Talent policy in Estonia - from pieces to bigger picture?
Laura Kirss
Talent policy situation in international perspective
Internationalization of higher education needs support from other sectors
- New Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) by INSEAD (2013)
- GTCI: an assessment of what countries do to produce and acquire talents (input) and the kind of skills that are available to them (output)
- Estonia ranks 23 of 103
- Overall context (enablers) rated high (rank 25), except labour market flexibility
- Talent attraction low (rank 52), low scores in FDI inflow, qualified labour inflow, tolerance of minorities and immigrants
- Local talent growth rated comparatively high (rank 35), low scores in international student inflow and university rankings
- Local talent retention context rated very high (rank 8)
- Labour and vocational skill level rated high (rank 24)
- Global knowledge, i.e outcome rated very high (rank 9)
- Strategy of internationalization of higher education successful in attracting foreign students
- share of foreign students has increased considerably
- however, other state policies not always supportive of attraction activities
- Attraction needs to be backed up by development and retention activities
- internship and employment opportunities need support from businesses
- Need for more active labour market service provision for foreign HE graduates
Diaspora policy - from niche policy to wider impact?
Talent - who or what?
- Currently, diaspora policy focused on language and culture
- Return of foreign living Estonians declared in strategy but not supported with actual measures (except minor relocation support)
- No real connection to addressing shortage of qualified labour
- Unused knowledge potential in the diaspora
- Need to better map diaspora, its characteristics and interests (voluntary basis)
- Followed up by better communication and clear messages about Estonia's interest in them, promotion of opportunities
- Development of short-term diaspora cooperation initiatives
- Disambiguation and public polemic over the term "talent" brought by the "Talents come home!" project
- Traditionally, in Estonian "talent" refers to exceptional capability or giftedness; used also in the context of developing learning environment for gifted students
- Here "talent policy" referring to policy measures aiming to resolve labour shortage problems relating to highly qualified employees
- focus on foreign talents
The Way out
Study on talent policy
Approach to talent policy in Estonia
Reactive policy regarding foreign labour insufficient to bring major change
- Talent policy in Estonia analyzed as one case study
- Part of larger One Baltic Sea Region project targeting the visibility and attractiveness of the region
- Case study elements:
- Desk research on policy and other documents
- Interviews (25) to map current policy situation, identify challenges and recommend future action
- Preliminary results
Talent policy - moving to a bigger picture?
Talent policy problem?
- Current measures (Aliens Act, R&D employee grant, investment promotion) are not sufficient to significantly increase supply of foreign labour
- restrictive migration policy (incl. 6 month stay requirement)
- Local life and work environment inconducive for talent retention
- Missing: active approach to attract foreign labour (Work in EE concept, attractive value and migration packages, strategically approaching potential markets)
- Need to concentrate labour market information and personal support services for foreigners into one service provider (e.g Work in Denmark), development of support services
- Step-by-step approach by government to address deficiency of high qualified labour supply
- relieving regulatory climate (revision of Aliens Act)
- improving provision of public services (international school, R&D emplyee support grant, plans to develop welcome program for foreigners)
- improving labour forecasting system
- Talent policy recognized as an important policy goal, however no real strategic approach
- no clear agreement on specific goals and distribution of responsibilities >> incoherence of objectives, fragmentation, overlap
- lack of policy ownership and coordination
- questionable policy impact
- Low political importance compared to other issues (talent policy does not win votes!)
- Policy problem too urgent to afford incremental approach >> clear strategic leadership needed to assert major impact
- who becomes talent policy "guardian"?
- some kind of fixed vision need to secure policy coherence and continuity
- Labour forecasting system being updated, needs to be followed up by strategy
- Making Estonian's advantages and opportunities work for its benefit (no time to wait for golden times)
- Facilitation of employer openness (knowledge sharing and support)
- Work in Estonia concept and service development
- Imminence of the problem clearly evident: local labour market unable to meet the need for qualified labour >> foreign supply of labour needed
- population shrinkage and aging (old age dependency rations doubling)
- local labour marker slow to react
- employer organizations voicing serious concerns over availability of high skilled professionals
- decrease of unemployment
- However, is the problem clear enough to act upon? Which talents are actually need and where?
- Unclear, as the labour forecasting system does not provide sufficient input and information, no linkage to population development goals (cf Singapore)
- Mixed signals from employers (related to structure of businesses) to what extent are foreign labour actually needed and potentially used
March 7, 2014