The paranoia is in bloom, the PR
The transmissions will resume
They'll try to push drugs
Keep us all dumbed down and hope that
We will never see the truth around
(So come on!)
Another promise, another scene, another
A package not to keep us trapped in greed
With all the green belts wrapped around our minds
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined
(So come on!)
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
Interchanging mind control
Come let the revolution take its toll if you could
Flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that
We should never be afraid to die
(So come on!)
Rise up and take the power back, it's time that
The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that
Their time is coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!
Also during the stages of researching and planning, our group clearly made reference towards the AS evaluation to improve our previous limitations and errors in order to achieve high potential and extend our ideas and thoughts. Therefore allowing our group to adapt and become motive towards future objectives and tasks. This PowerPoint presentation shows my evaluation based on our AS level media product, that our group has used in order to consider the improvements and maintaining the qualities for the future media products that our group has produced. These were the screen shots of the AS level evaluation that our group used as a reference and guidelines to ensure future media projects such as the A2 music video project was ensured. This PowerPoint has helped myself and the group through different aspects of the A2 music project such as designing and creating the media product towards the audience's extend and uses and gratifications. Therefore, ensuring the audience great satisfaction over the narrative and structure of the media product.
The conventions that our media product has associated with traditional genre conventions of the alternative rock genre.
For our media product, our group has applied theorists and conventions from the traditional alternative rock genre in order to experiment and develop in order to create an media product that would change the overall representation and meaning of the project. Firstly, for the narrative the media product has used the theory of Tzvetan Todorov of his theories of equilibrium, disequilibrium and resolution. However our media product has also challenged this by not applying the equilibrium instead has used a steady equilibrium in order to build the disequilibrium in order to make the resolution pointless and confusing for the audience to consider about. During the beginning of the media product clearly it begins with band members and screen shots of the lower class area. Therefore, this maintains the quality of the lower class's environment and location in order to create clear contrast of classes and their conflict against each other. However as the music video develops further, the disequilibrium begins to become revealed to the audience through the use of editing and narrative. That the lower class has conquered and shown supremacy over the upper class, therefore, this demonstrates the conflict being resolved but from a different perspective. This therefore suggests the theory of role reversal which can apply different structure of conventions and challenging the stereotypical views of upper class being the more dominant and co-efficient class compared to the lower class. And during the ending, the resolution has left the disequilibrium in an climatic and systematic perspective to create questions and allows the audience to consider the future of society's representation and reputation. So therefore our group has clearly used aspects of Todorov's theory but only to apply it through a climatic and developing pattern that resolves the conflict from different perspective, this therefore causes the audience to question upon the different outcomes of the conflict. This shows that our music video has applied the similar conventions of narative and storyline in order to create a dynamic atmosphere, but however this also challenges the conventions by mostly incorporating disequilibrium in order to build the hooror and tragedy of the upper class being submerged by the lower class.
Also our media product has used similar conventions through the use of theorist Vladimir propp, that the character types used are the villain and the false hero which is similar to the AS product. the villain is used to represent the character create sorrow and causes the hero to struggle therefore the false hero also who claims to become the her often seeking and reacting like an real hero. The villain, in this case, are the lower class individuals that cause the disruption and affect the upper class's society boundaries therefore affecting their overall status and formal characteristics. Therefore the false hero is represented as the upper class which represents the remains and last characteristics of society's integrity. However the audience during the music video will release of the upper class's true purpose. Therefore, this maintains the false hero's or the super 's role of often seeking and reacting like a real hero. This therefore confuses the audience which links to the alternative rock genre which causes allot of variation of conventions. Therefore Propp's theory is applied in order to include the hero and villain contrast to demonstrate the good and evil contrast for the audience. This also shows that the music video has clearly used a variety of characters to demonstrate different meanings and representations.
Our music video has also linked to the theorist Levi Strauss that the use of contrast of good and evil also lower class and upper class is mainly used to clearly represent post modernistic atmosphere therefore showing different societies and individualism. Strauss's theory of binary oppositions also mainly uses contrast and differences in order to make it more productive and individual. This also shows allot of different representations and meanings in order to show allot of ideas and development. And the final theorist used is Roland Barthes, that the media product includes elements of action through different scenes such as the car stealing scene and the lower class shaking hands in order to build the conspiracy and social atmosphere therefore building the alternative rock genre. The use of action clearly is used as an catalyst for the lower class to represent their anger and disaggregation against the upper class. This demonstrates their hatred and inner thoughts against how society is structured so therefore they desire a more ideological society that consider their values and ideas.
The next code associated with the media product is enigma that the media product clearly uses enigma to create narrative questions that the audience wants to answer. The music video uses scenes such as the warning sign and meeting scene in order to build the conspiracy and mystery of the lower class's true intentions against the upper class. This has also challenged from the traditional music conventions by using abstract elements that traditional music video don;t incorporate. This therefore raises another question to what extent does the upper class have against the stereotypical view of the lower class? This is also supported by the use of different close ups and two shots to build community and different individuals participating in an secretive and mysterious form in order to display all the band members. This clearly demonstrates applying the same convention in order to maintain form.Semi codes used such as communism flag and the band members to clearly demonstrate the communism and ideology of the lower class's thoughts and feelings. This has also challenged the traditional music video by including communism and this also links to themselves being iconic and strong towards other groups of people that want to stand against the upper class's structure. The use of semi also uses the communism flag to represent Russian culture and their individual group ideas against society. Also the symbolic codes also link to the semi codes that items such as communism flag and the warning sign clearly demonstrate a different range of representations such as the communism flag representing the iconic and Russian culture, also the warning sign represents the danger and the overall image of the lower class revolting against the upper class. Another aspect that our music has used to challenge is by the use of the news footage from institutions such as daybreak is clearly to use to create realism and maintain the overall form of the music video. This also affects the genre and conventions therefore showing allot of interest and integrity of different groups of society. And finally the use of cultural codes is clearly linking towards the social, Russian and youth cultures to symbolize different groups and variation. The Russian culture is used to represent individualism, communism and political aspects whereas the youth culture is used to build the contrast of adults and youth to clearly demonstrate the stereotypical landscape to build different theories and conventions.
The next conventions that are used during the media product also link to audience theorists. The media product has used the theory of uses and gratifications that the media product clearly uses personal relationships and surveillance to establish different relationship between themselves and the audience. Different conventions such as the use of upper and lower class through similar clothing such as the hoodie and formal clothes. This creates realism between the audience and the characters, therefore, making the audience members more pleased and interested by the different representation of their own social class. The media product also provides measurement and enjoyment for audience members to consume. Therefore, this still maintains the connections and realism in order for them to escape to an area full of their own interest and ideas which creates an alternative world of reality full of abstract expressionism to provide a variety of forms and conventions. But however the uses and gratifications doesn't apply the personal identity as an influence to represent ourselves and our adjustment in society, instead our media product has clearly used all ideas to create a hybrid of different representative to create pleasure for the audience members. this also maintains the quality of realism and manages to build the actuality of the conventions to build their integrity and social structure. Another theorist used is David Morley that his theory of using social and cultural theory was one of the main aspects of the media product due to his reception theory. The meaning of the text, which was to strengthen the lower class to build their courage and power against the upper class, has clearly constructed differently depending on the audience. Some individuals such as the lower class may become more happier due to the misrepresentation of the upper class becoming the victims whereas in contrast the upper class audience members become more outraged and disgusted by the fact that the media product represents themselves as characters of an catalyst conversion of classes. People from different social groups will have different knowledge from the media product of different interpretations of the media texts therefore demonstrating the audience member's variation of thoughts and trivial knowledge.
And the final conventions applied is Stuart Hall's theory of encoding and decoding. However our media product has challenged the interpretations of the model in order to withstand the use of similar conventions. This creates the media product's self image to become more differentiated and more precise in order to show allot of abstract and informal codes and conventions to show the post modernism and alternative genre as an representation of an hybrid media product. Clearly our media product has used different conventions such as the use of slow motion and representations in order to create a more perspective view. The media product has applied different conventions in for the lower class to feel more prouder and respected by the media product's use of representing their social individuals as people who have similar interests and feelings compared to the upper class. So therefore from this point of view, this demonstrates the use of dominant reading that the reader shares the text's code and accepts its preferred reading therefore making the lower class have more relationships and connections with the media product. Whereas, however, this is also challenged by representing the upper class as victims such as the lower class stealing their material possessions and overpowering them through fear and strength. This misrepresentation can cause greater considerations and disbelieving for the upper class therefore creating a more beneficial reading of oppositional reading. the reader understands the code but rejects the preferred reading therefore the audience members will be reading the text from an oppositional position from different perspective. . The upper class will feel very misused and disrespected due to the individuals of the media product being represented as scared and feared through the eyes of the reader. This therefore creates confusion and anger for the upper class by observing different variety of scenes such as the business man running away and the lower class individual stealing his own car possession.
