Emily, Miriam, Katie, Simon, Nohea, and Kameron wanted to go on an adventure for winter vacation.
They thought, why not Southeast Asia?
...is famous for
These are the glories and tragedies of the past.
But today
How can you help?
Please donate to our trip fund!
Giving to our fund enables us to go on our PEPY adventure, to learn more about Cambodia and see things like...
And also....
Please consider making a donation today!
Rule under the Khmer Rouge
Angkor Wat
An Example:
Here is something small...
In fact, why not Cambodia?
Wowing template. Click through in 20 steps.
Over 62% of households are using unsafe water sources, with households in rural areas worse off than households in urban areas
More than 50% of Cambodia's population is less than 21 years old
is facing new issues and opportunities.
53% of the female population is illiterate
Over 47% of children who go to primary school do not reach grade six
PEPY is working with these issues to empower a new generation of Cambodian people to improve their quality of life.
100% of what you give goes toward PEPY's projects.
Our fundraising goal is $2,400. Please help us help Cambodian kids!
Every person who takes a trip with PEPY Tours leaves behind a cash donation to fund these projects.