My First Draft
My second draft
Shaunna's review
I think this magazine cover is plan and boring I wouldnt buy it because it doesnt catch my eye.
Tasha's review
Shaunna's review
The image is not a medium close up which is what is needed.
I really dont think the green goes wih the image and it classes with the boys red jumper. I wouldnt buy it because again it's plan and boring.
Tasha's review
The image is not a medium close up and magazines are usually portrait not landscape.
My Third Draft
Shaunna's review
I like the colours in this the white and the blue go together nicely but I dont like the fact the models face isnt showing.
My fourth draft
Tasha's review
It would be better if you could see the person's face as you would be able to see their emotions.
Shaunna's review
I like the image and I also like the idea of more than one image. The pink text doesnt really appeal to both genders and the target audience of boy and girls.
Tasha's review
The image is in a landscape format and should be portrait.