Terri Adair, Partner, 2000-2010
Terri Adair, like many Calgarians, has been involved in a number of worthwhile charitable organizations throughout our city. From church groups to the Red Cross, to the Calgary Urban Projects Society, Terri has always recognized that philanthropy is much more than just giving money. There is a social aspect to philanthropy. Communities are improved through the understanding that comes from the personal connections that are built between donors and recipients.
As an SVP Calgary Lead Partner for the One World Child Development Center, Terri has experienced, first hand, the benefits that can flow from a new, business-like approach towards philanthropy. The One World Child Development Center is an education center for the Calgary Urban Projects Society (CUPS) that provides crucial help for low-income children and their families. Terri has described the Organization Capacity Assessment as being a terrific example of how SVP Calgary’s approach to philanthropy is so unique.
Houman Mahallati, Partner, 2006-2010
Houman Mahallati, like all of the SVP Calgary’s Partners, understands just how fortunate he is and how it is a must for advantaged members of society to recognize and help out the less fortunate. Houman’s experience as an SVP Calgary Lead Partner with Connections Counseling and Consulting has been both fulfilling and enlightening.
After becoming a father himself, Houman had a heightened sense of responsibility towards his community and he took action by becoming involved with SVP Calgary. The problems encountered by intellectually impaired adults, while complex and not well known by the general public, nevertheless severely limit the potential of many individuals and their families. Houman understood this and he saw an opportunity for applying a business-like approach to a non-profit trying to change this. His contributions have greatly helped improve the effectiveness of Connections.
Glenna Cross, Investee, 2002-2006
ED, Calgary Reads
Glenna Cross is meeting the challenge of eliminating illiteracy head-on. For the last 8 or 9 years, Glenna has been involved with Calgary Reads, an early literacy initiative that is changing the lives of struggling grade 1 and 3 readers and their families in and around Calgary. (website) While Calgary Reads is now a healthy, effective, non-profit organization, Glenna credits SVP Calgary for helping to alleviate much of the fear that initially came with starting an organization trying to combat such a difficult and insidious problem as illiteracy.
SVP Calgary initially matched Calgary Read’s operating budget of $40,000 and provided the funding that allowed for the hiring of a much-needed community relations manager. Through this, an effective public awareness campaign was undertaken that brought attention to both the problem of illiteracy in our community and the important work being done by Calgary Reads. SVP Calgary also contributed a framework for the organization and offered the skills and expertise of its Partners to help Calgary Reads be a more effective non-profit.
Harry Yee, Investee, 2002-2006
ED, Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth
SVP Calgary first got involved with the Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth over ten years ago when their operating budget was only $300,000. Over a four-year partnership with SVP Calgary, the organization’s budget doubled and this amazing growth has continued. Today, this progressive and effective non-profit organization utilizes a budget of a staggering $3.6 million dollars.
Although it’s Harry’s determination and commitment that is largely responsible for this success, Harry recognizes the contribution of SVP Calgary. Something special grew out of the combination of Harry’s commitment with that of the skills and commitment offered by the Partners of SVP Calgary. The result is a thriving non-profit whose programs are really making a difference towards improving our city.
Erin Waite, Partner, 2004-2008
As Erin’s career has shifted from the corporate world to the non-profit world, she takes with her a great deal from her involvement with SVP Calgary. The philosophy of venture philanthropy employed by SVP Calgary takes some of the powerful tools of business and applies them to non-profits. Erin’s effectiveness at Brown Bagging and the Women’s Shelter is an example of this.
But there is another important benefit that the SVP model of philanthropy is making that may be overlooked. The close personal relationships built between SVP Partners and the people working at the non-profits helps to develop people into becoming forces for good in the future. Partners get to know their community (the good and the bad) in ways that would never be attainable if they were just donating money to a cause.
Erin is an example of how one’s involvement in SVP Calgary can lead to other enriching opportunities and experiences.
Pat Morris, Investee, 2006-2010
ED, Connections Counselling
In a recent Interview, Pat discussed her 11-year involvement with Connections and the various roles she has served. Pat credits her association with SVP Calgary for making it possible for her transition from being a frontline social worker to a manager at Connections. SVP Calgary helped Pat to dream big dreams. Specifically, Pat mentioned her close relationship with SVP Lead Partner Houman Mahallati.
To Pat, Houman was critical in her personal and professional development within the organization. Houman always kept an open line of communication with Pat and he taught her to continuously think outside of the box and to move out of her comfort zone. Houman’s involvement with Connections allowed Pat to set and reach goals that may have been previously unimaginable.
Bob McInnis, Investee, 2005-2009
ED, Brown Bagging for Calgary's Kids
Like many of the problems in our communities, someone was needed to first shine a light on the problem, and then organize a coordinated community response. People do care. But the challenge is often that once people are made aware of a problem, there has to be the resources to activate a proper remedy.
With the help of SVP Calgary and others, Bob has been able to educate the public on the problem of child hunger and then empower the neighborhoods of Calgary to respond.
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