Thank you for listening!
Chunking into assignments
PDF in 'Resources' folder
2 quizzes
Quizzes, databases, Forums
Embedded within the blocks
Let's recap...
- What is Moodle?
- An acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
- Online learning management system
- first released in 2002
- My Moodle context
- Year 12 IPP (Information Processing & Publishing)
- Based on a 20 credit subject
- 8 assignments as per LAP
Moodle Layout
- Introduction to course & to me
- 8 assignment 'blocks'
- Steps to follow
- Resources folder
- Online submission
- Activities & links
- image match assignment sheet
The Creation Process
Toilet roll effect & too messy
Too text heavy
WAY too time consuming
Limited variety
Too disjointed
- The combined features that form my Moodle course
- The reasons behind my decisions (my pedagogy)
- Evaluation of Moodle and of my course design
- The AITSL standards reached
Chunking into topics
Topic details
HEAPS of quizzes
HEAPS of activities
All resources at bottom
Moodle 'Resources'
Graduate Teacher Standards
Purpose of this Prezi
- Links to pages within moodle
- Videos (YouTube, Screen Captures, Prezi)
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
2.2 Content selection & organisation
2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
3.2 Plan, structure & sequence learning programs
3.4 Select & use resources
4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically
5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning
6.3 Engage with colleagues & improve practice
National Professional Standards for Teachers
Moodle 'Activities'
Creating my
The Assignment
- I worked at my own pace
- I now understand the 'back end' of Moodle for the future
- Was a very LARGE assignment, very time consuming
- Not practically useful YET
- I feel I've met my objectives & assessment requirements
- Happy with the outcome
- If time permitted, I could have added more activities + more
Avoiding the 'Toilet Roll Effect'
- Moodle layout & creation process
- Activities & resources included
- Avoiding toilet roll effect
- Justified design & layout
- Moodle advantages & disadvantages
- Chunked content into Assignments
- Use of the 'Show Only' button
- Folders & 'Pages' of contents
- Not extremely user friendly or intuitive
- Requires convoluted upgrades
Reasons behind my Design
Limited meaningful
Moodle Disadvantages
Pedagogical Strategies:
- Inclusion
- Differentiation
- Preferred learning styles
- Readiness
- Accessibility
- Discourse (virtual school bag)
- Prior knowledge
Students can't SAVE their ticks
Blended Learning
- Students can access content 24/7 from anywhere
- Everything all in one place
Aims in my design:
- Visually appealing CRAP principles
- Organised logically
- Easy to navigate
- Short pages (no toilet roll effect)
- Students to know where they are up to
- Meaningful & relative activities
- Engaging (not chunks of stagnant resources)
- VERY confusing term with numerous definition
- Many terms involved lack clarity (ie. e-learning)
- Technologies (such as Moodle) DON'T replace traditional teaching practice, but are to be used to complement traditional teaching practice
face to face + online + differentiation + varied
Moodle Advantages
- All three factors are in complex relationships, not in isolation
- Traditionally content drove decisions
- Now technology drives decisions on content & pedagogy
what we teach
how we teach
embedding technology
in meaningful ways