The genre theorist entitled is Saussure that his theory consisting of semiotics shows that meaning is created by the creation and interpretation of signs. Also the signifier which interprets these signs clearly understands their meaning and representational codes and conventions towards their understanding. That our media product clearly uses similar conventions by using objects such as the communist flag in order to represent freedom of speech.
Clearly, our group has used from previous theories the communism and warning signs as signs in order to attract the audience. The use of the communism flag demonstrates the use of becoming different groups of society in order benefit against society. this therefore makes everyone more comfortable and more improved due to the extent of becoming applied with different qualities. The use of the warning sign represents as an catalyst for the lower class's berserk and anger towards against the upper social class. Whereas the reader interprets these signs more into iconic symbols of power and strength which empowers the lower class. The next symbol used is MTV and daybreak which makes it more realistic by using realistic news shows in order to show the disturbance of society and the fear that they are being overpowered by. this is also supported by the use of the birds eye view of the burning building with the fire around the building is used to represent the power and warnings that the upper class has suffered from. The next theorist used for the media product is Dyer that mainly this is challenged by using stereotypical and misrepresentations of different social class. The lower class is used to represent as rebellious and strong with different damage to the upper class's possessions. So therefore the stealing of the car is linked towards this stereotypical convention. Whereas the upper class is represented as formal and more economical due to a variety of technology and materialistic possessions therefore demonstrating their individual power through benefits and economic advantages. But however, this social class contrast is switched of roles that during the media product, the upper class is during the near ending is represented as victims and more vulnerable due to the fact that the lower class is endangering the upper class's lifestyle and qualities. Whereas the lower class is misrepresented during the media product as an social group of power and integrity that few audience members may interpret them as the real victims full of fear and emotions, whereas the upper class are represented as antagonistic. this can create allot of application of knowledge and ideas therefore changing the thoughts and ideas of the audience member's of knowledge. And finally the use of Baudrillard is mostly used for postmodernism that shows the media product is used to represent as becoming more realistic and more connecting towards the audience members. The realism through the use of lower cnad upper class by the use of realistic clothes and locations by the hoodies and trousers, also the use of the streets and the old industrial factories makes the scene and landscape more cultural and misrepresenting. Also the use of the house is used to represent the habitat of the upper class's opinions and sanctuary of their own pleasure and lifestyle. However the use of different editing such as jump cuts and different color filters such as red and orange represents abstract expressionism of the lower class's disaggregation against the upper class. However the use of abstract clearly justify the lower class's anger and rage against the upper class, this therefore can apply the theory of post modernism. The use of post modernism also makes the atmosphere create more vivid and indecisive conclusions towards the enigma questions. This has challenged the use of traditional conventions of the alternative rock genre, this therefore causes allot of consideration and thoughts towards the extent of becomes a different iconic media product that challenges the traditional media product.
And finally for genre conventions, the media product has challenged the use of Crisis that his theory of the media product's becoming more cyclic and attempt to overcome a problem of certainty for our media product, our group has clearly established the roller coaster effect to make the atmosphere more climatic and show allot of variation to synthesize the genre and hybrid. This also shows that the conflict of social classes clearly raises more enigma codes and symbolic codes in order to raise confusion and consideration over the fate of the social classes conflict and resolution.
So in order to fit towards the standard conventions of the music while maintain the use of abstract. Our group had decided to include traditional conventions such as using Goodwin's theory that the use of music videos clearly demonstrates genre characteristics and codes and conventions to create stronger values and ideas. So therefore for our media product, our group has clearly used synchronize lyrics with visual footage in order to create structure and form so the audience won;t get distracted and confused with the narrative of the media product. Also by applying Goodwin's theory, this clearly demonstrates our maintenance and management of assisting the audience by leading them to follow the meanings and representations of the music video. This also helps them to realize the media product's true intentions and values that it's mainly used as an catalyst for creation and evolution of the lower class's structure and power. The use of realistic cultures through the use of clothing and characters by symbolizing the lower and upper class by the use of formal clothes such as suit help the audience to understand more of his reputation as an individual. The use of the locations also help to assist the behavioral and psychological aspects of the contrast of classes such as including old industrial buildings to represents the lower class's habitat whereas the house is formal and clear therefore representing the businessman's home. this builds the narrative towards the music video. This therefore shows that real media product provide a variety of locations in order to builds different perspectives for the audience members to really consider from another aspect of the overall narrative. Also the use of instruments is also used in the media product to clearly reference the use of diegetic and non diegetic structures therefore linking and developing the conventions of using visual elements combined with sounds. This also applied to Goodwin's theory of using references to create structure to the narrative. The media product has also used traditional conventions that the use of close ups such as the singer are used to represent his emotion and expressions about the conflict between the upper and lower classes. therefore allowing the audience to observe the social classes from different view points in order to follow and show the narrative is related to the song entitled Muse- Uprising. the use of medium and long shots also are consisted in order to show a variation of view point and objectives.
The next convention used are the use of camera movements. Our media product has applied and challenged this by using zoom, track and pan in scenes such as the upper class business man running away to show his cowardliness and fear from the lower class empowering the lower class. Also the use of track such as the two shot between the lower class people clearly demonstrates and links their conspiracy and thoughts about overpowering the upper class. this therefore creates disruption and disequilibrium building the climatic and developing atmosphere. The camera also clearly follows the artist and the band through these different variation of camera shots and movements therefore maintain traditional conventions in order to build the structure of the media product. The muse of the mise en scene also shares few traditional conventions that the band members and lower/upper class models are dressed according to their role and placement. For example the lower class clearly have hoodies and jeans to symbolize their informal clothing ideas and thoughts whereas the upper class have black and formal clothing to make them sophisticated and formal for the audience members to observe. The use of this contrast clearly create differentiated thoughts and opinions over the ideas and integrity over the social status. However the music product also challenges the traditional conventions of the music video by including abstract editing such as the red orange filters in order to represent the lower class's berserk and anger against the upper class dominating over weak minded individuals such as themselves. this can have an impact for the audience therefore causing greater disorientation and discomfort. Therefore building the conflict and anger of the classes. This also builds Levi Strauss's theory of binary oppositions and Morley's theory therefore in order to build political and social aspects. The use of the 4 square editing of the band members also builds different views of opinions and importance for the band members and for the audience members. Therefore this challenges the traditional form of the music video by being structured and have a continuous flow. Also the use of the slow motion and jump cuts also challenge the cyclic flow therefore creating an more post modernistic and abstract point of view which makes it more new and have alot of formalities.
The next convention that our music video has challenged is discomforting footage of previous riots which can create the shock factor for audience members of the upper class. This therefore challenges the social structure and conflict of the upper and lower classes. The riot clips also builds the abstract post modernism therefore allowing us to become more insecure and show expressions in another perspective to represent the distortion and threat against the upper class. The riot clips also develop the variety of theories such as Levi Strauss, Morley and Hall that audience members can decode this media product as an informal product that deconstructs the minds of young individuals with desires and inner thoughts. The riot clips also build more conflict and show it in an realistic perspective view. And finally the next convention that the media product has clearly challenged or developed is that the media product has clearly used red and orange filters for abstract. The red orange colours are used for stereotypical representations for berserk and anger therefore demonstrating the fact that the lower class are pushed over by the limitations and boundaries of the upper class. This is based on the music video by muse- uprising which represents the band as small figurines traveling along a world full of destruction and disruption therefore linking to the upper class's suffering and disruption. Also our music video has similar conventions compared to muse by the use of over emphasis on the emotions and feelings expressed by the band members such as the singer saying "They will..." which is similar to the muse singer. They are both represented as powerful and leaders of the conflict making themselves more eligible to fighting their own beliefs and values. Also the media product has challenged the narrative by using the ending as an climatic ending that raises enigma questions and emotional disruption therefore making more questions. This can create emphasis of confusion and classified information. The media product has also challenged the traditional conventions by consisting of the Russian flag to represent communism and show a different society that clearly makes it different and applies more single minded thoughts. This also affects the audience's interpretations over the purpose of the media product and to decided whenever or not the media product has achieved the potential and quality for their target audience members.
