Happy Sci-Fi Reading!
Sci-Fi in General
Involves imaginary worlds AND technology
Usually takes place in the FUTURE
May have a warning for humankind
But it ALWAYS...
Can have various sub-topics
includes ADVANCED Technology!
It's similar to Fantasy,
is often Adventurous,
and could also contain a Mystery....
Sci-Fi: Time Travel
The characters travel from one time to another
Finding Sci-Fi
They may go into the past
and/or into the future.
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What is Science Fiction?
Sarah Ducharme
ES Librarian
Sci-Fi: Robots
Characters encounter or ARE robots. Robots are an
integral part of life.
Characters either travel to or live IN outer space
It's an alternate view of society and a warning of consequences of the ways of our current society.
Sci-Fi: Space
A world with limited or no technology
= fantasy
New society may have taken
a step back.
A new society with advanced technology
= sci-fi
A "dystopia" is a NOT perfect world.
(It's the opposite of "utopia" meaning...?)
Sci-Fi: Dystopia