- Indians promised more self-rule but it does
not really happen
- April 13, 1919, a large but peaceful crowd
met in a field in Amritsar.
- British commander, General Reginald Dyer
had banned public meetings.
- Dyer open fired on the crowd.
- Turning point
Summarize what happened in the Amritsar
- 1920s Gandhi becomes new leader and
unites Indians.
- Indians call him Mahatma, or "Great Soul"
- Faced racial prejudice in South Africa, which
inspired him to fight against racial injustice.
- Ahimsa: nonviolence and reverence for life.
- Rejected the inequalities of the caste system
- Urged equal rights for men and women.
- The refusal to obey unjust laws
- Gandhi called for boycotts of British goods
especially textiles.
- Indians encouraged to wear only cotton
grown and woven in India.
Use Civil Disobedience and ahimsa in a sentence.
Write it in your notes.
- Indians forced to buy salt sold by British
- March 12, Gandhi and 78 followers set out on to the sea. Thousands join them.
- Gandhi and tens of thousands were imprisoned for illegally taking and selling salt.
- April 6, Gandhi raises salt over his head and says
- "With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British empire."
Read pg. 731-733 in text and fill in the timeline.
Salt March
Amritsar Massacre
Civil Disobedience
India Seeks Self-Rule
Mohandas Gandhi