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battle of ticonderoga 1777

The battle was located in Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain, in New York.

This battle was between the American Colonists, and the British troops, which consisted of the British, Hessians, which they were Germans, and Brunswickers.


American- Arthur St. Clair

British-John Burgoyne

The attack on the Americans came as a suprise one day. It is said that the Americans woke up one moring to the British army right outside their doors.

The British ended up winning the Battle of Ticonderoga in 1777. We know they won because, they ended up with control of the fort.

The Battle of Ticonderoga was very important in early history. After the British totally gained control of the fort, a few years later the Americans came back, and they ended up with control of the fort again. If the American's did not go back, the British might of gained control of more parts of the United States. So, it was important the American troops came back to try to get the fort back.

What the two troops were fighting for was the fort of Ticonderoga. The Americans thought if they fought, they would keep the red coats out of the northern part of america.

My battle I studied was the Battle of Ticonderoga. It was a battle that pretty much determined who took over the Northern part of the United States.

The British troup had about 7,363 soldiers, and they fought against the American Colonists who had about 3,000 soldiers.

The battle location is located in the top northeastern part of New York.

The ultimate cause of the battle of Ticonderoga was that the British wanted to try to gain control of the fort, because they wanted to try to take over the northern part of the U.S.

There is a big thing that lead up to this battle in 1777. Well first, the French buit the fort in 1755. Later on, in 1769, during the French and Indian war, the British took the fort over. The British were the ones that named the fort Fort Ticonderoga. During the Revolutionary War, the colonists took it over in 1775. This is what leads to the Battle of Ticonderoga.

As a result of the battle, British gained control of the fort, only because Arthur St. Clair gave up. The Americans basically gave the fort to the British, because Arthur St. Clair was afraid that if they fought any longer, all of his troops would be dead. So, he basically gave up the battle to the British to save troops.

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