
Prezi AI.

Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.

Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.


You might have seen this CV before....

Here is my first draft of an`alternative´ CV!

  • Degree in Advertising and Public Relations.
  • Masters in Marketing and Business Management.
  • Advanced course in Tourist Services Marketing.
  • Digital Marketing Course
  • E-commerce Course

What some of my friends and ex-workmates think about me!

The Christmas campaign of 2009 was created in 3 weeks by 2 people in the marketing Department and 2 in the advertising agency. We followed and developed the whole process behind the creation of the campaign, from A to Z! From the "Santa Klaus is coming" poster, to the decoration, performance, snow and so on.

This is me and it is what I like and enjoy being and doing!

You can find out more about me and stay in contact by:!/mortizs


Thank you!


*All the comments are authentic. If you wish to check these out you can contact each of them directly by a private message on facebook

I have been...

and Out of Spain

Living In Spain

My hometown is Pozoblanco (Córdoba)

When I was 18 years old I moved to Madrid

I started to work in Málaga in 2oo6

Javier Revueltas

He Was my marketing Manager in Parque Miramar Shopping Centre (Málaga)

Currently working for CB Richard Ellis

"María is problem resolver, proactive, imaginative person and is that kind of people who enjoy working in a fast paced environment"

She worked as a graphic designer at Dtr Jekyll (the advertising agency) when I was the marketing coordinator at the Shopping Centre.

"She is a diligent, consistent, she knows what wants and asks for it directly and clearly. She likes to get the work done!

Always put facilities when working with her. I will never forget the last email she sent me just before leaving the office. It was gratitude ,

recognition of a good work... and that's not something a client does usually"

I have Worked in diverse companies, always in the Marketing Department but in various fields such as: entertainment, live events, performances, sponsorship, human resources, shopping centres, events...

Bea.ortiz works as a sport journalist in Madrid and is my sister.

"My sister is super open-minded, cheerful, risky and persistent. She is very fan of Real Madrid football team

and thinks Mourinho is one of the best marketing product ever."

First of all. Let me introduce myself!

Charo Mérida

Hosted buyer Programme Manager at Great Hotels of the World

Work colleagues at first, master mates afterwards, then best friends and nowadays also flat mates

"Maria is an amazing person, with such a big heart, brave and determined, and has `make it work´attitude .she follows her dreams, and that's something that I admire a lot in people!

(She pretends she doesn't like romanticism and love histories, however I can tell how many chick fliks we've seen together, and she does love it)"

Why did I decide to leave my comfort zone?

Miguel del Río

Is currently the manager of the biggest shopping centre in Spain and was my manager in my experience as a marketing coordinator.

"María is diligent, team worker, quick learner, is able to handle multi-taks and has "can do" attitude. You notice easily that she really enjoys and loves this profession.

And... When she is nervous speaks a little bit fast.


Marketing manager at Spiral MS

We were classmates at the University and also flatmates for 8 years! We have shared lots of things,

we were interviewed for our first job the same day and we understood each other´s feelings perfectly :-)

"She is a very responsible, creative, loyal and good person and this kind of friend who is always there for you. she is unable to stand high hills.".

"She worked for me as guinea pig for a Microsoft´s project when we were in the USA. She is pretty fun, mature and has a very good sense of humour. She didn´t stop until going to Facebook headquarters and seeing Mark Zuckerberg in person and taking a picture with the Mayor of San Francisco

Edwin M. Lee












This is Me!!!










What am I looking for?



Research Fellow at Microsoft Research

We become to be good friens since we met in San Francisco.



The kind of job everyone dreams of!

Why San Francisco?

Find him as Pivien

Design and marketing

We met each other when He was on a working/vacation-trip in San Francisco..

"She made my month of vacation seem like a week.. .. when I come to think about it.. I'm not really sure I like her anymore"

"Marías is Intelligent, positive, optimistic and the good kind of crazy. Just don't rely on her telling you which way you should go to get around town ;P"

Because I believe that it is the city of the entrepreneur and innovative spirit and I wanted to get inspired by it! And learning English was the perfect incentive to take the jump and do it! And of course because of the fog! ;P



We met each other trhough a exchange conversation website in London.

"María is alternative, generous, easy going, reliable and can get away with almost everything, thanks to all the above!"


Director of Sales Southern Spain TRYP

We studied together The Master in Tourist Marketing

"Hard-worker, happy, curious, friend of her friends"

"I introduced her The Strokes band and her life changed completely since then ;P"

This is my personal website

For now only in Spanish

What does it mean?

The literal translation is: No all women like the colour PINK

The meaning behind it is that not everyone should necessarily do what others do...! "It takes all sorts" to make our world so special.

I have always worked on the client side but I am very keen to gain experience on the agency side. I am always up for new exciting challenges!

What is the work I am most proud of?

But really my favourite campaign so far is this one:

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