Knowing who does what and where to find information can be daunting. It can be easy to get disoriented or lost
This guide will show you around and provide a quick overview of who does what and where to find information.
IRISS (Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services)
Independent, non profit body promoting:
- Evidence informed practice
- Knowledge exchange
- Innovation in service design
IRISS resources:
- Multimedia learning materials
- Case studies
- Insights
- internet radio /podcast
- Videos
- Digital storytelling
Learning Exchange
A digital library of multimedia resources on aspects of social services
Learning Exchange content:
- Multimedia learning
- Audio and video
- Policy
- Research reports
Centres for Excellence
- Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability (SCLD)
- Centre for Excellence for Looked after Children in Scotland (CELCIS)
- Scottish Training on Drugs and Alcohol (STRADA)
- Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC)
- Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre for Scotland (CJSW)
Other specialist organisations
- WithScotland (formerly Scottish Child Care Protection Network (SCCPN) and the Multi-agency Resource Service - child protection (MARS)
- Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research SCCJR
SSKS (Social Services Knowledge Scotland)
- Managed by NHS Education for Scotland.
- A portal to world wide information based on NHS Education for Scotland's digital library and information resources.
- Pulls in information from a wide range of sources, including the Learning Exchange, Centres for Excellence etc.
- Specialist communities of practice
SSKS resources:
- Search - many sources at once
- Evidence summaries
- Research reports
- Topic guides
- Learning and development resources
- Specialist organisations
- Full text journal articles
- Digital books
- Policy and reports
- Databases
- Communities of practice
SSSC (Scottish Social Services Council)
- The regulatory body for social services
- Promotes and supports workforce development
- Workforce solutions
Care Inspectorate
- The independent scrutiny and improvement body for care and children’s services
- Regulates and inspects care services
- Social work and child protection inspections
- Make sures that people receive the highest quality of care and that their rights are promoted and protected
Scottish Care
- The voice of the independent care sector in Scotland.
- Represents the largest group of independent providers of residential care, day care, care at home and housing support
Improvment Service
- helping improve the efficiency, quality and accountability of local public services in Scotland
- purpose is to help councils improve the health, quality of life and opportunities of all people in Scotland through community leadership, strong local governance and the delivery of high quality, efficient services
- Scottish agent for the Local Government Association's Knowledge Hub - a secure online knowledge sharing platform to connect, communicate and share learning with peers across local government.
SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence)
- Independent charity working with adults, families and children's social care and social work services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It also works closely with related services such as health care and housing.
SCIE resources include:
- Practical guides
- 'At a glance' summaries
- eLearning resources
- Briefings
- Self-assessment tools
- Social Care Online
- Social Care TV
How do we co-ordinate all these various resources?
Knowledge into Practice.
A strategy and action plan for embedding knowledge in practice
- The strategy looks beyond infrastructure and access to information
- Focuses on helping practitioners find and apply knowledge in practice in order to improve outcomes.
It was formulated by the following organisations.
- Scottish Government
- Improvement Service
Known as the Knowledge Collaboration, each has made a formal commitment to implement the strategy.
Implementation will also require effort from a wider range of social services organisations as well as the workforce.
These organisations include....
- NHS Education for Scotland
- Care Inspectorate
- Scottish Government
- Improvement Service
- CCPS (Community Care Providers Scotland)
- Scottish Care
Governance arrangements are being set up to ensure co-ordination of activity across health and social care
The SSSC's Workforce Solutions website offers learning and development resources for employees and employers
Scottish Social Services Council
Care Inspectorate
The information landscape
The representative organisation for residential, nursing and domiciliary care providers in the private sector
The social services information landscape
Who's who and who does what?
Improvement Service
IRISS's digital library of social services resources
A gateway to information and learning materials to support practitioners in day to day work and in learning
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
Social Care Online
Social Care TV
Produced by IRISS and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5UK: Scotland license