The Two Reasons
They don't know what the instructions are.
They choose not to follow them.
Imagine how you want it to look, give specific instructions and use the same words/phrases
Have a plan for when instructions are followed or not followed
How to be specific
Example set of rules
- Follow instructions
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself – include "accidental" throwing
- Use positive language (the meaning of “positive language” needs to be taught)
Teach frequently used instructions
Use behavioural narration- “Thanks for...
Keep track
Example consequence hierarchy
- 1st warning: Recorded
- 2nd warning: 5 minutes away from group
- 3rd warning: Rest of session away from group
- 4th warning: Another class for 15 mins plus reflection time/detention
- 5th warning: parents/ SLT informed- another class for rest of session plus reflection time
How to give warnings
Bob, that's a warning. The instruction is ...
Don't dwell on warnings
Be consistent
- Reasonable instructions
- Reasonable consequences
- Reasonably delivered
- Flexible in advance, consistent in the now
- Make sure only the choice affects whether a consequence is delivered
Avoid wasted language.
"If you don't ration your intervention, what you say evaporates." Alex Ferguson
Polite reminders:
- I've got to be fair on Bob
- Dave, you've had two warnings. I know you'll be careful to follow instructions
Telling tales
Consequences don't change behaviour
Restorative Practice
1. What happened?
2. How did you feel?
3. Who's been affected?
4. How can we move on?
Class-wide rewards
Fair Process:
1. Engagement
2. Explanation
3. Expectation clarity