The warning sign also has challenged the traditional conventions by being represented as an misrepresentation of danger. The warning sign is represented as an iconic symbol for the lower class to implement and use to challenge the upper class's opinions and arguments against their cultural and political values. The warning sign clearly refers to David
Morley's theory of political aspects. The warning sign in the media product also is used to emphasis the disequilibrium and deformity state of mind of the lower class. This also builds the climatic and developing atmosphere of the alternative rock genre of the media product. Another convention that the music video has applied is the use of being associated with an real music institution such as MTV. The use of the MTV logo clearly builds the music videos brand and reputation therefore also linking to the questionnaire of one of the questions deciding if the media product is worth being associated with other media institutions. The MTV also builds quality and development of the structure of the media product. The media product has challenged the traditional conventions by also using different variety of editing such as overlapping editing of the communism flag and the garage doors therefore building the integrity and form of the intentions of a typical music product. the different types of editing also build the different choice of themes and genre. Also the media product also challenges the traditional representation by using black and white tilt which creates abstract expressionism therefore creating distress and build up of the formal man's purpose as the laptop and the montage of scenes him getting ready are used. And finally the use of repeating clips and footage of various scenes such as the communist flag and the shaking hands scenes clearly links to the emphasis of the meaning of the text such as the shaking hands scenes represents their agreement and accomplishment of overpowering the upper class. And with the use of repetition this clearly is enthused by the extent of becoming a sign full of representation towards the audience's opinions and ideas. this is also linked towards the use of slow motion which has also challenged the traditional conventions of the music video whereas they include normal motion. And finally the music video also uses different pitches of sound particularly during the news scenes where the news reporter reads the news to create disruption and sadness for the audience as their government and civilization are becoming corrupted by greed and anger from the lower class.
Another aspect that our music video has included standard lighting. The use of day and night time contrast differentiates the atmosphere of the text. So therefore the use of darkness in particular scenes such as the lower class meeting the upper class clearly represents the distress and fear between the antagonist and the victim. This shows the upper class questioning and having fear of the lower class dominating their society which can affect the fate of their social structure. So therefore, the use of lighting is mainly based on outside environmental aspects. This can also maintain the realism and individual conventions that build the structure of the media product. Also our media product was also based on the real music video of muse- uprising, the use of darkness and abstract such as undead teddy bears rising from the ground clearly represents the resurrection and power that the lower class is building towards the overpowering of society. Our media product has clearly used this aspect by the use of the two shot and contrast through switching different perspectives of the narrative. For example, after the businessman leaves, meanwhile, one of the individuals from the lower class clearly steals the businessman's possession which his car. This therefore demonstrates that our media product has clearly applied conventions from muse uprising in order to create similarities and standard conventions. The use of the abstract expressionism such as the use of the warning sign and colour filters clearly builds the post modernism and abstract atmosphere. This affects the realism that the media product contains, which can create an hybrid of genres. This therefore affects the alternative rock genre with aspects of the rock genre due to the use of loud and repressive sounds. The media product has also used band members to create similar connections with muse as their real music product has band members but in a small toy car, whereas, our band members are presented in an abstract editing technique through the representation of four squares which demonstrates the abstract and informal narrative. This can build the disequilibrium and enigma of the narrative which allows our group to show the different aspects and codes of the media product through applying the conventions of muse.
2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
The first media product which was the digital was effective due to the use of representational and conventions. From the use of the digital , our group has clearly used the British flag as an symbol of representation and symbolic codes which links to Barthes's theory. Also the use of the British flag clearly shows that in our main product, we have created the environment based on the British culture and patriotism.The united kingdom flag clearly represents patriotism and the ideas of muse coming to the British culture. The ancillary product has also linked to patriotism and leadership similar to the music video which uses the upper class as iconic and leaders of society. So therefore, the silhouette combined with the british flag both resemble conflict and mystery for the audience. This is effective because both products used the theme of social conflict. This is also clearly linked to our real media product, because both products incorporate similar ideas of government and british culture. The music video uses a British environment and The use of the London biggest with an landscape of the London landscape clearly builds the patriotism and shows to the audience members of Muse's plan of developing the societies in an international level of development.This therefore represents as an catalyst of speeding up the distribution of Muse's influence and ideas applied to the minds and theories of audience members. The use of the silhouette also builds mystery and imagination that the audience will be confused about the identity of the landscape. this therefore makes the UK more represented as an new developed world full of mystery and danger, therefore, representing Muse as the protagonists of their crusade against the upper class. This builds the ideas of communism and individualism therefore maintaining the opinions and thoughts of other social groups becoming more independent and more acquittance with the unknown identity of their or another landscape full of their own patriotism. The use of the big Ben becoming more bigger size compared to the landscape clearly makes the landscape resemble more of the elements therefore representing as the leader and most important building in the London area. Clearly, the inside of the dig pack also linked to the real media product, that the use of the darkness silhouette clearly links to the real media product both using mystery and suspense in order to attract the audience. Also the ancillary product has also used Both the ancillary product and main media product clearly use the theorists of Saussaure and Baudrillard that they both use the theories of signifier and signified whereas Baudillard
clearly uses post modernism to justify his transitions and communication. These representation theorists have allowed our group to
consider future theorists in order to show the social and political and cultural aspects of the conventions. Also the media product
also uses the themes of culture in order to attract youth and adults therefore showing our group to become more creative by being
assertive with different ideas to attract different groups of social and types of people that satisfy our products. And finally the
media product also shows similarities of the music video of using the ideas of youth and social classes whereas the main product
uses hoodies and informal clothing in order to make the lower class more discrete of their identity and less representative to the
audience. The ancillary product has also used the conventions of representation and theme from the music video.
This is also represented in the ancillary product by using the lower class's ideas of becoming patriotic about their country and place of origin. However the ancillary product also links to
conventions of the upper class becoming feared and unarmed with the lower class using fear and anger against them in order to build
their own group of individuals. This clearly shows the conventions of evolution and creation therefore using philosophical elements
to build the representation and narrative codes and conventions to build the theme of youth culture and social classes.
The next product that our group has used the front cover of the ancillary product of the digi pack. The front cover of the digital clearly uses the similar conventions of the inside of the digital. The front cover of the digital uses the British flag to build the patriotism and maintains the audience;s thoughts and ideas of power and strength. The British flag in the wall also represents the British culture clearly revealing itself to the audience, therefore, this also demonstrates the release and break against the boundaries of society and government. This also shows that the British and youth cultures are beginning to unrelieved their own thoughts and processes in order to attract their audience members to join their culture. This is similar to the previous ancillary product through the use of the British landscape to link to Saussaure's theory of the signifier and signified that the British flag is the signifier whereas the audience interprets the product as an catalyst of powering the British political society in order to structure the government and political aspects of the society. However the flag can also create confusion and the wrong impression that the media product is represented to stand against society whereas some audience members can interpret the media product as an signifier of showing true British culture. This can challenge and become too much abstract therefore making it more unrealistic and show more post modernistic theories such as conventions from the theorist Baudrillard, this can affect the overall genre of the products which are alternative rock genre. The product has also used an Grey wall background in order to build the lower class theme therefore establishing more connections and relationships between the audience and the theme. The use of the background can also make it more suitable and less effective due to the effects of becoming more informal. This can also affect the upper class's thoughts therefore showing that one group can become affected compared to the other. The use of the silhouettes also build the mysterious and effectiveness compared to the previous product of the inside of the digital. This therefore shows that the silhouettes also represent iconic figures of different classes. This can also share different ideas between different classes and social groups making it more build the contrast and difference. The use of the colors red, blue and white also build the patriotic landscape with the British flag therefore linking to the lower class's theme and connections. The use of the landscape is also used similarly as the same as the inside of the digital in order to create the landscape for the audience members.
The use of the red fist represents power, strength and masculinity with the color red therefore symbolizing strength and power against
society's structure and formalities. The red fist, however, can also link to communism which can cause the audience members consider
and misinterpret the media product as an catalyst of Russian culture. This can imply that the audience members can become confused
due to the extent of the hybrid of cultures. The red fist also makes the entire product post modernistic therefore building the theory of
Baudrillard and also this can also link to David Morley;s theory of audience that the social classes of contrast can become affected by the
clash of cultures between youth, Russian, British and American. Clearly, the media product has also used similar conventions from the
music video that the red fist is also used for power and supremacy whilst in the music video it builds supremacy. Our group decided to
use the iconic fist as a symbolic object in order to spread the representation and purpose of our digipack. The black and grey brick
background also is used to represent the lower class's environment which is similar to the music video as the warehouses and the
empty ground are used to represent their own landscape. However, in the music video this is used to build character and theme, whereas
in the ancillary product of the digipack it is used as a symbol of the barrier of the upper class entraping the lower class in the prison of
embankment. The British flag represents their strength and values breaking across the barrier which si also demonstrated in the music
video through the riot clips. And finally the silhouettes are used to represent identity theft and disguise which is similar to the other
ancillary product. They also use informal clothing of hoodies and jeans, similar to the characters of our music video. Our group also
decided not to include upper class representatives due to their purpose and different moral values. And finally, the digipack has included the album titles of "the resistance" from Muse's digipack in order to create the same style of building a stand against those who have aggregated the lower class's quality of life
The next ancillary product used was that the advert has linked conventions with the main product of the music video and the digipack. The use of the brick background is used in the advert to make the entire atmosphere more rebellious and raise more enigma questions for the audience members to create for the product's purpose and the purpose of muse.The landscape has also been used, similar, to the digipack and music video of mystery and suspense. Clearly the landscape of the poster has been used but however, the landscape has been used to demonstrate the fear and strength of being overpowered by the red fist of communism culture and the lower class rising above society.Also the red fist clearly is being used similar to the music video whereas it uses the communist flag in order to build power and communism for potential. Both products also used the theme of conflict and contrast in order to build expectation.
