Why did the ideas of Charles Darwin cause such controversy?
New Social Order Arises
Science Takes New Directions
Debating Earth’s Age
Development of Atomic Theory
Industrial Revolution's impact on social classes
The Social Classes
- Charles Lyell wrote Principle of Geology
- Offered evidence of the an earth that had existed for around 2 billion years
- Later archaeological finds proved this theory wrong
- Developed by English Quaker John Dalton
- Showed that each element possessed its own type of atoms
- Showed different kinds of atoms combine to make all chemical substances
Upper Class
Lower Class
Middle Class
People with large amount of land
Middle-Class Tastes and Values
Public Education
People who could barely make a living
Upper Middle Class
- People with good income to have an ideal home
- Doctors
Lower Middle Class
- People who barely broke out of the lowest class
Education Improves in 1800s
Middle Class Develops their own style of life
Develops strict code and rules that make up the social behavior
Children were to be seen but not heard
People assumed that middle class people had:
- Maid or servant
- Ideal home
- Children with education
Roles of individuals in an ideal home
Science Takes New Direction
Teachers had little or no education teaching children
Not all children were getting educated
Wife's Job
Husband's Job
- Cult of Domesticity-wife would watch the kids, direct and help around the house
- There were to be known as
- Care givers
- Religious
- Doing charitable service
- Husbands went to work and were the main source of the family income
- The Atomic Theory Develops
- Debates about the Earth's age started
- Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection
- Social Darwinism and Racism
Social Darwinism and Racism
Natural Selection
- A theory developed by British Naturalist Charles Darwin
- Natural Selection-Species that survive and reproduce is sole ancestor to coming generations
- These thoughts Social Darwinism encouraged acceptance of current social class
- This encouraged Racism
- Natural selection believed that progression of species was based on adaptation
- The world chooses advancement and should be left to do
Growth of Public Education
Further education
Many protestant churches at the time pushed for Social Gospel, a movement that urged Christians to social service
- Works Cited
- Crumbing. Public Education. N.d. G-static, London. Images G-static. Web. .
- Hall. Julia Braniard Hall. N.d. Alcoa Historical science Photos, Unknown. Alcoa News image library. Web. .
- Hughes. Family Photo. N.d. Oremus Collectors, England. Oremus Photos. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
- Jones. Evolution. N.d. Daily Mail, Portrait. DailyMail. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
- Luna04. Homo Sapiens Skull. N.d. Wiki Commons, Europe. Wikimedia. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
- unknown. Charles Darwin. N.d. AllTomHistory, unknown. . Web. .
- unknown. Neanderthal Bones. N.d. HuffPost, unknown. HuffPost. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
- unknown. Women's Votes. N.d. Getty Images, London. Women's History Images. Web. .
- unknown. Social Gospel. N.d. aberhartfoundation, US. aberhartfoundation. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
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Women's Education
Limitation to Education
- Women sought greater educational opportunities
- Colleges opened for women
- Bedford College in England
- Mount Holyoke in United States
- Lower middle class could not send children to school because of money
- Girls were being educated in housing
Higher Education Expands
- Colleges and universities expanded
- More complex curriculum were emphasized
- Philosophy
- Religion
- Law
The Women Protest
Also supported Temperance movement- campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages
They protested for:
Voting Rights
Fairness in marriage and divorce
Property law
Julia Hall worked with her brother on an aluminum-producing process but her brother almost got all the credit
Suffrage Struggle
Early Voices
Before 1850, women from middle class organized campaign for abolition of slavery
- Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 demanded women's suffrage
- Women's suffrage-women's right to vote
- Women wanted control of their own property
- Struggled for political powers
Elizabeth Candy Stanton
Susan B. Anthony
Sojourner Truth
Crusaded against slavery before organizing a movement for women's rights
- African American suffragist
- Spoke against the belief that restricting women's right was protecting them
"Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud puddles or gives me any best place! And ain't I a women?"-Sojourner Truth
Changing Attitudes and Values