Pavenham Neighbourhood Plan
Spring 2015
Autumn 2015
Raising awareness
Working Parties
- Community champions
- Leaflet delivered to all villagers
- NP website and Facebook page
- Presentations to WI and others
- Call for sites - generated a lot of concern
- Groups set up for each of the topics:
- housing, infrastructure, getting around, community facilities, working in Pavenham, heritage & environment
- Review concerns that emerged in launch event
- Develop set of questions for the NP survey
What next?
- Develop strategy & vision
- Design format for plan
- Develop draft plan and agree with parish council
- Feedback event to present draft to village and invite comments
- Finalise plan and submit to Bedford Borough Council
- Village referendum
- NP adopted
June 2015
November 2015
March 2015
NP Survey
Launch event
NP steering group set up
- 2-day event in village hall
- Villager comments on topics (coloured dots to indicate agreement or disagreement)
- Giant map for villagers to mark home, favourite place and area of concern
- Questions developed by working groups and refined by steering group
- Online (Survey Monkey) and on paper
- Delivered and collected by community champions
- 68% response rate (395 out of 575)
- A subgroup of the parish council
- 12 members including 4 parish councillors
- Project manager and finance officer
- Meeting once a month