The product also maintains the theory of Baudrillard and Saussaure. The use of the white text of muse also builds their identity and characteristics in order
for the audience to have deception upon the overall imagery of the product. This also raises
awareness and questions over the fate of society and their roles, which is similar to our music video where our group has created confusion and suspense in order for the audience to raise awareness and expectations of the social classes.
The sentence "Join the resistance" is clearly used to attract and allow the audience members a chance for redemption and power that the lower class is being promoted in order to stand against the social recommendation of the upper class. This is also linked to the music video The media product also includes an date in order to make it more dramatic for the audience to consider upon, due to the fact that the audience are involved with the long term conflict that results in different scenes and themes of the intended landscape. However the product can be improved by not resembling too much of the Russian culture therefore maintain the British culture to not false making the incorrect representations that our group has intended to create and use for the audience members to consider upon.
The ancillary product has clearly shown connections and links to the music video by using the red fist to link to the music video through communism and supremacy. The music video has clearly used the lower class dominating the upper class, therefore, the red fist has applied that conventions but however instead it has a different purpose of persuading others to join the resistance. Another aspect is that the ancillaty product, uses grey and dark background similar to the digi pack but however this sense of mystery also links to the music video by the use of disguising the identity and purpose. These products have clearly both shown enigma and desire to providing questions for the audience to consider about. The sentence "join the revolution" also uses a stereotypical revolution approach to enforce and attract the audience to join their society. This is similar to the music video which uses iconic symbols such as the warning sign and the communist flag combined with abstract editing with overlap to create new meaning and open a variety of opportunities to the audience. However, the ancillary product has used this as a catalyst to create fear and suppress the upper class's perspective and opinions. there,fore, making the lower class more dominant and powerful than themselves which can show role reversal. this is also linked to the music video where it also uses role reversal through the riot clips which has challenged the traditional form of society. as the police are threatened and have few numbers, this suggests that the upper class are losing the boundaries and structure of their high civilized society.
The ancillary product has also incorporated the date in order to build suspension and drama for the audience to well upon, this clearly links to the music video as the music is being synchronous in order to fit the atmosphere. but however, although both products use a dramatic and roller coaster atmosphere, this applies that the advert clearly uses the suspense and tension to self esteem the audience to join their created society.
And finally the ancillary product has used the theme of post modernism through abstract and different contrast of colours to clearly differentiate feelings and emotions for the audience to have. This is also linked to the music video that it also uses different expressions to allow the audience to consider such as the berserk effect to make the audience feel more scared about the lower class's engagement towards those who challenge them and their own opinions. This also shows that the ancillary product has also incorporated many conventions from the music video but however, in terms of representation and purpose the ancillary product clearly show differentiation.
So therefore clearly all 3 ancillary products use similar conventions such as the red fist and the silhouettes in order to build mystery and suspense for the audience members to consider. All three products also challenge and interpret the main product as well. the first media product of the front cover of the digipack clearly uses the communism and Russian culture by using the iconic red fish which creates connections with the communism flag. Also the ancillary product clearly has used the red fist through repetition in order to build power and self esteeem. This is similar to the music video, which uses power and supremacy and repetition of the communist flag in order to build reputation and power for the lower class therefore allowing themselves as individuals to become more dangerous and stronger due to both products using the same purpose of the red fist combined with the lower class environment in order to show social enhancement. The British flag has also been used through the hole in the wal to demonstrate the lower class's resistance and counter measurements. This also links to the music video that it incorporates the same convention of the meetng scene and the lower class characters through supremecy and conservion. So therefore, this ancillary product has clearly shown alot of theme and purpose from the music video. This also used in the main product through the actual flag in order to interpret or the audience members, the media product has clearly used applied conventions from the music video by using similar themes of the lower class's environment and clothing through the silhouettes of informal clothing. This creates the atmosphere and theme for the audience in order to build similar meaning and purpose for the audience's perspective . The band Muse also focuses the representation of the class contrast to show political aspects and social themes. The main product also become effective by using repetition and connections to show and demonstrate their messages across a local and more developed distribution. The colors white, blue and red of the silhouettes also show similar connections with the UK flag. Both products are challenged by applying more Russian culture which can affect the British culture therefore causing an hybrid and mixture of cultures which creates disorder and disruption of the structure and form of the media product. This can cause the audience members to misinterpret the product as an catalyst of converting individuals into Russian and communist people which misuses the purpose and representations of the media products. The main media product also uses the warning sing and news footage in order to build the suspense and tension of the lower class destroying the upper class's society.
The next ancillary product which is the inside also uses the big Ben monument to clearly represent the iconic and gigantic landscape therefore building the British culture. The main product also uses the communism flag to make it more Russian and show allot of individualism. This is supported by the ideas of post modernism . Also the use of darkness and silhouettes clearly links to depression and misery similar to the dark lightning of the lower class memeber being meeted by the upper class business man. this therefore implies from our group that the use of darkness can allow the product to become more obscured and abstract for the audience to absorb, consume and consider from their expectations.The use of the UK flag and the landscape also links to the subculture which is also applied in the main product to make it more connecting and better improved by the extent to which the product is more applied and used for gratifications. The main product also uses wore and upper classes to clearly show contrast and conflict to make it more interesting and confusing for the audience members. this can also link to the conventions of the alternative rock genre, that the use of disorientation and informal editing, can clearly affect the narrative and social structure of society. The audience members can also become influenced by the main product similar to the ancillary product. The next ancillary product, which is the advert has similar conventions, however the use of the red fist clearly represents power an strength over the society. As the red fist raises above the city landscape, this clearly links to the uses and gratifications for the audience. The audience are becoming more ailed and more indentation due to the extent of the product providing them with the knowledge and ideas of becoming different social groups and classes against government and society. The advert, however, can be changed by the use of tone that the light tone used can represent innocence and this might not provide enough support and power for the audience members to consume. This can be changed in order to build the text entitled "join the resistance" therefore demonstrating the facts of going against traditional beliefs and values over the society and integrity. The red fist can also become repetitive which can affect the use of representation and conventions due to the conventions overlapping each other. So overall, the ancillary products compared with the main product are both effective due to using similarities of youth and British culture while maintain the conflict and contrast of the social classes in order to build the ideas and inquisitiveness of becoming the resistance against the boundaries of nicety. the society of the upper class clearly links to the lower class's anger and rage in the main product, due to the upper class taking more advantage and power over the lower class. that the upper class are becoming more powerful and more productive due to the ancillary products using the red fist. however the main product and ancillary product really challenge the conventions by including too much applied Russian culture, this therefore can create false representations over the British culture and the class contrast. the main product and the ancillary products also show allot of patriotism, therefore, building the ideas of becoming more British instead of becoming more of the lower class. this can affect the uses and gratifications of the audience members, therefore, affecting their interpretations of the texts. The ancillary product of the advert has also used the red fist to clearly demonstrate power and supremacy similar to the music video. through the use of the landscape clearly links to the red fist's power and
abstract expressionism over the land of the upper class.
And finally the advert has also used the title "Muse" from the reistance cover similar to the digpack in order to create brand and identity so the audience can make it more recgonisible and show alot
of prestigious reputation and power.
3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?
From Audience feedback, our media product contained a variety of qualities, improvements and
weaknesses. Firstly judging from the questionnaire, our group designed the questionnaires for the sociology and Media Studies students to have different perspectives from a social and a mediated point of opinion. The questionnaire has clearly shown that the question "How does the narrative make you feel?" our music video that the audience discovered that the narrative was energetic and more motive allowing an prospective and acts as a catalyst for entertaining the audience members. Specifically, the audience felt that the montage of riots and scenes including with fire were useful for attracting the audience due to the tension and suspense the media product created. However some felt that the narrative confused and scared over the post modernistic and abstract conventions used during the media product. This therefore made our group felt that the media product was more negative and applied more fear factor and contained few thriller genre conventions which has affected the alternative rock genre structure. Few other audience members also felt inspired and more intelligent than the media product which is implied that the media product has clearly shown allot of lower class material making the audience members feel more enhanced due to themselves being more encouraged and better than the individuals represented in the media product. This therefore enhances the upper class's intellectual quality so therefore the lower class has been enhanced through physical attributed whereas the upper class has clearly shown allot of intellectual stimulation.
