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Chapter 8 Section 1

English kings and power

  • William of Normandy-William the Conqueror
  • Blending of Norman French and Anglo-Saxon customs, languages, traditions
  • English common law- legal system based on custom and court rulings
  • Henry II- broadened the system of royal justice by expanding accepted customs into law

William the Conqueror

  • triumphed over Harold in the Battle of Hastings to win the English crown
  • never spoke English, illiterate
  • had the most influence on the evolution of the English language than anyone ever
  • took a complete census in 1086

Evolving Traditions of Gov't

  • King John was a cruel and untrustworthy ruler
  • He lost to King Philip II of France, Pope Innocent III, and his his own English nobles
  • Excommunicated by the Pope when he rejected nominee
  • Forced to sign Magna Carta by rebellious barons

Royal Power Grows

Magna Carta

  • medieval monarchs slowly build the framework for the European nation-states
  • Nation-state: region that shares a gov't yet independent of other states
  • each nation developed differently, and the establishing of a monarch could have consequences
  • a great charter that contained two very important ideas that shaped English gov't in the future
  • asserted that nobles had certain rights, extending to all citizens over time
  • made it clear that any monarch must obey the law and not abuse their power

Monarchs, Nobles, and the Church

  • Monarchs are kings, queens, etc. Born into power
  • Nobles had had as much power as monarchs, sometimes even more
  • Monarchs expanded the royal domain and set up systems of royal justice undermining courts of the Church

Image by Tom Mooring

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