Confidence: Choosing to Fit In OR Stand Out
Fitting In
Standing Out
Having the Confidence to Follow
The Flip Side
Are there Negative Consequences to Leading?
Consequences of Low Self-Esteem:
It's Okay to Learn the Ropes and Follow.
- We Can't All Lead All of the Time.
- No One is The Best At Everything.
Option 2: Lead
What Are the Positive Consequences to Leading?
We get to explore new paths.
We get to show others our unique ideas/skills.
Leaders get to direct others to their goals --> this makes our confidence build.
We Can't Feel the Joys of Being Unique
We Won't Feel Confident to Share Our Talents and Skills
We Won't Go Down a Path ie. Hem
- Positive Consequences for Followers...
How Can We Celebrate US and Build Our Confidence?
Leaders Need...
- A Unique Plan with Good Consequences
- The ability to direct, not control
- Cooperating Followers with their own special skills
- And.....
Do Leaders Get...
The Flip Side
When we have HIGH Self-Esteem, we have the Confidence to Lead!
What are the Negative Consequences to following others?
Our Choice
- Let's Review:
- Operation Beautiful
- Being True to Our Choices
- Respect/Self-Respect
- Changing Our Path
- The Choices are Ours to Make
The Power To Choose
Having Confidence
You may not always know what to do, but Confidence gives us the power to choose.
Will YOU Lead or Follow?
- Confidence: Having Self-Esteem and Self-Respect --> Believing in yourself and trusting YOU.
- Remember if we always respect ourselves we can fill our self-esteem when things don't work out.
Do We Want to Follow or Lead?
Let's Talk About US!
- No two people are exactly alike
- We are Unique and One of a Kind
- What Makes YOU Different?
What Makes Us Different Can Either Make Us Confident OR Shy.