"The Scorch Trials"
By: James Dashner
The Climax- The climax is a large turning part in the story. It is definitely a very suspenseful, exciting part of the story.
- They find group B and Teresa
- Teresa and Aris start to act like traitors
- Teresa and Aris trick Thomas and put him in a gas chamber
- Teresa takes Thomas back to group B's camp
- Group B ties Thomas to a tree
- Minho and some other gladers save Thomas then try to go to the safe haven
- On the way to the haven they are attacked
Rising Action
The rising action- the rising action were arguably some of the best parts in the book.
- Attacked by cranks
- Brenda and Thomas are stuck with each other
- Thomas gets shot
- WICKED helps to restore him
Falling Action
- The dark tunnel
- The spheres
- Two Gladers killed
- Outside of the tunnel
- Really bright
- Walking towards the city
- The storm
- Seven Gladers killed
- The building
- Group of others in the building
- George and Minho get in a fight
- Georges friends threaten to kill Minho
Falling Action- The falling action was interesting as well as the rest of the story however it was very confusing as it was supposed to be.
- The pilot
- Promised the cure to the Flare and told to relax
Thomas versus What he doesn't know
- They created the maze
- They are making the gladers go through the tests
Inciting Incident
The Inciting Incident- The inciting incident was a large part of the book. It foreshadowed many things in the book to happen.
- The tattoos
- Designated jobs
- Group A
- The Flare
- "Rat Man"
- Phase 1 and phase 2
- The Flat Trans
- This is a sequel to the book "The Maze Runner". Also there are lots of weird things that happen, For example:
- "The Maze Runner"
- Grievers
- The Gladers
- There are characters that can communicate telepathically
- The Flare
- The Cranks
The Resolution
- The facility
- "Rescuers"
- Aris
- Thomas
- If he died there would be no story
- Minho
- Although he is very important there would still be a story should he die
The Resolution- The resolution was extremely suspenseful.