First people to win self rule during this period
Controlled most of the Balkan region
Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and the former Yugoslavia
European Support
Russians connected to the Greek Orthodox Christians who were ruled by the Muslin Ottomans
Educated Europeans loved and respected ancient Greek culture
Greece On The Ruins of Missolonghi
Eugene Delacroix
Nationalist riots broke out against Dutch rule in the Belgian city of Brussels
October 1830
Belgians seceded & declared their independence
The Poles
An armed rebellion in partitioned Poland against the Russian Empire
Took the Russian army almost a year to crush the uprising
Nationalists working to unite the city-states of Italy were but down by the Austrian Prince Metternich & by the Pope
1830s Uprisings
Year of Revolution
Revolutionary leaders wanted a democratic constitution & centralized Hungarian nation
Minority groups
(Croats, Serbs, & Romanians)
wanted autonomy
- liberal constitution
- union with German state
- distracted by Denmark's claim to Schleswig & Holstein
- land was occupied by Germans
- Called on Prussian army thus sparking war
- Named Frederick Emperor
1848 Revolutions Fail to Unite
Ferdinand I of Austria
Francis Joseph
Frederick William IV of Prussia
Frankfurt Assembly
Why did the revolutions of 1848 fail?
Only in France was the demand for a democratic government the main goal
Radicals Change France
assassinated by anarchists
Reform In Russia
Battle of Navarino
British, French, and Russian fleets destroyed the Ottomans
Taboo Review
Nationalists Challenge Conservative Power
Greeks rebelled against the Ottoman Turks
- Ottomans
- Balkans
- Battle of Navarino
- Delacroix
Britain, France, and Russia signed a treaty guaranteeing an independent kingdom of Greece
- dissatisfaction with leadership
- demands for democracy
- developing nationalism
Greeks Gain Independence
Greece is depicted as a kneeling woman
Black man wearing a yellow turban symbolizes the enemy
Frederick William IV
artisans & factory workers + middle class liberals
- disbanded Assembly
- created a conservative constitution
- Tried to get other German states to elect him emperor
Frederick William IV
Taboo Review
Frankfurt Assembly
Planting flag = Ottomans claiming land
Clothing is symbolic of revolution and lady liberty
Francis Joseph
The Austrian-Hapsburg Empire
Dead hand = death of Greeks
Louis Kossuth
led liberal efforts
Led conservative effort, assisted by Russia, that crushed liberal revolts
peasants lost interest in revolution
fled to London
- national autonomy
- full civil liberties
- universal suffrage
urban class division
socialist workshops & universal suffrage
Alexander II
promised reforms & a liberal constitution after Viennese students/workers & peasants throughout empire revolted
Ferdinand I of Austria
Legal System
Due to the combined forces of France, Great Britain, Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire
- locally elected council
- remained subordinate to aristocracy
Russia Lost
- collective ownership made it difficult to improve agricultural methods
- each community had 49 years to pay government back
- aristocracy kept 1/2 of the land
Edict of Emancipation
Crimean War
- Tightened czarist control over the country
- Encouraged industrial development
Alexander III
Czar Nicholas I
- Minister of Finance
- Industrial surge (1890-1900)
- doubled railroads
- established tariffs
- used gold standard
- encouraged foreign investment
Sergei Witte
- Catholic
- Spoke French
- High unemployment
- Industrial unrest
- Multinational state
- Military conquest
- Absolutist
- Agrarian economy
Charles X
- "king of the French people" turned "bourgeois monarch"
- lack of social legislation
- self-interested
- wanted to re-establish old order
- used military campaigns to bolster nationalism (Algeria)
- Revoked Constitutional Charter (voting & press)
Taboo Review
- Nicholas I
- Crimean War
- Alexander II
- Edict of Emancipation
- Zemstvo
- Alexander III
- Serge Witte
Revolt in Paris by workers & students
Refusal to consider electoral reform
- Uncle's romanticized legacy
- Middle class wanted protection from socialist urban workers
- Program of industrialized reform
- wanted temporary relief
- opposed further social measures
Moderate Liberals
2nd Republic
universal male suffrage, freed slaves in colonies, abolished death penalty, established a 10 hour work day in Paris
France's Second Republic
Radical Republicans
- opposed capitalism
- advocated unionization
high unemployment & worsening depression
- Charles X
- Louis-Philippe
- 2nd Republic
- June Days
- Napoleon III
Napoleon III's Second Empire
national workshops
Taboo Review
- Granted universal male suffrage
- Invested in banking and railroads
- Public works programs; rebuilt Paris
- Success
- wages & profits increased
- unemployment decreased
- better housing
- granted unionization
- Conservatism decreased with shift in public mood & age
Dissolved conservative National Assembly
Assembly dissolved workshops in Paris & gave works choice of army or workshops in countryside
Artisans & unskilled workers invaded Constituent Assembly
Paris Barricades spark June Days
aka Napoleon III
Why did France's Third Republic fail?
What consequences did Alexander's reforms have on Russia?
What was the driving force behind Russia's industrial expansion?
Why did some liberals disapprove of the way Louis-Napoleon ruled France after the uprisings in 1848?