with some girls......
Male Adults
So we expect most of our viewers to be teenage boys or middle aged men with an interest in action and storyline. They will also aspire to be like the main character, who is male, quite young and capable of violence. Plues we would expect a range of niche audience members who go to see films to admire the clever use of cinematography and editing, over budget.
The typical male thriller fans will enjoy this film. They may be slightly geeky and will aspire to be the main character. They will be around 30ish age, they will enjoy the thrills and particularly the action sequences. They will also enjoy the tangling story with twisted plots involving trust and betrayal. They will also enjoy the tension built using cinematogrpahy and editing to create full suspense in some scenes.
Our Audience
Teenage boys
Teenage boys would watch this film if they were fans of films such as 'Taken'. They will enjoy the action sequences most of all, and will probably aspire to be like the main character. They will probably be around 15-18 years old and relatively intelligent, the complex story line should keep them interested. Also many of the teenage boys will aspire to be like the main character, he is relatively young so they can relate to him. We also expect the teenagers to have some interest in the violence of the film and the capability on violence that the main character has.
Niche Audiences
Our film is a low budget British film and therefore would not be expected to make too much money. So we expect to have niche market where viewers would expect the film to be more of an art form. So we expect a variety of students who study media and film to come and see this. They would expect an imaginative use of cinematography and editing to help elevate the story. Our film will contain some action pieces but they won't be huge, for example cars exploding etc. But we would of used great cinematography and editing to emphasise whats going on, and a niche audience would enjoy this.
We expect their to be some female audience members but male viewers will probably find the film more appealing. However because one of our main characters is a teenage girl, some female viewers may be interested in this film. We expect the majority of the female viewers will go to see this film with their boyfriends.