What types of shots are used? Is the camera static/hand held?
Does any type of shot dominate or is there a variety?
Is the editing fast or slow?
Close up shots, extreme zooms, long duration shots, two shots and master shots.
Close up shots and extreme close up shots dominate to catch the intimate relationship between the penguins.
The editing is very slow, this emphasizes the romantic and passionate scene of the penguins mating.
Close shots of the victims faces as they are interviewed showing their emotions. Long shots and high shots are used to film where the disaster happened. High shots are used looking down on London.
Close up shots of the victims faces dominate out of the other shots, this is because in this documentary it's more effects because the way people talk, such as pausing when they speak or eyes water- it's filmed closely to connect the audience emotionally.
The editing has a variation of fast and slow, slower when people are telling their sad stories and faster when the disaster of the bombings is being told and being filmed. This variation makes parts of the documentary dramatic and others emotional.
Close up shots are used to film injuries closely and objects in the hospital such as phones when they ring. Two shots are also used to film a patient and nurse/doctor having a conversation. An establishing shot is used to film the hospital where the documentary is set and emergency's happen.
Close up shots mostly dominate in this documentary as patients reactions to pain or shockis filmed closely. With close up shots the audience also has more of a connection as you are able to sympathize with them and you read their emotions more.
The editing is mostly fast because emergency's happen many times throughout the documentary. Slow editing is used at times when patients are happy or sad almost the catch the moment.