What do you do?
No more shouting in a room and running away
Staff and councillors on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube - whatever works
Amy stargazer
To join in the conversation have a look at www.monmouthshire.gov.uk/socialmedia/
Thanks everyone! :-)
Local Democracy Week!
A bit about what the council does on social media
We do loads of stuff
Getting people involved in community life
Being more approachable
We're real people not robots!
Breakin’ Out
Making the important things less boring
Roads and pavements
Leisure centres
Food hygeine inspections
Trading standards
Dog poo
Social services
Rubbish collection and recycling
Planning applications
Pest control
Advice for business
Public toilets
The arts
Youth services
Monmouth festival
Hack days
Teenage CEO
We want to connect people (and promote cool stuff)
Foster carers
Social media surgeries
Mon Youth
What would you like to talk about?
What do you want to know?
What SHOULDN'T the council talk about?
In the pipeline?
Hooray! We're treated like grown-ups!
- Live stream meetings (not just the boring ones)
- A directory of people online by interest/location
- You lot! Can you guest blog/share local information on Twitter and Facebook?
It's just people talking about their breakfast and Justin Bieber isn't it?
Er, no. Check out Barack Obama, the Pope, 10 Downing Street, the council Leader.