonomies...]
$nb_of_nominal_group = count( $post_tax_nominal_groups );
// take out the last one and store it in a string
$last_nominal_group = array_pop( $post_tax_nominal_groups );
// concatenate the others with commas
$comma_sep_nominal_groups = implode( ', ', $post_tax_nominal_groups );
printf( _n( 'This post is linked to %2$s.', // use only the last one
'This post is linked to %1$s and %2$%.', // use both string with AND
'ytd' ),
$last_nominal_group );
'ytd' // for your-text-domain
// $bug_count being an integer
echo 'You have ' . $bug_count . ' bugs in your code.';
/** English, Greek, Spanish have a plural if "n" is not ONE
* nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
* French, Filipino, Turquish have a plural if "n" greater than ONE
* nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);
* Arabic have 6 plural forms
* nplurals=6; plural=(n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3
* && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5);
* Developers need to be flexible.
printf( _n( 'You have a little bug in your code.', // singular
'You have %d bugs in your code.', // plural
$bug_count, 'ytd' ),
/* GETTEXT takes care of the rest */
<script type="text/javascript"> // java_script.js contains
if ( status == 'error' ){
alert( 'Good God, there’s an error!');
}else if ( status == 'warning' ){
alert( 'Be careful with that!' );
alert( 'All good, carry on.' );
$java_texts = array(
'message' => __('All good, carry on.','ytd'),
'error' => __('Good God, there’s an error!','ytd'),
'warning' => __('Be careful with that!','ytd')
wp_localize_script('java_script', 'java_obj', $java_texts);
<script type="text/javascript"> // java_script.js contains
alert( java_obj[status] );
function load_my_plugin_localization(){
load_plugin_textdomain('ytd', false,
'./path/relative/to/WP_PLUGIN_DIR/with/trailing/slash/' );
//Name your .PO/.MO files your_text_domain-xx_XX.
function load_my_theme_localization(){
//Name your .PO/.MO files xx_XX only.