The End
- botox/facial-muscles.php
- drugs.aspx?id=170
Structure & Function
- Skeletal muscles are about 1-2 feet long
- They are volountary
- The main job of skeletal muscles are to make bones move
- Muscles contract when they recieve messages from the nervous system
- They work in pairs and while one muscle contracts the other returns to its original length
- Tendons are what connect the muscle to the bone
- Ligaments are what hold the bones together
- Steroids are mainly used to make muscles grow
- Steroids are anabolic
- These means that they make a simple substance turn into a more complex one
- Steroids do have positive effects if they are used carefully
- Elevated blood pressure is one of the health effects the abuse of steroids have
- Abuse of steroids can lead to violent behavior and suicide
Muscular System
By: Diego Carriquiry and PIlar Dasso
All facial Muscles
Facial Muscles
- Your face has 98 muscles in total
- When you smile you use 12 muscles
- When you frown you use 24
- The name of the mucle that surouds your eyes is called the obicularis ocul
- The one that surounds your mouth is obicularis oris
Obicularis Oculi
Obicularis Oris