Shaping Eastern Europe
Chapter 9, Section 3
- Eastern Europes geographical location eased migration
- Culturally diverse
- Many languages and cultures
- Close regions wanted control
- Serb leaders recognized Byzantine rule
- Accepted Orthodox Christianity
- 1100's had their own state
- 1300's under Stefan Dusan reached height
- Encouraged Byzantine culture
- Modeled law code on Justinian
- Attacked Byzantine
- Took Albania, Macedonia, and other lands
- Succesors lacked political gifts
- Couldn't withstand Ottoman Turks
- 1389 Battle of Kosovo
- Serbs fought till the death
Jewish Expulsions
Three Early Kingdoms Develop
Duke Wladyslaw Jagiello
- Jews varied in Medieval times
- Limited the types of jobs, curfews or mandatory markings on clothes
- Christian Western Europeans increased restrictions on Jews
- 1300's: Cities blamed Jews for the Black Death
- 1400's: Jews expelled from England & France
- 1500's: Spain & Portugal followed
- Many jews settled in tolerant Muslims regions
- Roman Catholicism brought to West Slavs of Poland 900
- Marriage of Queen Jadwiga to Duke Wladyslaw Jagiello 1386
- Ushers Poland's Greatest Age
- Poland-Lithuania stretched from Baltic to Black Sea
Queen Jadwiga
- Middle Ages Slavs spread
- From central heartland in Russia
- Settled in Eastern Europe & Balkans
- West Slavs
- Settled present day Poland, Czech & Slovak republics
- South Slavs
- Balkans ancestors of Serbs, Croats, & Slovenes
- Asians, Vikings & other germanic peoples added to the mix
Geography Shapes Eastern Europe cont.
- Lies on European Plain and links to Southern Russia
- Main Rivers flow into Baltic and Black Seas
- Danbu (Black Sea)
- Vistula (Baltic Sea)
- The Balkans impacted by Byzantine and Ottoman empires
- Northern regions impacted by Western Europe
- Eastern regions impacted strongly by Russia
- Maygars settled in Hungary
- Controlled present-day Slovakia, Croatia, and parts of Romania
- King John (England) & Hungarian King signed Charter (Golden Bull of 1222)
- Limited royal power
- Mongols overran Hungary in 1241
- Killed half of the poplution
- No lasting impact as Russia
- Hungarian Independence ended in 1526
- Ottoman Turks
Geography Shapes Eastern Europe
- Between German-speaking Central Europe and Slavic nation Russia
- From Baltic Sea to the Balkan Peninsula (Balkans)
Migrations Contribute To Diversity
Serbs Est. Balkan Kingdom
Poland Enjoys Greatness cont.
- Monarch to Nobles
- Met in diet or assembly
- To vote on a single Noble
- Poland-Lithuania declined
- 1683 Polish King Jansobieski broke Ottoman seige of Vienna
- Soon taken over by neighbors