2 minutes of Power Posing to Lully
Power Posing: How to prepare body and mind for public presentations
Glass people in a glass house: dance-drama
Imagine a world where people were not made of flesh and blood but for instance of glass. This would affect the language and communication in that society. For instance, your thoughts would be visible to everybody, thus, the hatter would be the most important profession.
And if you were made of smoke/ stone/ fire...
How would your society operate?
What would your language be like?
Who would be your best friend/ worst enemy?
Which product would be a necessity in this society?
The joy of moving in big space
Poem by Perec: Species of Spaces
Tiloja/ Avaruuksia
Pair work: using touch for discovering Campus
- Warm-up exercises: Kinesthetic Awareness, Psychological Gesture
- http://www.michaelchekhov.net/gesture.html
- Portraits: Embodying a character through story telling
- Campus as playground: discovering Campus by touch
- Coffee break
- Species of Spaces/ Tiloja Avaruuksia - the joy of moving in big spaces
- Glass People in a Glass House: dance -drama exercise - tricking students into speaking
- Power Posing: preparing body and mind for public presentations
- Relaxation
Kinesteettinen kielisuihku
Pia Kiviaho-Kallio, MPh, Dance Teacher
Blog: http://blogit.haaga-helia.fi/dancingenglishteacher/