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The British won but at a great cost. The Boer war involved bitter guerilla warfare.
David Livingstone explored Africa for thirty years. He strongly opposed the slave trade and wrote about the people he met with less bias than most other europeans.
Called for Islamic law because of the corruption of local Hausa rulers.
Analyze the forces that shaped Africa
Explain why European contact with Africa increased during the 1800's.
Understand how Leopold II started a scramble for colonies.
Describe how Africans resisted imperialism.
The Boer war took place when Boer lands were trying to be taken over by Europeans.
The imperialism in africa was part because of the slave trade.
Islamic law is social and religious reform.
Explorers advanced further and further into the African interior. Missionaries soon followed.
Under Leopolds control the African laborers were savagely beaten and mutilated.
Under Belgians rule the congo was seized from Leopold and renamed it the Belgian Congo.
The slave trade had a huge impact on African nations. The slave trade would have made it easier to take the nations over.
For thirty years Livingstone crisscrossed Africa. He wrof the people he encountered with little to no prejudice unlike most other Europeans.
Catholic and protestant missionaries spread though Africa and tried to spread there religion where they went.
King Leopold II of Belgium hired Stanley.
Stanley moved into Africa to sign trade treaties with African leaders.
Britains lands in Africa was spread out but included many resources and people.
In the 1830's France invaded and took control of Algeria. They did this at the cost of many thousands of French lives.
The Boers, descendants of the Dutch, resisted Britain. The British defeated the Boers, winning the Boer war, but they did this at a great cost.
He was to arrange trade treaties with the African leaders.
During the imperialism some Africans embraced western ways. These Africans ,educated by the westerners, became the upper class, or African Elite.
Ethiopia was the only African nation, aside from Liberia, to resist European colonization.
Throughout the 1800's North Africa remained under the rule of the declining Ottoman Empire.
Shaka led a powerful south African force during the imperialism.
All across Africa there was armed resistance against European forces.
Other European nations were after colonies in Africa to bolster their national image and to increase economic growth and influence.
In 1910 Britain united the Cape colony with former Boer lands creating the Union of South Africa.