PCCA Accu-Pen Tutorial
Created by Taryn Shelley, PY4
How to use the device
- Remove the End Cap.
- Turn the Push-Button End Cap counter-clockwise to unlock the pen.
- Push down on the Push-Button End Cap as you would push an ink pen.
- A metered volume of the cream will be pumped out of the tip.
- When finished, turn the cap clockwise to lock it and place the End Cap back on the pen.
Step 2: Inserting the airless plug
Helpful Calculations
From the Formulation Record:
- Density of the ointment: 0.8 g/mL.
- 10% w/w cream: 10 mg of progesterone contained in 0.1 g of ointment.
- Accu-Pen dispenses 0.25 mL with 2 actuations.
- Make sure the orange diaphragm airless cap is concave side down.
- Insert the cap with the large circle side facing up.
- Push down on the cap with a glass stir rod until it comes in contact with the cream.
Step 3: Inserting the push-button end cap
How to fill and use an Accu-Pen
- There are lines on the push-button end and the pen itself that will line up.
- Push the end cap down where the lines match up and make sure the cap "clicks" on.
- You should hear an audible "click" noise.
- Twist the cap back and forth to ensure it becomes locked and unlocked.
Helpful Tips
This week in lab we will be compounding a cream and putting it in an Accu-Pen for accurate dispensing of the topical product.
The Accu-Pen is designed to be an airless metered dose pump, with a unique design for convenient patient transport and simple pharmacist filling.
- It is recommended to fill the pen with 16 mL of cream to yield about 15 mL of product, due to the residual amount that remains in the pen.
- The most common priming requirement found in testing was 3 pumps.
- Turning the end cap clockwise will lock the device.
Supplies Needed
Now it's your Turn!
- Progesterone
- Glycerin
- Emollient Cream
- Electronic prescription balance
- Spatulas
- Glass Slab
- Plastic Bag
- Scissors
- Accu-Pen
All the Pieces of the Pen
Step 1: Inserting the topical cream
- Cut off a small corner from the bottom of the bag.
- Squeeze the cream from the bag into the Accu-Pen.
- Transfer about 5 mL of the cream at a time to eliminate air bubbles from forming.
- Gently tap the pen on the counter after each addition to pack the cream at the bottom.
- Note: tapping is Dr. Shrewsbury approved.
- Continue adding small amounts of cream and tap on the counter until the pen is full.