Today we are going to learn some interesting facts about Easter celebration in Britain, America and two more countries.
Say these words after me:
Let's learn Easter History
The Easter Bunny and Egg
Easter is the oldest and one of the most important festivals of the Christians that is celebrated to mark the beginning of the spring season. There are a few things, such as the Easter eggs, bunnies and chocolates that are common to Easter celebrations. Easter is considered as a day of parties, gift-giving and moreover, the rise of the good from the evil. Easter is celebrated in England over a long week. The three most important days are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The main symbols of Easter and spring include bunnies and rabbits.
It is tradition to eat hot cross buns on Good Friday, as they symbolize the cross on which Jesus was crucified. People exchange Easter Eggs, Easter bread, hot cross buns and other gifts. These bunnies are hidden along with Easter eggs in the house. Children are supposed to search and find these sweet treats.
Let's play!
Easter Symbols
Easter bunny
Easter in Britain
In many parts of England dancers called "Morris dancers" perform on Easter Sunday. These dances are very old spring dances to frighten away the veil spirits of winter. The dancers wear white shorts, red sashes, black trousers and straw hats with lots of flowers and streamers. Red and green ribbons and little bells are tied onto the dancers. As the dancers move quickly the bells ring and the ribbons wave.
In the town of Olney in Great Britain they have had pancake races on Shrove Tuesday for over 500 years.
In Britain, traditionally simnel cake is baked for tea. Originally simnel cakes were given for Mother's Day.
Easter in United States of America
Easter in the US is celebrated in many different ways by many different religions. Mostly it is celebrated with traditional church services and family festive celebrations. On Easter Sunday in New York and other cities, large street parades are held where people show off their new clothes and Easter bonnets. The parade is often led by someone carrying a candle or a cross.
American children play a game called Easter Egg Roll.
The world's most famous Mardi Gras carnival is held each year in New Orleans. It has parades, jazz bands and parties where everybody dresses up and joins in the fun. Groups of people called krewes prepare decorated floats with a Mardi Gras king and queen. Mardi Gras means 'Fat Tuesday' and only refers to Shrove Tuesday. The day after Mardi Gras is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.
Easter is a time to eat special foods. In US it is baked ham, potatoes and vegetables.
In the US at Easter Hot Cross Buns are served as well.
Easter in Russia
In Russia Christians go to church late on Easter Saturday night. At midnight they go out and walk around the outside of the church singing songs. The priest knocks on the door and everyone goes in to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The priest blesses the people's food and they return home to have a happy feast.
It has been a custom to give friends and family brightly decorated eggs at Easter time, exchanged with the happy saying, "Christ is risen". Over a hundred years ago a jeweler called Faberge began making beautiful Easter eggs out of gold, silver, diamonds and other precious stones.
They eat lamb, chicken, pork, bread, and Easter cake. Easter Sunday is a happy day of eating and visiting.
In Russia, pussy willow branches are picked especially for Easter. People tap each other with them for good luck.
Do you know anything about Easter bunny?
Easter cards and wishes
You can also write an e-mail to the Easter bunny
Your hometask is to make Easter cards
Bye -bye!
And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast
Rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.
Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Sensitive Plant”
Easter Bunny History
The Easter bunny was introduced to American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s. The arrival of the "Oschter Haws" was considered "childhood's greatest pleasure" next to a visit from Christ-Kindel on Christmas Eve. The children believed that if they were good the "Oschter Haws" would lay a nest of colored eggs.
The children would build their nest in a secluded place in the home, the barn or the garden. Boys would use their caps and girls their bonnets to make the nests . The use of elaborate Easter baskets would come later as the tradition of the Easter bunny spread through out the country.
Sending colorful and bright cards is an old practice.
The Easter cards usually have images of Easter eggs, chocolates, jellybeans, bunnies, baskets, and other striking Easter symbols.
Sending Easter cards has now become an easier task in this era of technological advancement and electronic devices. Those who don't want to step inside the gift galleries or are running short on their time can send wishes to their immediate friends and relatives in a click.
Here is a list of Easter e-cards wishes:
Joy is what defines Easter best, smiles galore and full of zest. Happy Easter!
Bring a bounty of joy to you and your near ones. Wishing you a fun-filled Easter.
Sending you a basket full of good wishes. May joy. Celebration and good luck come your way this Easter. Happy Easter!
As Easter lilies blossom everywhere and a divine essence permeates the air, wishing you and you loved ones a very Happy Easter.
May these bright and colorful eggs fill your days with fun. Sending you hearty greetings on this Easter.
Easter eggs
Hot cross buns
Easter Around the World
Today on Easter Sunday, children wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them baskets of candy. He has also hidden the eggs that they decorated earlier tat week. Children hunt for the eggs all around the house.