And finally few found that the media product was too complicated and powerful therefore enthusing the use of representation of confusion and dominance with independant value for Muse. This therefore made our group feel that the media product had clearly shown synthesize and representation. This can also link towards the alternative rock genre with the media product being loud through representation and musical aspects. But mostly people consider the media product to become a iconic and selective media form that links towards the stereotypical views of the upper and lower class through the upper class's "uprising".
Another aspect that our group had learned was that in the questionnaire the second question was "Which genre would you associate the media product with?" . However during the results, a dramatic increase of 22 out of 25 people that our group questionnaire though our media product was mostly associated with the rock genre. Although this is beneficial towards us, however, this doesn't link to the specific sub genre that the media product was clearly intended for its purpose.Whereas few people thought of different genres such as soft rock genre, Brit pop and one was even confused.
This therefore made our group question the media product genre identity so our group decided in future to consider the media product's structure and make the narrative more clearer in order for future audience members to have a clearer understanding of the media product's purpose and representation. This also allowed us to improve for future ancillary products such as the conventions and mise en scene of media products.
Also these 3 people, however, can suggest that the media product can open new opportunities and forms of interest that allow great satisfaction and benefits.
Pie Chart To show the number of people who thought of the music video's genre
The next question that the questionnaire was " Which particular parts of the music video did you find captivating or obscured?". The audience felt that the media product had important and appropriate conventions and great use of editing and mise en scene. Other thought that our media product has sued the news report voices and clips from present were very expressive and created allot of variation. Also another member thought the laptop scene was useful and shown allot of integrity and the flashing light and the different effects through editing made the media product very captivating. Particularly the audience found the product had great use of lightning and riot scenes with montage and imagery made the entire media product interact with society's downfall. The media product used different spectrum of colours to express different emotions and feelings to make the audience members feel very intimated and felt that they showed alot of links with the narrative and potential of different purposes. Overall this made our group feel that he technological aspects, specifically editing and muse en scene was useful whereas colours were overrated. This also allowed us for future products to consider more on the quality and the limitations of the mise en scene and conventions of the products. And finally the editing and use of camera can also be considered as our group develops the structure and form of the media product.
The next question `'Do you feel that the media product could be with a music institution such as MTV? why?" . Most audience members, particularly, 23 of 25 people thought the media product was effective for being incorporated with an music institution such as MTV. Whereas 2 people thought that the media product wouldn't be useful for an music institution. Our group had consideration over the fact that most people felt that the media product could have promoted to a more national distribution making it more globalized and more connecting with the media market. Our people had concerns over the 2 people that didn't felt that the media product had enough quality to become a more distributed product. So therefore for future products, our group must learn to apply different variety of conventions that can spread interest and generic values across an emotive and synchronous music video . This can also link to the narrative and specific parts of the media product due to the structure and form of the media product.
The next question is "Which target audience would you associate with the media product?" the audience have said that, specifically, 12 of the 25 audience members said that the media product was focused on mostly teenagers. Whereas the other 13 of 25 thought different ideas such as 20-30 year old, 18-25 and 14-30. This has caused concern and made our group consider our media product's use of techniques such as the mise en scene therefore affecting the representational codes and conventions therefore creating an adult and mature theme. This can affect the genre of the media product due to not applying the specific qualities from the genre. this both has pleased and challenged our skills and technological aspects due to the fact that half of the students thought that our media product was aimed for adults instead of teenagers. Therefore this also links to the narrative that the use of applying similar narrative towards our music video with Muse's music video has affected the form and quality of the media product. Our group also felt more committed for creation of future media products that have all the required uses and gratifications for the target audience to ensure the audience members feel more connected and related between the product and audience.
The next question that the questionnaire has asked is "Do you feel the lyrics were synchronous to the media product? Why?". Therefore, audience members had shown that 17 out of the 25 thought that the music video had worked really well with the synchronous and fitting lyrics with the imagery created by the media product. This has made our group very pleased about the audience's interest over the technical use of editing and montages. This implies that for future media product our group can amplify and use current echniques to preserve the quality and form to ensure the representation has a strong understanding for the intended audience members. However few audience members thought that the lyrics weren't synchronizing with the media product and 4 were confused. This made our group question the meaning and use of specific scenes such as the riots and hooded figures therefore causing confusion for the audience.
Our group also felt that the narrative could have affected the interpretation of the lyrics that few scenes such as the montage at the ending and the meeting scene can affect the continuous flow of narrative and structure. This also implies that our storyboards and ideas can become more specific and developed to become more efficient towards our intended target audience. therefore this can improve the audience's opinions over the media product's identity of the target audience and the the genre of alternative rock. However our group also felt discouraged that if our group had implied too much specific and complication over the media product, this will resort in affecting the overall form and integrity of the contrast of classes. therefore this would easily affect the use of Levi Strauss' theory of binary oppositions and Todorov's theory of disequilibrium. This also linked to the similar limitation for our AS project for thriller project, that our past media product has used too much horror genre conventions therefore making it more a hybrid of genres such as a horror thriller which has showed the audience the misrepresentation and interpretation over the purpose of the media product. O our group have experienced the same problem so therefore in future our group must firmly and fundamentally attempt to resolve the limitations in order to create boundaries over the abstract and post modernistic qualities that threaten and affect the current music video genre that our group has intended for the target audience.
And the final question that the questionnaire has used is " Overall do you feel that the media product is more traditional or abstract? Why, using examples?" this question was mostly used to build the conclusion over the skills, attributes and research of the media product. Audience members had a diversity of different opinions through positive and negative attitudes. Some thought that the media product was contemporary to approach through the use of loud drums, guitar and editing were useful and therefore making the media product more traditional compared to other media products. but however some thought that the media product was abstract due to including the different spectrum of colours and effects on camera such as red and orange to synthesize the rage and anger through a lower class's perspective view.
This has shown our group that our group has challenged the traditional conventions of a typical music video that it's allowed us to compare the different attributed and include different aspects of post modernism. This has allowed us to become inspired to become creative and expand ideas and thoughts to consider the needs and ideas of the audience members. Also some audience members also compared the media product towards the genre and settings by illustrating on change and forms. This links towards the riot scenes and car scenes that were used as an catalyst to buffer the media product's contemporary image and representation. Therefore this has made our group more assertive and organized to compare and contrast current media products that have traditional and abstract conventions. But however this also implies that the over use of abstract imagery can affect the narrative and technological aspects making it challenge the form and attraction for the target audience. Therefore overall due to the audience feedback for the music video, our group had felt that the qualities that our group shared and enhanced were mostly technical aspects such as the use of editing through montages of the riot scenes and shots therefore making the use of camerawork very effective and show allot of initiative making the audience members see that the media product has a self reputation and represents the traditional and abstract conventions to challenge and apply the techniques compared to current media products. Our groups also felt that the use of the band's song was effective due to showing the message and self interpretation over the media product's form and integrity. Whereas our group felt that our weaknesses consists of using different conventions of differences genres to create a hybrid music video therefore affecting the traditional alternative rock genre structure. The group felt that in future our group must fundamentalism the limit of using conventions of abstract conventions to construct an spot modernistic media product. And finally the group also felt that the media product had some specific ideas and thoughts, however from the audience feedback, our group had become discouraged due to the confusion over the intended target audience and the narrative which has affected our organization and analytical skills. So therefore this limitation has improved our group commitment and ideas for future media products making it more specific.
Another set of audience feedback is the ancillary products that other audience members have shown that the back cover of the CD has similarities to James Bond. This implies that our design has become linked towards action and adventure genres affecting the dynamic and climate atmosphere. this can also include confusion over the genre identity by affecting the alternative rock, but however, this also builds the masculinity and strength over groups and society. Another group of audience members thought that the slogan at the bottom can change towards the title of "Resistance" for the front CD cover. This shows that the audience members prefer our media products to include more Muse's qualities and perks which allows us to establish relationships between the audience and product. This can also imply more uses and gratifications allowing more greater satisfaction and detail. Our group, therefore, has shown interest and respect over the audience's opinions which has given the thoughts of development and using similarity to establish more links with current media products and forms. Another opinion was that the advert had a bolsheik Russian style with low detail of font for the song titles, therefore, showing the group that our group must build the small and petite forms to build the overall product.
