Honoring Yourself with a Quality Consequence
How Do We Fill Our Buckets and Dump the Stress?
1. Close Your Eyes and Calm Your Body
2. Speak Kind Words to Yourself
3. Find a Quiet Space to Relax
4. Enjoy Who You Are
5. Name 3 Good Things
Where Did It Go??
What's Stress Got To Do With It?
What takes my self-respect:
- Stress can make us Bucket Dip
Showing Myself Respect
Treating Others How You Want To Be Treated
Part of respect is caring about YOURSELF.
Self-Respect Is....
Self-Respect Makes Me Feel...
Stress Can Be Caused By:
- Worrying about what we can't control
- New Experiences: ie. Test Taking
- How can we show Respect to Others?
Our Choices, Our Words, Our Consequences.
Where We Have Been...
- Operation Beautiful/Bucketfilling
When you respect someone, you care about how the person feels.
The Road to Self-Respect
- How do we get self-respect?
- Self-Respect Levels: Bucket Levels
Honestly Being Respectful
Respect means that you believe the person's ideas, thoughts, and feelings are important.
Trust = Respect???