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트렌드 검색
What is distance learning?
"Any formal educational process that occurs with the teacher and the student separated by either time or distance''
"Distance learning is an educational approach that intergrates technology, connectivity ,curricular content and human resources"
Dr. Jan Wilson
>>opportunities for collaborative activities
>>how are they motivated to be done?
>>> stimulating
Learners are not intrinsically motivated unless the learning environment offers motivational features.
-----Jones, 1998
>>>safe environment provided
>>How should games and stimulations involve social learning?
Foster engagement through immersion
Link learning to goals and roles
Create a social context with shared interests
------Jenkins, 2005
Embedding learning activities into games and simulations in an online environment will offer students socially acceptable and personally fratifying opportunities to learn.
-------Thompson & Rodriguez, 2004
"Subset of reality in which one can go
to learn about a specific domain through
pesonal discovery and exlanation."
(Rieber :1992)
building objects
"Visually based virtual envronments are
an extension of constructivist learning theories"
operator: Dr. Bryan Carter
context: composition course in University of Central Missouri
objective: learn to write "experientially"
Example topic: Apperance, acceptance, identity, and race
feed back
85% !!!!
15% ????
controlled practice
free communication
Manipulation of the environment
opportunity to apply a
variety of language lessons
>>context: freshman-level German students at the university of Central Mossouri, never taken German before
>> objective: learning the vocabulary for objects in an apartment
Feed back
>>easy or difficult?
>>detriment to their learning?
>>future use?
Carter. B. and D. Elseth. (2009). The usefulness of second life for language learning. In Rita de Cássia Veiga Marriott (Ed.) Patricia Lupion Torres (Ed.). Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition. New York: Hershey
Davey, K.B.(1999). Distance learning demystifid, National forum, 79(1), 44-46.
Swan, M. (1985). A critical look at the communicative approach (2). ELT Journal, 39(2), 76-87.
Wilson, J. (2002). The power of distance learning: Guest editorial. Education, 122(4), 638, 673.
virtual field trip
floating text to objects
Second life Grid
Kathleen Davey(1999)
We shall probably benifit from the next langage teaching revolution, especially if we can keep our heads, recognize dogma for what it is ,and try out he new techniques without giving up useful older methods simply becuase they have been "proved wrong"
--------Swan, 1985, P. 87
Social learning creates an effective means of collaboration.