The background is black, the color of night. This is symbolzing the silence of night.
The word quiet is opaque.
The fill in front of the black background is made of small words and made very opaque.
The font of the words is a soft cursive.
The focal point is gray, a color closley related to black because the colors are so closely related, it is a subtle (quiet) change.
The word stable is repeated in the same opacity, color, size, and font.
The words are placed horizontally to show no change in direction.
The smaller words are meant to symbolize lines. Because lines go on forever, this symbolizes no change, therefore, stability.
These lines also symbolize the lines on a paper. This shows stability because the lines on a paper help to ensure that there is order when you are writing.
The background is a flat color, showing no change.
The only two colors used in this piece are black and white.
To show contrast between black and white, the white has a more elegant font, while the black has a bolder font.
Another way contrast is shown is that the word black is larger than the word white.
In the places where the words overlap each other, they change to the opposite of what they were (a black shape, to white, etc) to show difference.
They are continuously overlapped.
Black on white:
The word active is placed so it appears to be moving away from one central point on the page.
The word is placed in different directions, also suggesting movement.
The word active has been distorted, the new shape it has formed represents an explosion.
The word is bigger where it is closer, suggesting that the word is moving closer or farther away.
The font of the words implies that there is movement because the letters are not "block-like", they flow easily from one to the next.
The two colors used in this piece are closely related, making it difficult to tell the two apart.
The words blend from one line to another, leaving only part of them visible.
The word 'camo' makes a fill that is covering the whole page, this fill is barely visible in some places, making it camo.
The fill is also made with a few slanted letters, these letters make it less obvious as to what it says.
The words are not made easy to read/ they are not seperated from the piece in any way.
The whole word is not clearly visible.
The words opactiy is changed variously to subtly hint at what the word is.
The letters of the word are shown throughout the piece so the veiwer can imply what the word is.
The words and letters are overlapping so you cannot tell at first glance what is trying to be said.
The word is repeated enough (in different sections) so the viewer is able to guess what the whole word is.