
Prezi AI.

Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.

Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.


Indirect Characterization

The writer shows what the character is like through:

  • Physical description
  • The character's actions and words, often enhanced by/related to the setting.
  • The characters thoughts and feelings
  • What others in the narrative think about the character.

"Everyone giggled upon hearing Chrysanthemum's name. "

"It's so long," said Jo.

"It scarcely fits on your name tag," said

Rita. "You're named after a flower?"

Chrysanthemum wilted.

Elements of Characterization

Writer's also include some of the following to develop characters:

  • Descriptions of possessions
  • Descriptive adjectives
  • Vivid, relevant details
  • Metaphors/Similes

Small moments in a character's life

*Read Flashback in chapter 1 of Crash as example.

**This is a small moment that shows the reader who the character is.

Give me a verbal snapshot (your own words) of your impression of Crash after the flashback. Include details you heard from the text to help explain why you see him the way you do.

**When developing your own characters, you have to consider the characters physical appearance, their actions, speech, and behavior, and how they interact with others. You also need to decide if this is going to be a static or dynamic character.

Static characters stay the same.

Dynamic characters change throughout the story.

What kind of character do you predict

Crash to be and why?

Strong Charcters are developed through:

Direct Characterization

Read chapter 1 of Crash

The writer tells what a character is like by direct comment.

"Chrysanthemum grew and grew and grew. And when she was old enough to appreciate it, Chrysanthemum loved her name."

  • Actions: nonverbal communication is often stronger than what people actually say (body language and gestures)
  • Speech: a character with a distinct voice that shows what he or she is like.
  • Setting: a setting that helps establish the character's personality
  • Physical description: physical traits to help paint a picture in the reader's mind.

Identify the techniques you just heard:




Physical Description:

Techniques for developing characters

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