The Russian style suggests that the use of communism and political aspects have maintained the freedom and independent psychology of the mind. This has improves the representation and quality of the product, but however, particular objects such as the red fist, star and background can amplify more masculinity which links to power, strength, independence and culture. This challenges the traditional boundaries, therefore, our group has felt this links towards the music video due to include political communism. This affects the British culture which links to patriotic atmosphere therefore also affecting past media product which can create an false representation towards the audience members affecting the opinions and interpretations. This affects the theme and the skills used to create the ancillary products making it possible to go over the limitations and boundaries. However the Russian theme has also overpowered the qualities and mise en scene, therefore, providing more limitations and improvements for future media products. And finally the use of font for texts shows that our group must also consider the presentational forms and qualities.
This is our Media product published on YouTube, Twitter and blogs. Therefore representing our finalized music video based on Muse- Uprising consisting of traditional conventions of the music video. And the alternative rock genre therefore showing allot of interest and application of knowledge.
4) How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Pictures of blog
So, from the research and planning to the main products. our group has learned allot of improvements and limitations that will allows us to consider for future projects. Also our group has shown allot of interest and ideas based on previous ideas such as the AS level products in order to build the overall development of the project. This will easily create structure and form for our group. Also, our group has learned to use different media technologies and program in order to enhance our skills and techniques for the ancillary products and main product that our group has produced. During the editing and footage of the media product, this clearly has shown that the group has corresponded to the ideas and integrity of the media product. Therefore, this links to the group's inquisitiveness and commitment on producing high quality media products. Therefore, this has contained the structure and form of the media product towards a further extent and ideas. this has also allowed our group to consider the social and formal obligations of representation through and culture and groups of society. But however, in future our group must learn to show more consideration of applying too much conventions of another culture and not get too carried away by the use of mise en scene to over complicate the narrative and confuse the audience in thinking its more of an considerable and misrepresentation of British culture with Russian culture. And finally, during the course of our product our group has learned to become more co-operative and more sustained in order to overcome challenges and limitations that have suppressed the group. Therefore, this has caused greater disruption and further obligations against those who have challenged society and its forms. These skills and attributes will be useful in assisting our group for future projects to overcome the limitations of overlapping codes, conventions and cultures to a further understanding.
Also in order to gain more audience feedback and show our group's intentions and desires to distribute our media product. Our group has published the music video onto you tube in order to act as an indicator for the audience interest and this can also indicate whenever our media product had successfully provided the uses and gratifications for our audience members. Our group has published the media product entitled "Media Studies A2- Sam and Luke's music video, Muse- Uprising" and judging by the amount of likes and views. Our group felt that our music video was still developing advantages, therefore, increasing the popularity and reputation for the audience to observe and consume. This shows great potential and detail over the uses and structural features of the media product towards the audience's advantage. Below are a few screen shots of the number of likes, views and the video screen. Also our group has used Twitter to increase distribution and reputation of our music video.
From these comments, this
clearly shows that the
audience members love
our music video media
product. This therefore
show that the interest
is spreading and distributed
towards different types
of audience members.This
highlights the success and
quality of the media
product. And finally the
several amount of likes
represents the amount of
interest and enthusiasm
of our music video. From
the statistics, our group has felt that our music product was a success in representing as post modernistic and attracted attention through adult and teenage audiences. Therefore the music video has created a hybrid audience that creates bigger variation and different opinionated views.
Our group has also uploaded the music video onto social network sites such as Facebook and twitter. During the few days that our music product has been posted onto our walls. The amount of feedback was unsuspecting, our group received mostly positive attitudes therefore making our group more proud and encouraged for future media products. Some Facebook users have commented that the music video was a success that the use of the mise en scene was mostly liked and created the most interest for the audience members. Here are few examples of the comments that other people have posted:
These are a few screen shots from the YouTube uploaded video from the number of likes and views:
Therefore from comments from a variety of sources such as social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter clearly demonstrate allot of positive feedback. Also this has allowed us to expand our ideas and development, therefore, creating interest for our group. This makes it very developed and show allot of thoughts and ideas. This proves that our music video clearly has allot of qualities but however there are few limitations and disadvantages such as applying more rock genre conventions and creating more confusion for the audience members therefore affecting the narrative.
Basic Ideas of the effectiveness of the main product and ancillary products
Colours such as red, blue and white are traditional colours of patriotism and British culture whereas the music video has used abstract editing through mainly colours red, yellow and orange to create hyper reality from Baudrillard also communism.
Shades of black and grey create contrast of good and evil making it dramatic and show alot of variety
Representing urbanisation of society
Both use for symbolic power and knowledge of communism.
Disguise of government and polticial systems
Iconic- Saussaure whereas the music video uses iconic symbols such as the warning sign and communist flag building iconography and representation
Abstract expressionism
Red Fist
Upper class's development
Mystery and disguise of identity
British Flag
Iconic lower class with informal clothing to build their structural form and purpose.
Both use a sense of communism and community
Barrier between society and lower class. Both the main product and the ancillary product particularity the digipack use it to represent the lower class's overpowering and specfic supremecy of society.
Titles e.g. Join the revolution
Brick background
Other titles such as "Spliff" demonstrate informal language therefore building the lower class's environment.
Words such as" revolution" and "resistance" clearly build self esteem and defensive ideas
In order to account and show progress, our group has used the program "blogger" to show development and new post therefore allowing to demonstrate our development of ideas and research. Blogger has been useful to upload new images and products allowing us to progress and take consideration for further stages of creation and development. Therefore, this demonstrates more of our evaluative skills and makes the data more qualitative and some results to represent quantity. Blogger also allowed our group to work together and work individually creating a greater variety of attributions. Specific ideas such as storyboards and research of theorists were done by each member of the group allowing us to build division of labour demonstrating our management and organization of the stages of the task. The blogger was also used to record our inner thoughts and ideas allowing other to experience our intellectual thoughts. Blogger has also been useful for communication and ideas for other students to share and become inspired allowing us to become more iconic and improve our courage.
The next program that our group had used was Microscroft word that during our research and planning our group had used this programs to type and construct formal evidence to demonstrate our commitment and group contribution. The programs has also been useful for developing our literature and writing skills to improve our English writing and reading allowing our group to adapt and become more developed for new thoughts and develop vocabulary. Word has also assisted us to combine images and words to produce reports and research such as costumes, props and locations allowed our group to produce evaluative and analysis of research. Specifically during the analysis of music videos, word has helped my group to understand the qualities in report and essays. And finally word is also used to demonstrate our quality of written communication and presentation skills.
The next programs that is used is Safari which consists of the internet that our group has used programmes such as Google and Ask Jeeves to research different themes such as current music institutions such as MTV in order to undertaker their retail and global distribution therefore creating a case study to compare our music video with their own. Also the internet was used to extract images such as coats, keys and objects in order to improve the presentation and create an visual image to other audience members making it more interesting and assume that the audience members are stimulated by our group project. However the internet has felt few limitations such as researching theorists therefore the teachers are asked to discover more information which proves that the internet doesn't contain all specific data and information over the themes and topics of different specific areas. The internet also used different websites such as ""for particularly reference to the A level prospectus. This allowed our group to gain and have basic ideas of topics such as the narrative and audience theorists which has given us background knowledge to develop knowledge and understanding. During our AS level, our group had also used the media knowall website therefore our group is using previous ideas to secure thoughts to maintain quality. And finally the internet is also used to research Muse-, the alternative rock genre and the thesaurus to use and improve our vocabulary skills to make our group more encouraged.
Inspiration- The Foo Fighters- "The Pretender"
Clearly, another music video that our group had linked was from previous inspirational ideas. The Foo Fighters "the pretender" clearly demonstrated lots of conflict and post modernism theme. This also allowed to build the
ideas and aspects of Goodwin's and Todorov's theories allowing our group to become more selective and evaluative for future media products. the music video clearly demonstrated power and social conflcit between the band and the police therefore demonstrating society's defense against those who challenge and oppose their true intentions. This idea of self freedom and freedom of sppech allowed our group to consider more about the theme and ideas of conflict allowing us to build the ideas of binary opposition and hyper reality therefore demonstrating our technique for experimenting with different abstract conventions to strengthen our music video. Also the Foo Fighter's music video also allowed us to build our ideas allowing us to apply the ideas and thoughts about Levi Strauss, Baudrillard and Todorov therefore building the effects of the music video in order to build the ideas of distribution and effects on society specifically the audience members.
