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Wird geladen...
  • era komputerisasi | 1960-an | efisiensi
  • era teknologi informasi | 1970-an | efektivitas
  • era globalisasi informasi | 1980-an | media informasi
  • era sistem informasi | 1990-an | manajemen perubahan

Media transmisi:

  • komunikasi (point to point)
  • penyiaran (point to multipoint)
  • jaringan (multipoint to multipoint)
  • konvergensi media & new media

"10 juta pengguna Twitter di Indonesia hanya membicarakan dan mengolah informasi, mereka belum menjadi sumber informasi. Informasi di Twitter lewat URL, itu masih didominasi oleh media massa," (Roby Muhammad)

Key media usage trends for middle class Indonesians:

  • Middle class Indonesian households watch an average of 4.5 hours of TV a day. Sports programming is the most popular, followed by drama series and other entertainment genres.
  • Local content is appealing to middle class, which is why each city has its own newspaper.
  • Almost a quarter (22%) of middle class consumers have Internet access, and spend 1.5 hours a day accessing the internet.
  • Nearly three-quarters of middle class consumers in major cities (71%) have a mobile phone, with almost half saying they use the devices to access the Internet. More than one-third (35%) have a smartphone.
  • Indonesians love social networking: 94 percent are connected to social networks, and 89 percent have a Facebook account.


Much of this growth is being driven by teens, with more than 70 perecent having a mobile phone connection, while the number of tweens aged 10-14 having mobile phones increased more than five times during the five year period. Instant messaging or chatting is the top use of the phones for today’s young Indonesians, who prefer this use of the devices over voice calls or texting.

Sumber: http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/global/mobile-phone-penetration-in-indonesia-triples-in-five-years/

What’s more, Indonesian mobile subscribers are spending less now than they were five years ago, with 58 perecent of consumers spending less than Rp. 50,000 (@USD 5) per month in 2010 compared to only 18 perecent in 2005.

“The decline in average monthly spending is driven by two factors: Tariffs over the last few years have headed south and, more importantly, new consumer segments with limited spending capacity are entering the market,” said Viraj Juthani, Director Telecom Practice Group, The Nielsen Company, Indonesia.

Sumber: http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/global/mobile-phone-penetration-in-indonesia-triples-in-five-years/

Ketersediaan Data

Data apa saja yang dibutuhkan

Bagaimana data dikumpulkan

Bagaimana data digunakan

Bagaimana data diolah dan disimpan


Situasi umum /masalah

di lokal

Mekanisme perencanaan pembangunan

kelancaran pelayanan publik



Sumber: http://merlyna.org/?p=2580

Sumber: Didi Sugandi (2012)

Rencana Strategis ICT Indonesia:

  • Indonesia Connected 2012
  • Indonesia Informatif 2014
  • Indonesia Broadband 2016
  • Indonesia Digital 2018
  • Masyarakat berbasis Pengetahuan 2025

Grafik desa-desa yang memiliki sambungan telepon kabel (kiri) dan nirkabel (kanan). Simbol batang menandakan jumlah dalam setiap tahun yang dimaksud. Garis menunjukkan persentase. Data dan grafik diterbitkan oleh Kominfo (2010) seperti yang dikutip oleh Yanuar Nugroho (2011).

Sumber: http://merlyna.org/?p=2580

Sumber: Didi Sugandi (2012)

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