introduce prezi
outline positives/negatives
guided exploration
*after the learning curve, and if you take to it.
if after
visualizing the 7cs
the library's perspective:
what is a concept map?
unique and challenging
what we're using:
Engage faculty, campuses staff, and library staff in creating their own maps. Create a mothership account to centralise and publish.
Contact Char Booth at
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A "concept mapping" project using to gain insight into various library-related aspects of the 7cs: curriculum, outreach, etc.
At the moment, a few intrepid & interested Claremont Colleges librarians. In the future, *hopefully* many more of you.
Because concept mapping is very useful for understanding a place as complex as the Claremont Colleges (or the library, or the contents of your own head, and so forth).
visual recordkeeping
cross-campus insight
track and compare instruction coverage at each campus
Understand & compare similar services or projects at each campus
link and organize
identify priorities
embed syllabi, link to course descriptions and websites
Find areas of potential collaboration and/or outreach
focus on needs
usable knowledgebase
clearly perceive areas that require additional coverage and identify their contact points
Collaborate, publish, and share with colleagues & others
*after the learning curve, and if you take to it.
if after