E-learning large scale facility users of tomorrow
Test case 1
The Virtual Classroom
E-learning meeting Thurday 06/12 at 14-16
Nano- & Science Centres
Niels Bohr Institute
University of Copenhagen
- Linda Udby (UCPH): Status/progress from UCPH
- Jürgen Neuhaus (TUM): Status/progress from TUM
- Jesper Bruun (UCPH): Web analysis of the WIKI user data
- Johan S.B. Nielsen & Peter Willendrup (DTU): The McStas virtual experiments live-simulator and web-interface
- Jörg Pulz (TUM) could presents some thoughts an challenges in the webdesign and contents.
- Other?
- Blended (online+classroom) research based learning
- Regular University of Copenhagen course:
'Neutron scattering in Theory, Simulation and Experiment',
- ~20 students, 8 weeks + 1 week @ PSI
- Collaboration with Department f. Science Education (J. Bruun)
- Collaboration with Faculty of Life Sciences (L. Arleth, K. Mortensen)
Test case 2
- Text material
- Exercises
- Hints
- Solutions
- Allows for student controlled diffentiated teaching
- Based on notes by K. Lefmann
- Supplementing contributions in specialised fields welcome and expected
- School kids and their teachers
- High school students
- bSC students
- Grad students
- Industry
- Scientists (in other fields)
- ...
- Online encyclopedia
- Searchable
- Never outdated
- Contributions from experts
- Homogeneous
- but need for moderation of e.g. notation
- Blended research based education
- Summerschool across Universities in the Øresund region
'Applications of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering in Biology, Chemistry and Physics'
- 3 weeks 5 ECTS (7.5 with report)
- 24 students, 3 weeks incl. 3 days experiments @ MAXLAB (SE)
- 5 ECTS (7.5 with report)
- Collaboration between KU (SUND& SCIENCE), RUC, DTU, Lunds Univ.
Simulation projects
E-learning didactics
- Simple illustrations of a basic principle
- Usually non-interactive
- Visualisation of physics and math
- Faster understanding
- Monte-Carlo neutron raytracing (McStas)
- Illustration of complex user-defined problems
- Interactive
- Familiarises the student with particular instruments
- Virtual experiments
Virtual Neutrons for Teaching
Idea: Could we do them as student's projects in computer science?
(but all the tools are available for xrays too :)
Virtual experiments
- WIKI book
- Moodle Lessons
- Material from neutron schools
- (optional) Video lessons/pencasts)
- Quizzes
- Virtual experiments
- Exercises with hints and solutions
- Applets/simulations
NMI3 E-learning project (4 years)
- University students (bSc - PhD)
- Their teachers/supervisors
- Scientist from other fields
Internet distributed material
- E-learning offers unique possibilities to MEASURE how students learn
- Web Analytics to collect user behaviour information
- Statistical analysis - didactical interpretation
- Feedback forms
- Discussion pages
- Template instrument suite representing all major neutron techniques
- Essential parameters like bandwidth and collimation can be changed by the student
- Internet as an open database supplement to teaching
- Material is selected by student i.e. not directed by teacher
- Typically information in uploaded documents ( eg PDF's from neutron schools ) printed out and used in class-room
- Discussion fora
- Feedback forms
- Feedback in quizzes
- Student WIKIs
- Questions
- Answers
- Adapted Feedback
- Grading/certification possible (but not current scope of VNT)
- Could also be based on live-simulations
- Invited scientists collaboration with didactics expert
- Template sample suite
- Look at data from different samples at same instrument setting
- Data treatment like real experiment, e.g. powder refinement by FullProf
- Instr+sample = Virtual experiments
Lecture Notes (WIKI book)
Jurgen Neuhaus
Project leader
Julette Savin
Informations manager
... small
- Webpage is the starting point of teaching (the virtual class-room)
- Use structure and possibilities of internet (animations, videos etc)
- Material is selected by teacher
- Student works interactively with material
And applets ...
neutrons4science (from CLab@ILL)
Games (not just) for kids?
TAS examples
- Identification of user characteristics from web behaviour
- Segmentation of user types from parameters
- On-entry assesment or quick questionnaire of parameters
- "what is your education level?"
- "have you performed a scattering experiment before?"
- "how much time do you intend to spend on learning about scattering?"
- Targeted material for the specific user
Oliver Kreischer
Web Layout
Virtual experiments
- Virtual experiments
- For a given scientific problem which instrument(s) would you choose?
- Resolution, range, time
- Background from e.g.SE
Finite size peak broadening
L. Udby
Please contribute :)
Pia Jensen
Moderator, content manager
- MC raytracing simulations
- Design and Optimization of instrument
- Overview and details of instrument components
- Training of users
- Planning of experiments
- Seperation of scattering contributions
(background from Sample Env., Incoh. scatt. etc)
(resolution, peak broadening, spurions, multiple scattering)
Linda Udby
Virtual experiments quizzes, solutions
Peter Willendrup
Online simulationns
Johan S. Brinch Nielsen
Online simulation interface
Jesper Bruun
Physics Didactics
Note: Learning goals in targeted material (put it somewhere ....)
Learning goals in virtual experiments, specific instruments