Theorist- Andrew Goodwin
Inspiration- "This is War"
Inspiration- Post modernism theme
Andrew Goodwin's theory is composed of the following:
- "there is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals, with the visuals illustrating,amplifying or contradicting the lyrics
-relationship between the music and visual elements
-Music videos are often constructed by the link between visuals and song also the artist
-Relationships are built between music videos and often the close up of the artists create a representation of their understanding
-Voyeurism is often used to increase the music video's attractiveness and structure
-inter textual references either from music videos and other media products show further gratification and pleasure for viewers"
This is one of the theories that our group had come across during our research and planning. Post modernism is classified from "" a popular intellectual concept which is used as a form of grouping and describing the thought and culture attracting most critical attention during the final decades of the 20th century. It has caused a revolution across all academic disciplines. Postmodernism offers different ways of constructing and deconstructing ideas. Post modern texts usually deliberately play with the meaning of the texts. they are designed to read by literate audience that can exhibit many traits of inter textual conventions.Many texts can openly acknowledge the diversity of audiences so that they can have no preferred reading referring to Stuart Hall's theory. Many of the sophisticated visual elements are used to describe post modernism. They also employ a range of referential techniques such as bricolage and will use images and ideas in a way that is entirely alien to the original function through propaganda and representation of self beliefs. Many media texts are deliberately constructed as postmodernism and expected to engage them with a different perspective. Post modernism can also grow out and extend modernist and structuralist understanding. Postmodernists might reject proposition of no text that can be without a genre form. Post modernism has eventually allowed our group to learn more about the actual topic and sub topics linked. Few theorists have linked to this and allowed us to become more creative for future media products. Post modernism has also reached to the understanding is that the main characteristics are that the world is represented as a more complex and uncertain places. Reality is no longer fixed or determined by one's personal thoughts and viewpoint. The world is a representation in order to create fiction from a specific point of view only, and not a final truth. This creates uncertainty and infancy. It is an attempt to think beyond the confines of the past. Postmodernism also rejects boundaries and the rejection also includes the boundaries between different forms and genres of art. The art development of bricolage and pastiche are examples of this. Beyond this, postmodernism is the very essence of an adventure and expression of life experience. From modernist beginnings Postmodernism is an attempt to question the world that we see around us and especially not take other people's views as the final truth. Post modernism also radically interrogates philosophies, strategies and global views. So overall there isn't a definition of postmodernism. This is more linked to moral and feelings than a strict discipline.
Another inspirational music video that our group, particularly myself, has allowed to consider and for analysis for planning and construction of the media product. Another band known as " 30 Seconds to Mars" the song "This is War" clearly shows allot of political and cultural aspects. The band are mostly associated with progressive rock, progressive metal and postgrudge but they have also included screamo, emo, space rock, synth rock and post hardcore into their music genre. The band also incorporate in their music video the use of philosophical and spiritual lyrics, concept albums and their use of experimental music. Clearly, the music video has used CGI and abstract editing in order to build the narrative and genre so that the representation can link to a more structured and climatic atmosphere for the audience. Our group has decided to use similar editing and montage in order to build discontinuous flow which challenges the traditional music conventions of the typical music video. However, the music video has also used conflict and technological conflict in order to build desire for supremacy and control over the world. This is War also uses soldiers and other titles such as the "parriah", "soldier", "prophet" and "liar". These titles build allot of reputation and create collective identity tp build a conspiracy and political landscape. our group has decided to use similar conventions through conflict and CGI in order to make it more secretive allowing the audience to become more interested and show initiative to discovering the truth behind the theme. This music video has also allowed the supernatural conventions to make it link to Baudrilliard's theory of hyper reality, which makes some audience members intrepret this as escapism to a newly industrialized world full of technology, computers and futurism. By observing, the lyrics clearly create a theme of freedom and self- esteem. The ideas of power and self-respect make the audience feel stronger and more willing to go against the supernatural in order to maintain their world. So therefore, this can make the audience feel more anger and feeling to go against those who challenge Earth.
Also the editing techniques such as the use of colour on the titles and planet make it more futuristic and also similar to post modernism. And finally, our group must consider that although these themes and ideas are useful and show allot of potential, however, this band is mostly based on rock. Rock and alternative rock genres are simialr in terms of theme of rock but however, alternative rock is a sub topic of rock that our group must learn to use and incorporate to achieve better structure. This can affected the final media product and ancillary products as well. Also we have also gained inspiration from the music video "the Foo Fighters.
During the creation of the ancillary products and uploading of the screen shots of the storyboards, our group have used Fireworks to construct the different ancillary products. Our group has used the tools and productive facilities to use different spectrum of colours and fonts to construct different variety forms of media such as adverts, CD covers and album covers in order to experiment and show a variety of skills such as ICT technology skills and individual ideas. Fireworks has also assisted our editing and specific thoughts, therefore, improving our different form of thoughts of being synoptic by using different formats of media to create different perspective views of opinions. Also combining with the internet allowed our group to create different products to apply similar techniques used for current media products particularly for Muse.
Examples of Products created by Fireworks on imac
Inspiration- Resistance 3
Inspiration- AS level
For another program that our group had used was Google Maps that allowed us to take screen shots of different locations for our task therefore allowing us to have a global and satellite point of interest, this also allowed us to improve our photography skills and attributions in order to present different variety of pieces of work that would impress different groups of people. google maps has also allowed us to plan and take account of the area to ensure environmental quality is ensured and maintain, which also affects the quality of the music video and the audience interpretation for the music product's representation.
During our research and planning, the band "Muse" was one of the inspirational factors that allowed us to consider the media product. Also during our ideas and development for the ancillary products, the "Resistance 3" PS3 cover allowed us great inspiration. The resistance 3 cover shows allot of potential and builds it's independent reputation and self thoughts. The use of the chimera face with the red background represents itself as an iconic symbol as a flag form to make itself important and becomes an iconic, patriotic media product in order to persuade and convince the audience to join and maintain their resistance against the conflict. This representation allowed us to consider similar views and ideas therefore allowing our products to build power and supremacy. The cover also uses black and white text which uses a contrast of the New York landscape building the iconic and potential in order to create an realistic and strong atmosphere for the audience members. During the ancillary products, the use of the red fist was used to build this similar iconic strength allowing us to build communism and political aspects. This therefore shows that our group has converted representational codes and conventions in order to maintain the structure and integrity of our media product. Also the use of the dull and strong colours such as cream and red has made the product more masculine
and to build the flag form. Therefore this links to conflict and war, therefore, using political aspects
in order to convince and allow the audience members to join their social group. So therefore, the
Resistance 3 front cover was used during our developing of our ideas due to the amount of
patriotic and iconic landscape making it masculine and to build their patriotic wisdom towards
their audience. This can link towards the hypodermic needle model due to the applying of
representational codes and conventions to convey their audience members, therefore, the
audience members encode the media product as an item of courage and symbol of the human
species. This product was also beneficial towards our group due to the amount of precision and
techniques used to build their form and factors of their artistic style.
The next technological program used is Youtube, which was used to upload current media products such as Muse- "Uprising" and 30 seconds to mars to provide materials for the audience to ensure they have information about the music video and to refer as an control. Youtube was also used for to research techniques for programs such as i movie and photocut to ensure our group can experiment and improve the quality of our media products. Youtube was also used to reserach current music videos which has assisted the analysis of current music videos, particularly, music videos such as "Video Killed the radio star" which has helped our understanding and ideas of research, therefore, applying similar techniques towards our creation of the music video. Also personally, I uploaded the music video on youtube to attract more audience members and gain potential feedback therefore this has enforced our connections and linkages.
Scenes such as the side view of the book scene, point of view and suffering scene created inspiration for our group to use a variety of camera angles and camera shots to show different attributes of emotions for the target audience.
During our project, our group has also used techniques used in our media studies AS level project in order to apply and maintain quality and ideas. So during the project, our group had decided to create reference towards our as level coursework in order to experiment and show our potential through development. During our as level, our group has used for the media product a variety of techniques such as using colour filters in order to change the tone and colour of the media product allowing us to affect the narrative of the media product. Another aspect that our group had learned from the as level was the use of montages that through a variety of scenes such as the black hooded antagonist. As the character walks away, the scene transitions are shown which switches towards the protagonist or the victim. Then through the use of montage, the use of flashbacks are used to represent the protagonist's fear over the fate of himself. Our group wanted to apply this idea towards our music video by including the scenes of the lower class meeting and organizing secret ideas. Therefore, this builds a conspiracy towards our audience making it more secretive and dark. During our AS level, another idea was the use of point of view that by including the point of view of the protagonist, this makes the audience more worried and scared for his safety. The use of slow motion has also been included to synthesize his tragedy and suffering, our group then decided to include this build up of emotion towards the music video that by including scenes such as the car stealing and driving. This has created rage and anger in the view of the lower class against the upper class, therefore this makes the atmosphere more exciting and builds the conflict between the upper and the lower class. The build up of conflict was also clearly used from AS level, therefore to allow our group to create the ideas of supremacy and integrity to allow a mixture of emotions to build towards the audience members. This therefore causes confusion and questions for the audience therefore making it more surprising and show allot of suspense and tension. During our as level project, our group then decided to post the music video on the social network of Facebook. This decision was done to gain and have allot of feedback in order to suggest improvements and ideas for future projects such as the A2 music project. Therefore, from this point our group had considered the advantages and disadvantages to discover the frequent ideas. The social network site, Facebook would also gain perspective views from the point of view of the target audience which were teenagers who loved particular thriller genre films.
The next program used on the imac was another called imovie. Imovie was particularly useful in editing and using specific techniques to improve the music footage in order to construct montages and jump cuts, therefore, building abstract and post modernistic themes. Our group have also used this programme to upload the footage from video cameras in order to act as an storage for the footage in order to transfer it to another program known as Final cut express in order to perform the advanced editing techniques. During our AS level, our group has used imovie for basic and experimental techniques such as montage and change of contrast through tone and colour which have been applied in the new constructed music product to maintain the potential and quality of the media product.
- Few people thought that our media product was more of a horror genre which made our group question the media product's identity and purpose. Our group therefore also considered that for future media products that not to include any aspects of different genre conventions which would confuse and cause misinterpretation for the audience members.
Another program used was Microscroft Powerpoint presentation which myself, I have used to create a summary of the audience feedback with the assistance of excel for data and statistics. this has allowed me to combine my different variety of technological skills through mathematical and presentation attributes. Powerpoint has also allowed me to develop my writing and oral presentation that Powerpoint is perfect for assisting myself in reminding others of our progress in an formal and prestigious form. This would maintain the quality of the research and demonstrate different combination of programs to construct a hybrid project, therefore, creating interest and thoughts. Previously, in our AS level work, our group did use powerpoint, but however, our group only used it in an basic way for pitching others about our music video. Whereas during our A2 course, the powerpoint presentation has been us to present results and summaries with the assistance of graphs of our progress and conclusion. The powerpoint has been uploaded with the help of the website "" in order to ensure distribution and feedback.
The next programs used was microscroft excel which was used to construct graphs and calculate statistics from the audience feedback allowing to build our mathematical skills and qualities. This also assisted the powerpoint presentation, also excel has been useful for enhancing our logical mind and concentration to help us more committed and more considerate. Excel have also allowed our group to construct variety of graphs to clearly justify our conclusions and points to enhance the evidence used for future stages of the project such as the ancillary projects and the evaluation to link towards the structure and form of the information. The programs have also established contrast of different categories of continuous/discontinuous data which allows our group to refer and act as an reference to prove the logical and numerical evidence to ensure our group to achieve success.
Muse- "Uprising" - 7th September 2009
Bar and Pie charts created by excel for powerpoint
- The number of people that liked our psychological thriller video
Diagram and analysis of audience feedback
Our group had also collected audience feedback to prepared our group for future improvements and to overcome implications and limitations. Our feedback have also allowed us to consider more precision of our ideas during the A2 coursework project. Here are a few quotes from our feedback that some people thought of our psychological thriller media product:
During our Media Studies A level course, our group had been instructed to research, create and develop a music video that links with traditional codes and conventions of a specific music genre. During our ideas and thoughts, our group had decided to use the genre entitled "alternative rock" The genre "alternative rock" consists of many sub categories such as hard rock and heavy metal . The genre has also shown music associated with music that differs in terms of sound, quality and social context, also the genre also uses diverse musical movement to become emerged from independant music. Eventually during our research our group had decided to use the band "Muse" as the ideal and iconic band towards our alternative rock genre. Muse is linked toward anarchy and communism allowing us to expand and develop current interests and ideas with the assistance of theorists such as Levi Strauss with the binary oppositions theory and Todorov's theory of equilibrium. This would allow us to link more towards social and political conventions allowing us to express contrast of conflict between social classes of upper and lower creating an unsuspected atmosphere for the audience members to consume. After then, our group had decided from selection that the song entitled "Uprising" shown the most appropriate conventions towards the alternative rock genre. So therefore during research our group decided to research similar qualities and codes and conventions in order to figure out the structure and momentum of our project. Our group during the
course have improved and learnt new skills and accomplishments allowing to build our technological aspects.
Summary diagram of the structure of the Media Studies A2- Evaluation
Evaluation A2
-Few people thought that our media product was confusing so therefore this made our group consider the amount of psychological aspects used in the thriller product.
Main product and Ancillary texts
Using, Developing or challenging forms and conventions
Development of Media Products
Media Studies A2- Evaluation
By Sam Hulme
(cc) image by nuonsolarteam on Flickr
Candidate number:7083
Centre Number: 30215
1) What ways does your media product use, develop or change forms and conventions of real media products?
Screen shots of the media product
Another technological program that our group has used is a program called "Zambar" which converts powerpoint presentations such as the AS level evaluation in miniature screen shots allowing the audience to observe it through a different perspective and allowing them to evaluate the presentation. This has also provided useful by uploading documents such as the As level evaluation towards the prezi in order to create a greater variety of presentational and evaluative skills to strengthen our group's intellectual thoughts.
Another technology used is the scanner which has allowed us to upload manual documents such as the storyboards towards our blogs in order for different groups of people to observe our writing through another point of interest. This therefore has caused the variation and choice of recognition to divide allowing our group to feel more brilliant and encouraged to apply towards different media technologies for our own potential advantage. And finally the scanner has also been used as an importer or exporter acting as a gateway between the imacs and real work. This therefore causes our group to think more logical and choose decisions to decide the best presentation for any information that our group has created or researched.
Another technological program used is Facebook which is an iconic social networking site. Facebook was used to upload our music video product to gain reader comments and show the importance of the audience's interests. Facebook has also provided us allot of prospective and different point of views, Facebook has also allowed our group to experiment and establish our music video product towards a more local or global distribution. This has made our group more embraced towards applying the music video media product in a distributed form. this has allowed audience members to express and show their opinions and factual detail across a social and public program
The next technological program used was Twitter, which is another social networking site but however Twitter is differently structured compared to other social networking sites such as Facebook. Twitter is more chat and formal, whereas Facebook is shared meaning across a person's thoughts and ideas. By uploading our music video media product on Twitter, this has allowed our group to have another different opinion from another technological field of interest. Twitter has also allowed us to see the audience's expression and integrity over the current music video that our group has published. Both social networking sites which are twitter and Facebook has strengthened our product distribution and communication therefore causing our group to become more infused with the different range of ideas and thoughts that develop across our minds and stages of planning and ideas.
Another technology used is the imac, the imac contains the editing software such as imovie and final cut express also safari. These imacs allowed us to do research for different aspects such as locations, props and costumes. The imac with its advanced technology allowed our group to become more subjective with presentational and experimental skills, therefore, allowing us to improve our literature skills. Our group has also used the imac for constructing the ancillary products on fireworks, therefore, maintaining the detail and creating high success for the audience. The imac has also given us access to different programs such as safari and fireworks in order to achieve a variation of forms and techniques. Also the imac is useful for creating screen shots for future tasks such as the evaluation and the locations for our media product.
Also this evaluation was created by the program known as Prezi which have given our group mobility and freedom to become creative for presentation though different forms of media through colour, shape, text, tone and fonts. The prezi program was newly introduced to our group during the A2 course, therefore, this have given us new opportunities and solutions towards the presentation of our findings, information, statistics and facts. The prezi program has taught our group different forms of presentation that program such as power point and word can be used for basic and simplistic forms, whereas prezi improves the style with its own characteristics and themes. This therefore allows our group to develop skills that have been learn from AS level, this has enhanced and buffered our individual qualities, skills, attitudes and strengths.
The next piece of technology is an picture camera, which was previously used to acquire pictures of specific objects such as the red hand and the brick wall in order to build realism and integrity to ensure the products are created by our standards. The picture camera has also allowed us to use realism with fireworks to combine developed ideas in order to construct ideas that have been combined with digital and realistic objects making it a hybrid of imagery. Therefore, this can create satisfaction and interest for the audience. This therefore creates new uses and gratifications allowing us to expand forms of media and improve our experimental features for media products.
The next technology is the handhold camera that our group had used to record the footage and process in order to build the concepts and footage of our media product. The handhold camera has also been useful during our AS level during the horror thriller genre media product. The handhold camera has also been very mobile and useful but however the level of quality and there have been few limitations of few shots therefore such as the over the shoulder shot of the corridor, this therefore affected the level of stability and quality. The handhold camera has also allowed our group to use basic and improved ideas that have been passed from AS level, therefore, allowing our group to have background knowledge with a basic structure.
Berserk and abstract editing
Four- square effect of band members